Level 83 right now. Although soon to be lvl 84. I am 95% into the level.
I have to say, the questing is rigorous and painful....But, the reward of the cut scenes and the interactive play style is pretty ZING! ---> L33T!!! ^^
I did all the quests in Hyjal and Vashj'ir. Vashj'ir's cut scene for the Battle of Abyssal Depths and the Neptulon quests is by far, the BEST One. Hyjal was good, but not that great compared to Vashj'ir's one.
Got my epic mount for lvl 225. Still need another 4k gold for my 300lvl mount flying at 310% speed (on my pally, my priest has the one from ICC already W00t!)
So now, Im questing in Deepholm--> Maelstrom. Interesting is all I have to say.
Alright, on to leveling to 84 then 85 which is 9mil XP (FML!)
First, it was a little overwhelming, I hated it so much. Even after me playing beta, when the game goes live, its way different.
The changes have been crazy.
Lets see. I dont like the fact that the portals are gone, except Vajir and Hyjal on a little island on the side of the main cities. I hate the nerfs to the classes, especially priest. But this is something we have to adapt as players. Its what makes the game challenging and fun.
Im getting the hang of it. The queting is definitely more fun and interactive.
The lag is a little annoying, but its because EVERYONE is on now playing Cataclysm. That, and my server is pretty high pop, oh and also because there are a lot of new players.
So far, Im only interested in playing my Priest (shadow spec) in Korgath (pvp) and my Paladin (Ret spec) in Eonar (pve). Ive also begun a 2 worgens and a goblin to play with friends, and the new quests are AMAZING. The story lines are very catching and well, its super easy to level...but that is never a bad thing.
overall, I give it a 4 in scale from 1-5. There is a lot there still needs to be done.
More to come as I lvel to 85.
:D I can't wait to race change my DK to a worgen because it seems it'll have the best DPS, waiting till next pay period for that because we have other things to do. Right now, Christopher and I are having a good time leveling this new Night Elf Mage- it's a new race/class combo.
I also hate that the portals are gone in Dalaran and Shattrath- I think that's why this Mage has been so awesome, I don't have to worry about it. And when I am playing together with my family, I can get us to where ever we want to go.
Im going to cry. My friend from Australia, J, got me Cataclysm and a subscription for the game for two months as a present fro X-Mas.
I love him ♥
That's *totally* awesome :D
What a nice thing to do, especially now.
wont be able to get WoW:Cataclysm any time soon.
i dont have the $ to buy the game and activate the subscription.
so that will have to wait.
Hey Guys,
Quick Note.
World of Warcraft; Cataclysm. Comes out tomorrow, Dec 7th 2010.
I am guessing that your whole next month outside of study will be the new WoW? ;) Have fun.
21:29 Dec 23 2010
Ok, that was just Greek...