This is how my dream continues.
The old man goes on with his story.
"There once was a King of great power, who ruled over all the lands inhabited by mankind. His seat of power was a once great city... He wanted to expand it, construct monuments to glorify his reign. In order to do so, he commanded that stones were removed from the anciend ruins scattered across the desert and used by his masons to build these monunents. This was considered a sacrilige.
One night, a few months after the monuments were completed, a shadow covered the city and its great monuments. A shadow much darker than the shade of night. Screams were heard echoing through the city. Noone dared approach.
A few days later, riders came to investigate. They entered the city, fully armored. They found noone, until they reached the palace. There they found out that all the citizens were transformed into bloodthirsty, bat-humanoid like creatures. They chased the riders and killed some of them. The rest managed to escape, but the creatures ravaged the surrounding lands, attacking any living creature they met. After a few weeks the attacks ceased, as if the creatures had returned to their slumber.
Since then. nobody dared enter the cursed city again, for fear they might disturb the creatures, and the darkness covering it remains to this day".