"well this is a fine piece of music I'm sure of it, After all you wrote it didn't you",
The old man turned in his chair and gave the producer/ agent an Icy stair and said "When you listen to my music .. I want you to feel"
"Feel What?" said young man.
" I Want You To Hurt , I want to crush your very being I want you to feel the love and the loss I felt when I was in your shoes When I walked the mile you now walk So many thing I wish i could have done so many things I wish I hadn't . I want you to listen with all your heart you mind your very soul I want you to let each vibrato of the cello Shatter your heart Each violin passage Tear your soul to shreds and leave you as Empty as i feel now"
This isn't just a song boy this is my Bloody life!!!
Don't just shake your fool head and dismiss me like I'm some old man lost in his fool head
Pay attention to what I am saying One day You will wish you had
My days are few and far between
That's Right Jerrod I'm dying And I'm thankful for it
I'm 85 years old and tired
That which you hold in your hands .. well that's whats left of 85 years each note is a step , a step I took during this life
Each phrase and Harmonic counter balance is an Emotion
IT will Suck you in like a vacuum and at the same time it will release you nay Reduce you to a sobbing mess
Each Movement A Reflection of an Emotion
The joy the wonder of life the heart break it brings the first cry on the day of my daughters birth
the last tear drop of the day I laid my wife to rest
After me Jerrod there may be another there may be not
Listen Jerrod those notes are all round you son
Open your Bloody ears and Listen
Open your heart and feel
Open your mind and live
Go now Jerrod I feel tired and need my rest
06:15 Jul 19 2014
That's Nice!! :) :)