Oh, how the days went by- and I watched you'd cry- over and over again. By just another jerk I couldn't ever understand lives perks- it always throws me the way of the broken down beaten throeing, but hey... that's the way it had to be, just alone and 19, Then I meet her face to face- Heart fell to the ground, I swear I could hear the sound- We fell right there in Love as she slolwly Stroked my hair~oh how Sad evidence that I reflect back to those days.. of when I felt something- or when I couldn't because these pills.. the doctors give..
they are needed this is true- but trust me, it kills the inside of you, not to be so fast, this journey's time hasn't past. I let her go, as I set back, and tilt my seat back- not realizing what I lost was my very heart now is filled with darkness-from which I breathe- that's why this life goes by as it does- hate or not I don't care- I know life's unfair I finally realized- that looking around- and seeing how we live, that there is no, happy ending, no true falling in love it's only a story told to keep us whole as one.