DarkFetish's Journal


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15 entries this month



09:18 Apr 27 2006
Times Read: 571

I have a few... I wont name all but enough.

1. foot fetish

2. gothic fetish

3. stocking fetish(especially like fish-nets)

4. small pain fetish

5. bondage fetish

6. domination/submissive fetish

7. lingerie fetish(I really love those boy short things)

8. roleplaying fetish

9. s&m fetish

10. wax fetish

I have a few others but they really arent very nice.. so if you really wanna know I might tell you if you ask.

*evil grin*





05:17 Apr 26 2006
Times Read: 576

hehe...this is dumb.. but I dont care! Im going to write about being high. Im high. as a result to being high I have the munchies..bad..in fact. But thats besides the point. Im not to sure wjat the point is...wow Im rambling on talking about shit that makes no sense.. Ill be surprised if anyone even reads this garbage. Um..I wonder what I think when Im high.. Im high.. I think that.. ans wheres the food? Sometimes Im really high though when alls I can do is sit there and vegitate. Thats always fun. Or when you take a fioracet and then smoke a bong.. yer in for a tater session there... its fun I like it it keeps me calm and colected. I would bae crazy without my gonj... Im kinda starting to get tired now.. looking at the screen is kinda a buzz kill.. Im out.




my veiw on love

01:55 Apr 26 2006
Times Read: 581

love is a bunch of bullshit!! I mean there might be such a thing.. but when I though I had discovered tru love.. I got my heart ripped out and thrown in a fucking blender. I couldnt beleive that she left when she said that I meant soo much to her. Bullshit! If she loved me she wouldnt have left. But she did.. and it showed me that love is nothing but a word. There is no such thing as love. Its all a huge scam so that the government can make millions off of Valentines day and shit like that. So if you ask me.. love is just a term thrown around, and if youre not careful using it... you can do some serious damage with it.




random ramblings

22:44 Apr 25 2006
Times Read: 584

Im not sure what Im really writing about here. Its just probably going to ba a bunch of random ramblings. I friggin hate people who judge you for your appearance. They should be shot. I think that the best people are the ones who love everyone. Like most people I have met here on VR. So far I havent met anyone who thinks their shit dont stink. I have sent messages to a bunch of peoples and I usually always get a response. For those of you who have responded to me.. YOU ROCK!! I really hate the way that the government always finds a way to fuck its country in the ass. I hope they have KY-Jelly on overstock. This one time I thought that this girl was really interested in me but come to find out she was just a skanky cunt! Id like to tie that bitch up and fuck her raw...

I dont understand why everyone thinks that if you have an imaginary friend your crazy. Charlie has been my best buddy since I was 5. Hes the only original friend I have left. My so called "friends" I had before... they are a bunch of fucks and need to be taught not to fuck with people and taught how to keep their fuckin mouths shut! They need to be punished, painfully and morbidly. Id like to go and kill them all but I dont think I should yet. Im going to be a serial killer..it runs in the family. My dad killed 4 peoples, my uncle killed 17. He was a god. His name was Chucky. Not charles or anything like that..just Chucky. My cousin is in prison for killing his wife. She cheated on him so its a good reason. My Grandpa was in a mental ward for 35 years till he passed about 5 years ago. He was there because his imaginary friend Harry told him to kill everyone and burn stuff..sounds like a joke but it wasnt. My aunt is insane. Shes on meds to keep her urge to hurt things away. She was also in a ward. Not quite sure for what. The other day I saw an old buddy and he treated me like I was trash..he will get his soon. I thought that one day I saw a gohst...I did. It was my grandma. She had tried to tell me something but I couldnt make it out. I see my step-father now and again. He comes to check on me. Im just really tired of all the american bull shit! It seems to me that everyone in america has their head so far up their ass that they have to have a glass stomach to see. Im just really fuckin pissed right now and for no apparent reason.




Im bored

22:27 Apr 25 2006
Times Read: 588

Im bored as fuck! So Im going to be posting alot of random things in my journal for a bit. I hope you enjoy.





22:16 Apr 25 2006
Times Read: 591

I have this lil fantasy. Its about doin it in a graveyard on All Hollows Eve... I just think that, that would be such an amazing experience.




things that turn me on

22:11 Apr 25 2006
Times Read: 592

1. bondage

2. death

3. freaks

4. vampires

5. goths

6. pain

7. trouble

8. marijuana

9. thunderstorms

10. rain(doesnt even have to thunder)

11. fishnet stockings

12. strange acts of sex

13. mean girls

14. older sophisticated women

15. younger girls(dont worry Im not a pedaphile)

16. muscle cars(they are a thing of beauty)

17. night time

18. being scared

19. orgies(even though I would prolly never be in one)

20. slutz

there are more but that will be put on here at a later time





22:00 Apr 25 2006
Times Read: 593

Im feeling really bad today...I want to go perform some wicked, devious act of evil. Hmm.. maybe I should go fuck with some people. THats always fun!!




