Darkward's Journal

Darkward's Journal


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5 entries this month

Colorado Springs an adventure in schooling day 5

19:41 Oct 15 2018
Times Read: 297

Woke up had school that night. My first day so I checked my GED scores and found I passed. I was ecstatic it meant I could go to school. I had the scores sent to one of the directors and my nephew ran me to my physical I had to pay out of pocket but I did not care. I paid out of pocket for my GED to my school is covered by grants so no big deal on that and that was the biggest amount so far this is cost me I passed the physical another hurdle down so after the physical add a list of little things I needed clipboard pens notebook things I would need for class we got to my nephew's I smoked a celebratory Bowl. When is wife got home she was on the phone with her dad. I forgot to mention she's black and me and my nephew are white and Prejudice is found in all Races not just white people that's a myth. I got on the phone with them and jumped his shit. I hate people trying to judge me without knowing me regardless of anything. And you could tell by the change in his voice that he became extremely angry when I refer to his daughter as my niece. I became angry when you referred to her as dumb and slow I don't care what kind of father and daughter dynamic they have but I'll be damned if I'm going to let anybody degrade someone who doesn't deserve it. They're buying a house my nephew and his wife so I asked him I said are you a homeowner and he said no and I said so slow that makes you in reverse because she is a hell of a lot smarter than you considering you don't know home and they're buying one so before you call her slow you need to take a look at yourself. My nephew's wife started laughing. My nephew took me to school and it was a blast I learned a lot my first day in fact having trained in the past I wasn't left not knowing certain aspects of the class which made it even more fun after class I walked for 6 hours trying to find my nephew's house I had been walking anywhere so as pretty dumbfounded as to where it was even map questing it on my phone made it almost impossible to find but I did and I went to sleep Frozen and shivering.




Colorado Springs an adventure in schooling day 4

19:29 Oct 15 2018
Times Read: 299

Well I got up early took a shower got changed my nephew drove me to Office Depot to pick up a TI-30xs multiview scientific calculator. The only one GED testing allows you to take into the testing area. I got in there and prayed and hoped that I would pass I spent the prior month all the month studying math. I hate math it's the subject I did the worst in I did the test afterwards I went out and waited for my nephew. I told him 8 hours because they had me scheduled for 448 minutes. In all reality I only spent 3 hours testing so here I am waiting for my nephew for the next 5 hours is pretty warm out not overly hot but still pretty warm. Well people ask me if I had business there and when I explained they were fine and went back to what they were doing about 5 a gentleman pulled up and asked me if I needed a ride which I thought was really nice considering I didn't know him he didn't know me eventually we located my nephew's house and I thanked him and went inside. My nephews wife suffers from a form of spousal abuse from her father who is not all there and convinced her that I poisoned the tacos that I bought her the night before and she threw them away. no the fact that her throw away doesn't bother me when people have problems mentally I give them more understanding than I would for somebody doing something out of spite or doing it maliciously so I told her that's fine it's more food for me. and then took my nephew and me shopping for pizzas. Which incidentally are one of her favorite foods are at the top of her favorite foods in she finally gave in and realize that her father was getting her bad advice and that I wasn't there to poison her. We ended the night with Rob Zombie's 31




Colorado Springs an adventure in schooling day 3

19:08 Oct 15 2018
Times Read: 305

Finally a day to relax. Me and my nephew spent the day watching anime and shooting the s*** since we hadn't seen each other for a very long time it was nice to spend time with family after so long the way for the most of the day just went and ate fast food. When his wife got home I offered to get us Taco Bell and she was happy at that so you went and got everybody dinner and we talked into the long into the night




Colorado Springs an adventure in schooling day 2

19:04 Oct 15 2018
Times Read: 306

Took the bus in the Colorado Springs. Beautiful countryside and comfortable bus ride got to the Greyhound station downtown Colorado Springs and was enjoying by my nephew. I went his house. By this time I was running on very little sleep but I managed to stay awake. I had the tour and interview set up with the owner of the schools which went very well after the interview went to my nephew's and made arrangements to get my GED for the day after next.




Colorado Springs an adventure in schooling

19:00 Oct 15 2018
Times Read: 307

Flying to Colorado Springs was uneventful but cramped in this tiny tiny airplane at least I got the window seat even though it was dark I got to see the lights on the ground landed uneventful and finding my suitcase and backpack was pretty easy got on the train to Colorado Springs but found out there is no train to Colorado Springs so I had to take the city bus into downtown Denver and wait I Greyhound overnight sleeping at a bus station is not fun



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