me and my friend were talking today and somehow we ended up on the subject of joan of arc talking to satan. we were talking about how the conversation would go we thought it went a little something like this...
Satan: so you think finding this sword was an act of god...
Joan: yes
Satan: theres hundreds of possabilities and you just chose that one...
for example it could have been dropped by a person in battle after being slain by his foe...
Joan: maybe...
Satan: or maybe there was a traveler and he just threw it into the field for no reason...
No. you had to choose the holy golden aura with the sword floating down being meant for you to find it at God's will...
Joan: yeah
Satan: you're just stupid...
today was the greatest day of my life....
i was at the corner near my school where everyone smokes and these two kids about 12 or 13 are arguing. Me and my friend know that if there is another fight on the corner the school is going to cancel the smoking breaks...
so we jump in and tell them both to leave and forget about their arguement. well one kid went with what we said and listened from his past experience with us but the other decided to challenge us. he started to insult the fact that i was an eskimo until i told him he was a spik. he got all pissed off and started to yell at me about that he is not and that i have no idea what im talking about. i told him that the only people i know to create an unwanted fight is a spik...
heres the great part...
his brother was in a nearby car and he got out yelling," Who called my brother a spik!" the only words that i could get out of my mouth were," So your one too." He got all pissed off and started to walk towards me until he notice that me and my friends each have knives on us. so he just said some idle threats and left...
it was great....
for a world to live, a man had given his all and more. but it's too late...for this is the day...that a superman died...
-some movie thing off the internet
if you put me on any favorite lists please let me know cause id like to keep in touch with anyone who finds this interesing....
i hate them so much they think that they have all the real power when really its just liquor courage....
but they seem so funny when trying to throw a punch. all stumbling around, slurring their insults into just nonsense. but they always get afraid if you pull out a knife or brass knuckles or something like that. its like they sober up in an instant and realize how screwed they really are...
kinda pathetic in a way...