DarkestDesires's Journal

DarkestDesires's Journal


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Chapter VIII - Semesteray's Tale

05:54 Jun 24 2006
Times Read: 703


Please welcome ChromeFangs.... he will be adding his talents writing as Semesterary

As I phased through the membrane of the veil with ease as I have done countless times through the centuries. I felt a near childish anticipation of seeing Anankah once again, or Syren as she is known in this reincarnation. Standing before their window hidden by a curtain of weaved energies, I search for telltale signs of potential danger. Their flesh radiating in cool hues, their demons dormant in swirls of decaying corpse shades, inert matter having grey tones. No sign of wards, glyphs or runes. This modern world lacks the vivaciousness of ages long gone. I heard their first summons; they bid me to appear on the second, the third was with more fervor. Thrice said once done. There before me they stood with clasped hands, concentrating on their wills does bring me forth. Their minds I have known, spirits chosen for their prowess, from the time of my discovery of them ages ago. Their turning, as I recall, could not have been better planned by their Sire.

“Greetings my dears,” I said as I made my way to stand before them. "You finally pulled together to summon me. Now, my dears, I will tell you what you want to know about whom and what I am.” taking in their wary stares.

Smoothing out my robe to cast subtle blinds on their hidden spies, plucking at luminescent strings that only my and my brethren can see, and sub vocally commanding wards to form a barrier of warning should we be scribed upon. Each calculated movement hiding my casting of protection and warning. As they sat down one by one I searched for signs of awareness of their sleeping imps. Syren, how I wished to let her see all that has passed, truths only known to us, and my unbridled longing for her. Her aura as clear as it was the day I found her again in Venice in the late 1400's after seeing her at a ball with her then husband, a wealthy lord. He was enthralled with her poise and beauty and her bloodline. Greed of the age matched only to the lust of power through family lines. This I had felt and suspected what drew her Sire to her. For centuries I have followed his trail to discover what he had planned for this realm. When he took her, while I quelled a breech of invaders, with the others, at a near by church. I was crushed and blinded for years, mourning her. She grabbed a plum velvet pillow as she sat down, curled her pale legs, and held it in her lap as if it would shield my eyes from her. Sundown seated herself with poised patience, her eyes ever watchful. Raven perched herself furthest from me with predatory tenseness. Setting my own mask, with a final scan for signs that would interrupt our meeting, I began.

“Your plight has been known to me for some time.“

“Men and non-men do as they have done through the generations. I and my Brethren are apart of the unseen worlds in defense of this one. We of the Shadow Guardians know of the pact made by your Sire and ‘Asmodeius’. The demons you carry with you, serve them, and are their waiting control of your undead bodies when you lose control. Your Sire got our attention over 1,000 years ago by his finding of sacred tablets known to us and attempting then to master the spells. Fortunately, we were able to reclaim the tablets; however, he was able to learn of our existence because of this. We and our minions throughout the centuries have seen this. Since the recent escape by the three of you from him, he has attempted to embrace many others, and has been thwarted in his attempts by us. However, he has not been able to get through our defenses and your whereabouts are still protected from him. Unfortunately, it is only a matter of time before he finds you three.”

“My time is short here; dwell upon the words I have spoken. Let me elaborate as to whom we are with a short tale.” As he spoke, his words cascaded imagery of time long ago.

Obsidian lumps of rock float in the Abyssal grey hues. Battle continues between indescribable creatures and priests of Earth. Bounding beings dart to and fro in acrobatic pursuit. Blue robes clad dark skin, floating top not swat with each swing of his blade staff. “Shrika!” commands bolts of blue white fire at his emissary.

Brethren pressed equally hard. Splattering his opponent across the length of a near by rock. Body poised for the next barrage, Silver adornment segmenting to from a helm of Desert Hawk motif armor over his head.

“Regroup, to me … To me.” beckoned their leader in a mask of Ra.

Willing themselves to float next to the Golden Eagle helmed man. Assyrian winged nobleman was the first to reach their leader. Baring a gold short bow and jewel encrusted Sheppard’s staff. To the right of sun hero stood the Ram’s head of Uruk wielding twin flails a glow of yellow fire. Next to the Ram poised with a great axe; the Bull of Greece. Toting Lyre and scepter of Babylonian barer of wisdom, with curled beard and high for head, took his place to the left of the Bull. Right of the winged noble appeared Lion of the Desert with his claw clubs of Sumer. Next to the Lion poised ready with staff and golden hawk helmed.

The abyssal grey grew black as the masses swarmed towards them. “Now by the light of Ra, cast these creatures back to the damnation they came from. All eight staves glowed with golden light that beamed into the masses. Like parting clouds the creatures dispersed and crawled through the membrane between plains. Heaving chests, exhausted from the battle, searching for the last wave.

“Master, there should be more, dare we risk staying for a bit longer?” Cat’s head volunteered.

“We have done great damage to their siege on the world. We have bought our realm some time that is enough for now. This fight has been going on for far too long and we need rest to prepare for the next conjunction. No, we will return to the shrine and pray for thanks for out victory this time. Remember and record what you have learned here this day.” All nodded in agreement. Armor retracting as the eight melding into the space before them as they would have walked through a water fall. Fresh and dry air greeted them as familiar sights of an oasis next to toothy mountain range, known to them as home for passing seasons. Silently they walked to the shrine as stars shown above the. Heaven’s smiled upon them in applauds for their valiant deed.

As the blinds on the demons, unravel its last quarter. I conclude with, ”For now, you have much to learn, each with your special abilities and talents you will be able face those who serve your Sire. When the time is right, We of the Shadow Guardians will meet the invaders that have allied themselves with your Sire on this plane with you. Again, time grows short. There is much to be done.” Looking to each vampire in turn I salute by bowing my head. Briefly her eyes bring images of long ago. I recall the day clearly, as my mind summons the tale.

Day breaks, gold eyes watch a female form through the veil of astral. She is a rare jewel with long hair, Emerald eyes, and tan skin, a truly sight to behold. Her name “Anankah” spoken, but unheard from his ghostly plain as longing tears floated from golden orbs. The fabric of refused to yield to his will as he tried to reach for her. Anguish, longing, memories of their tender moments of young marriage during their youth filled him. Heart chose to take action but he was stopped by his own words given in the oath of immortality. Remembering how he was ripped from the womb of his mortal world. Borne of a noble family, was refused nothing, which was chosen by a band of men with mage borne powers Destin to fight all who would invade their world.

Time passed, she died in the material world of a broken heart. Powerless to prevent her mortal death he vowed to preserve her spirit. Casting the ritual of reincarnation at the moment of her passing, “For many times over will your emerald eyes see this world, for one day we shall be together my heart. You and I shall see together the love we share beyond time itself.”

Decades turn to centuries, hunting for his emerald eyes, and learning the extent of his mage borne powers destined to fight all who would invade their world, with the Shadow Guardians. He learned to master his will to change the very fabric of the worlds. While battling entities that hunger for the power and control of their world he searched for her.

I yearn for the few precious years we shared. Perhaps she had seen the passage of memory in my eyes. With a grand bow I sink into the floor and through the plains. Uttering my last warning, ”Your demons feed upon your weaknesses and wait for the very moment for you to loose control. Be warned for your sire seeks you and his demonic partner is ever watchful as are we.”



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