Rampant emotion.23:17 Jul 31 2014
Times Read: 331
The days are nearing,
the fear is peering.
Anxiety has come,
a feeling reserved for only some.
Love is gleaming
above that which is envenoming.
I wait,
Patiently sedate.
A few more days,
afraid of the ways.
It is not a fear of despair,
but a joyous emotion in the air.
Love eternal,
life nocturnal.
I wait,
May my patience sedate.
The darkness within
17:06 Jul 10 2014
Times Read: 358
I broke her open and saw what was inside,
pleased with the darkness I kept pealing back the flesh.
Such was beauty in it's purest.
How could I deny such in this world of light?
Inch by inch she befell a new tone,
releasing that in this world needed.
Attaching strings I simply moved her,
made her dance the somber steps.
Oh! How she was bewitched,
Oh! And how her muscles twitched.
Like the darkness that engulfs the sky.
How her smell became a whole new high,
such darkness, such addiction.
Drawn forth from this benidiction.
She danced,
she screamed.
She whimpered,
and she begged.
She became mine,
and how could such be denied?
The collar slid,
the clasp locked.
I pierced her mind,
only to discover more of that tasteful darkness.
Oh what a treasure I have found.
Her thoughts were a toxic draw,
an uncanny spell of beauty.
The addiction grew stronger.
I needed more!
I ripped open her heart,
it oozed with a black liqueur.
It pumped the body with the filth,
casting it's form to sin.
It wasn't enough,
I demanded more.
What she gave was beyond mortal words.
She gave me her soul.
Alas! Pure perfection,
Darker then black,
filled with sin.
I had to taste it,
Over and over again.
My tongue lapped,
my teeth ripped.
I devoured it all,
I had caused an angel to fall.
Such was the delight,
her fear of my sheer might.
The power of my inner sight.
She now sits at my feet.
Unwilling to give into retreat.
At my side,
she sits at the right.
My queen of the night.
My dark creature,
my own creation.
For she is...
My very darkness.