DarkLight1984's Journal

DarkLight1984's Journal


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8 entries this month

Another hazy night.

09:29 Jul 31 2009
Times Read: 582

Once again I awoke to find a haze about outside my PCB. Is it fog? No, it's sand and dust. Thankfully it's mostly dust. It does give a kind of eerie horror film kind of feel. Kinda like it actually.




Movie review #'s 2,3,&4

08:51 Jul 30 2009
Times Read: 591


This was a good movie in my opinion, though it had it's cheesy moments. For the most part I'd say the acting was prety good. I thought that Dakota Fanning really stepped up and did a great job playing an adult role. As far as the story line goes the writer and editors did a good job writing a script that brought parapsycic elements to a more believeable level then some past movies have. The movie did still have a more fantasy feel to it, but wasn't so far fetched. It would not be a large stretch of the imagination to believe that some of these things could be real. I also find it interesting that research was done on the corelation between the U.S. government and psychic research. They even had an ex-Army researcher who worked for the government on psychic research. His studies were both for the Army and the C.I.A. Great job doing some actual home work on a topic commonly thought to be only myth. If you do watch the movie be sure to check out the special features and look for the feature discussing the science behind this.

"The Unborn"

I felt that this movie was just awesome. It brought back that long lost jump factor to horror. You think your numb to horror movies and nothing can get to you anymore, till you watch this movie. This movie also took an interesting twist with the religion and exorcism topic. Something new. I was afriad some of the special effects would be the same as the "Grudge" movies, it wasn't. Seemed prety flawless to me. The way the story line progressed in this movie was great as well. If you like horror films that build a great story line, this is one for you. Some of the themes in this film have been done before, but not quite in this manner. This movie was a refreshing look at the horror genre. I strongly reccomend everybody watch it.


I was a little less impressed with this film. I thought Nicolas Cage's performance was a bit too bland as well as most of the charecter in the movie. It did have that ability though to keep you watching to see what was going to happen next. So it was a bit of an edge of your seat movie. Unfortounately this is one of those movies that need to be a bit rushed in order to get everything in it without creating a long drawn out story that puts you to sleep. I don't personally care too much for story lines that have been rushed into or through action myself, no matter what the reasoning behind it. The end was a bit too cheesy for my tastes as well. Also, this movie did certaintly take a stab at religion's chest. While they clearly tried to soften it and beat around the bush about religion bashing, you can tell it's there without mistake. Not saying it's wrong for a movie to have a theme that is against religion, but it was a lot like an opposite to "Signs" by Mel Gibson. The polar opposite when it comes to religion that is. All together not a bad movie and it is worth a viewing. I reccomend you rent it though and not rush out to buy it.



11:48 Jul 30 2009

I loved Knowing and have watched it at least a dozen times. I haven't quite understood others perceptions. I don't see the religion bashing done any more than any other fantasy movie that has a theme different than what is perceived such as the Da Vinci Code, the Loculus, the Reaping, etc. I just don't get it. I absolutely LOVE this movie and think the acting was superb. I have Push too and it was a run and chase type movie with the paranormal and I thought it was really interesting in its premise and thought Dakota Fanning was really good. I own this one too, lol. The movie I thought was over-rated was Happening although I wouldn't say it was a bad movie or the acting was bad. It just wasn't what I expected from the trailers.

08:34 Jul 31 2009

I respect your opinions on those movies and anyone else who reads this is free to leave thier feed back on them as well if you wish. I will certaintly agree with you on The Happening 100%. Not bad, but not quite what I had expected out of it.


The Strangeness Continues

08:49 Jul 30 2009
Times Read: 592

At first all the strange events seemed directly connected to me. This time it was my squad leader. Today was his day off, so he stayed back at the PCB while we went to work. We always play music in the shop. Today the radio function would not work. Strange, but didn't think anything of it. At least not untill work was over and I returned to the PCB. I found out that my squad leader, who knew nothing yet of the radio malfunctioning, had an unusual dream. He dreamed that he was in the shop working on the radio because it wasn't working. To most of you this would seem as just an ironic coincidence. To me it's too ironic to be merely a coincedence. Especially so when I take into account all the other strange coincedences and events. Just the other day someone told me that I had a curse following me affecting all those around me. I thought this was just a jest, but he could be onto something. Though I'm not sure it's a curse so much. Although a few of the strange things have been negative. Time to build my energy and focus on this one. I have to know for sure.




