This isn't much to say but I would like to include that I finally got to get my hair re dyed to renew my variety of colors in my hair. I also got another piercing on my right ear near the top ( which I have been wanting to do for some time it just hasn't happened) so im pretty stoked for that. I also have been enjoying my new amp and pedal that i recieved for the holidays. Makes playing my guitar alot more interesting, I am looking forward to writing some songs.
Well there has not been too much happening over my holidays. It has mainly been spent with my family and a few of my friends. I'm enjoying the time to relax however there are no complaints there. Except I feel like I am not doin enough things that are productive. I'm excited for the new year I am looking forward to many things that are upcoming the year 2006. There are a few new year resolutions I am trying to set for myself, but I am quite content with where I stand now.
Any way i will update you with more hopefully more frequent then I have beem.