well i been awake since yesterday taking care of my aunt judy well she's not feeling good..so now i'm sitting here in my room thinking about what to do i just dont know.
i have'nt played any games so i'm thinking about playing alittle bit of minecraft and then maybe going to bed for few hours.
this shit is crazy as hell..i been panicing over this the past few days
I been going through some bad panic attacks over this shit that's going around cant seem to get myself to calm down.
i just want this shit to end so everyone can go on with their lifes it all go back to normal like it use to be before it all went down.
guess i'll be in my apt for awhile playing my play station games and watching movies just to get myself to stay calm at all cost.
holy fuck..my back is fucking killing me right now i think it's from walking to the damn store for my aunt judy like always she keeps telling me that she dont want to drink anymore but she keeps doing it which pisses me the hell off cause she's been doing nothing but lie to me about it.
i'm getting to the point where i will be telling her off and maybe moving to my aunt rose's house cause i just cant take it anymore i just cant live like this anymore cause the damn drinking is driving me fucking crazy.
I have loged on to facebook to check my messages and came across a post from my ex-husband which was not very nice him and i got into it over the damn past.
to be honest i really hate that man with all my damn being i know hate is a very strong word to say but he's the one man i can honestly say that about and never change my mind about it.