The Last Soldier

08:42 Jul 30 2009
Times Read: 593

I'm disheartened as of late. It seems that I'm litterally the last soldier in my unit who wishes to work real hard and is motivated. I've talked to several of my fellow soldeirs here about this and they keep telling me I feel this way because I'm right. It's not that I don't understand where they're coming from, I'm just not the same as all of them. This is what I was made for. I can take the worst possible situation and pull right through it no matter what. We are so close to the end now, why can't they just buckle down and muster up the strength to bring back that firey motivation they once had? Why is it so much harder for them than it is for me? I don't try to change them nor do I ever criticise them for it. Yet whenever they see me working hard with all my motivation they stare at me like I'm insane or broken. I've even recieved ridicule for it. Why? It's not like I'm trying to make everyone else look bad, I just can't bring myself to slow down much less stop. I'm just trying to do what I was brought here to do, what I was made to do. I just don't buckle under extreme stress, that's all it is. But I'm feeling the pressure of this just like the others, and now I'm feeling even more as I pick up the slack. I'm alone in this, the last soldier in my unit trying so hard. I won't let this break me down, not now, not ever. I'm a warrior and I never except defeat. I will accomplish the mission given to me in the manner expected by my leaders even though the expectation is unfair and they think I'm crazy. I'm proud to be the last one.




My Stepmom

00:18 Jul 24 2009
Times Read: 608

Well, now my stepmom has taken quite ill. She's in the hospital right now. The doctors aren't sure what's wrong, but she's been unconscious for a while now. Doesn't look good. I'm praying for my gaurdians to give her special attention. I really hope she pulls through this alright.



01:47 Jul 24 2009

I hope everything turns out well baby.


Strange occurances

09:15 Jul 23 2009
Times Read: 619

Recently some strange things have started to happen. I've started having dreams that seem to be precognitions of events in the very near future, like as in the following day. Then today I was in the PCB because I've taken ill. I started chatting with my fiance and she had gotten up from her computer to get dressed. While she was away from it the computer started sending me I.M. buzzes. Then it tried to send me a song file. All of this occured with no one at the computer and it baffled us. I can't remember the title to the song it tried to send me, but I can't shake the feeling that the title and the buzzes were connected as if they meant something together. Like it was trying to give me some kind of message.

Later I had left the PCB to get some lunch. My squad leader had been there the whole time I was gone since it was his day off. When I got back I noticed that two web pages of no significance had opened up. After closing them I noticed that the avatar settings menu was also open in my messanger as well as a screen from the "My Computer" menu. I asked my squad leader if anybody had touched my computer and he said noone had even been in the area. He said he hadn't messed with it at all.

In the late afternoon I left again to go to sick call. I returned and my fiance was sleeping, so I just got on here to see what was new. My fiance woke up because she heard some unusual noises. She started messaging me and then her computer started buzzing me on it's own again. She swears she didn't do it, and I know it wasn't me. It also turns out that she had been hearing strange noises ever since I had left for sick call. Sounds of tapping on glass and doors opening and closing. She checked all her doors and they were all as she left them. Her daughter was still sleeping and the front door was still locked. She also kept checking her windows and noone was outside her windows. The noises stopped occuring though once we started communicating again, just the strange sending of messanger buzzes.

Of course this all comes also just after a very interesting conversation I had with a couple of my fellow soldiers on paranormal activity and research. The movie I listed in my movie review was the start of this conversation.

Now my mind is wandering. Did I possibly open up a channel by publically expressing my interest in the paranormal? Or is this all simply an extremely ironic coincedence? Hard to say for sure, but I don't think any of it is coincedence myself. Too many conciedences for that to be the case I think. If this is the doing of a spirit or spirits I wish I'd get propper contact so I'd know for sure. Guess we'll see what happens next.



11:50 Jul 23 2009

Interesting, it would be a good idea to keep a journal for this kind of thing. It could well be someone in spirit making the most of the opportunity to just say hello...

18:25 Jul 23 2009

Keep your senses sharp. You're out of practice so it may be that something/one IS trying to make proper contact but isn't getting through.

00:13 Jul 24 2009

Sinora, you're quite right. And you too bro. I am quite out of practice. Perhaps that's why I got sick when this all started, it's taking too much energy that I'm not used to using. I'll stay quite sharp.

00:21 Jul 24 2009

it's very common for spirits to tinker around with electronics. the reasons why would be left for the one trying to get the messages across. ;)

00:25 Jul 24 2009

I also hold the common belief that spirits require energy to manifest and/or communicate. Obviously my electronics transmit a great ammount of energy, so it would be perfect for spirits to draw from and use.


A movie review

07:39 Jul 19 2009
Times Read: 625

I just saw "The Haunting in Conneticut" the other day. It was prety good in my opinion and I did truly enjoy it. Some parts were ofcourse a bit unbelievable, but it was good overall. I actually liked the Discovery Channel documentery about it better though.





07:38 Jul 09 2009
Times Read: 641

Well, I've been home for a bit on leave now. Infact I only have about a half a week left of it now. Wish I didn't have to return back to the middle east, but duty calls. Shouldn't be much longer though till my tour is done and I'm home for good. Can't wait.



08:19 Jul 09 2009

Too bad you don't have at least a little longer, it'd be cool to see you before you head back.

22:52 Jul 09 2009

Well keep in touch if you can cuz you'll be missed! :) :huggles:

04:07 Jul 17 2009

I wish you didn't have to leave at all baby.

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