I lay myself down to sleep one last time in hopes of my soul finding deliverance. As I lay there I slowly feel my life slipping away, the sting of life pircing through. I allow my mind to take it away for I have no fear. I bid this life farewell for this soul is much to weary. I take the hand of death to walk me home.
In the dark I sit watching life pass by, I close my eyes embracing the darkness and the night. feeling the autumn breeze blow through my hair, I see beauty in darkness, the feared and the unknown. For it is misunderstood and taken advantage of by the foolish. I open my eyes once again from a evening out, sitting on a bench in a park with dim lighting. I return home to go back to my eternal slumber shutting my eyes. I know what lays ahead in front of me, not surprised. As I hope for sweet deliverance to take my soul away.