death has touched me

10:33 Apr 24 2006
Times Read: 600

I was 13 and I had walking pnemonea. I had no idea I had it till one day in the summer when it was about 90 something out. I decided to wear all black. And walk 6 miles too. Well Im very glad I did or I would not be here to tell you guys this. I walked to the local pool to meet some people. Well when I got there I started to feel really sick and dizzy. I sat down by a wall and I started to get sick. I thought it was just a case of heat stroke or something. Well I kinda started to realize that it was worse when I woke up on a stretcher being hauled away from the pool. The ambulance ride was long and blurred. I remember very little. I ended up passing out again. I awoke about 3 days later in the hospital in ICU packed in ice. The doctor had said that they had lost me once due to my temp rising to over 112. (And my lungs were about 60% filled with fluids.) Thats why I was packed in ice. well that day I was starting to feel better so they took me off the ice and put me in a regular room. The next morning I awoke again packed in ice in ICU. the doctor told me that I again had slipped away for about 7 minutes this time. They had almost declared me dead. Then they started to get a faint pulse. So they kept me on ice for 6 out of 8 days I was there. After all had ended the doctor had said to me that it was a miracle that I was living and walking away from this. Also if I hadnt of walked down there that day then it would have never come out and I would have probably just died in my sleep about 2 months later. Scary stuff.




my perfect girl

09:39 Apr 21 2006
Times Read: 608

the one I want would have to have long dark hair(perferably black) amazing green eyes. milky white skin. a very petite figure. anywhere from 5'-5'10" maybe taller... but I like em small. the smaller the better. she would have to have sexy feet...(foot fetish) and she could dress anyway she liked. but I would like a girl who can be an angel in public but a nympho-freak behind closed doors. thats just most of what I would like... ask me for more if you want to know.




kinda stupid personal survey I was sent and filled out.

07:18 Apr 21 2006
Times Read: 610

are you a virgin?: nope

if no, when did you loose your virginity?: at 17

who did you do it with?: dont remember

how many people have you slept with since?: 5

how many times have you had sex since?: too many to count

do you consider yourself "good" at it?: I can please

whats your favorite position?: doggy

whats your biggest turn on?: gothic girls

whats your biggest turn off?: girls who make it too easy

whats your favorite thing about sex?: 4play

whats the longest you have had sex? I think it was 4 1/2 hours

whats your favorite thing to do to a girl?: get sloppy between their legs

whats your dream girl?: goth girl with black hair green eyes and milky white skin. with a very petite figure.

last but not least... whats your penis size?(guys, be honest!): 7 1/2" long 2" wide...




stuff you may or maynot wanna know.

06:15 Apr 21 2006
Times Read: 612

Im kinda weird. Like to everyone I know I will act normal(or try to). But when Im alone I get really weird and crazy and start having all these fucked up thoughts that race through my head. I consider myself sick minded. And actions I have done arent any better. Ive done some nasty perverted things. (I wont tell you unless I like you) I have thoughts and I guess you could call it fantasies of some strange things. I also like slutty girls but only the ones who are slutty in the bedroom. So thats not too bad I guess. I havent really had the pleasure of being kinky... but I would love to find someone who would push the envelope as far as I would. I will tell you more in more journal entries to come.




all alone

18:01 Apr 18 2006
Times Read: 620

My whole family and friends are anything but dark and gothic...I admit it sucks. I would love to have a little gothic stir in my life but I feel as if I dont fit in, like I dont belong. I feel all alone. ='(




dark fetish dream

07:11 Apr 17 2006
Times Read: 632

I was laid out on a stone table naked, straped down tight. I had a bright light right above me, and I heard faint soft voices coming from across the room. The air was filled with the sweet smell of sex and death. While trying to figure out what was going on a dark goddess walks up to me. Long black hair, dark sensual eyes, milky white skin. All tucked tightly into a small black leather suit. Looking ever so tempting she slips me something. Its X. I begin to feel relaxed now and start to feel very good. She lossens the straps just a little. Then starts kissing her way up my body, slowly. She stops at my neck softly nibbling. Biteing me ever so gently. Then I feel her fangs slide deep into my neck. It hurt at first then the pain became pleasure. As I felt her sucking my blood I couldnt help but be turned on. It turned her on too. She gave me a deep passionate kiss then told me I was free now.......

long story short, we had the most amazing sex ever for a really long time. Liked it, Loved it woke up just as I orgasmed in my dream. Thats what really started me on this dark fetish thing. Ever since then I have that dream or similar ones to it. I think they wont stop until I live out my fantasy/fetish.




*my secret*

06:58 Apr 17 2006
Times Read: 634

Ive always had this HUGE fetish for vampire and gothic girls. I dont know why but Im so turned on by all the dark-beauty that they have to offer or something. Im not sure. I just know that Its been like my fantasy to be with a gothic or vampire girl for a long time now. Maybe I might get lucky and forfill that fantasy some day. And when I finally get that pleasure, I will never forget it.



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