I wound up going to Urgent Care today for a strep throat test and bloodwork. I am just so very tired....doing things a 20-year old can do (killer work hours, single parenting, but living in a 40-something body is taking it's toll. I just cannot continue to work 6 mornings in a row! Even though the hours are only 8-noon..it is getting up every day, dealing with the kids. It is hard enough to work 3 days from 8-noon and then 2-6:30 p.m. Then be there for Rachel. Then try to make time for myself. What about time to clean the home, laundry, groceries...???? I feel so over-extended!!!! My supervisor KNOWS I've been wanting off Saturdays for the last MONTH!!! Still doesn't have a body to fill the spot!!! A note from Urgent Care should settle this issue.....
I took a sweet friend to the hospital today for major surgery. She is so young, way too young to be so ill. Thank God the surgery went just fine, but she's in much pain in recovery tonight. My heart aches and crys for her. Please pray for her, and this is the beginning of the END of her suffering.
Ohh I love you AM! You are so loving. I miss you guys already. It's too bad I did not get a good chance to hang out with you, and my lil heart of joy Rachel. I still hurt a lot, and have been crying just as much as I did before. Is that bad?
I feel so cheated still.
....like I really need to buy another car with the money I'm getting from my ex! :0( It would be NICE to be able to hold onto something and have some sort of savings....but my life at the moment seems to be bearing down on me hard with whatever could go wrong ALL AT ONCE.
Waiting for support payment, don't get paid from one job until Friday, HE put out the money for the rental car so I can get Rachel to school and work my ass off. Living hand-to-mouth, I have about $65.00 to my name right now. I know THIS will pass too and things will get better...in the meantime I feel like crawling into a dark cave and staying there!!!!!!!!!
Been there! Probably will go there again! Hang in there girl.
04:05 May 31 2008
Feel better!