DarkAdmin's Journal


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Old Profile - 08/24/2005

16:05 Aug 24 2005
Times Read: 837

"I will not tell you that good and evil exist, I can only tell you that the world is ignorant and from there you will have to make a choice. "Someone asked me what is so interesting about you and my reply was my dark humor. I have seen many things that would make most people fear, I have seen many things that I wish not to see again. but if I had to remember one thing I saw it would be the faces of people when they first heard me laugh...Yessss it is an evil laugh I say to them.
People want to know more about you and yet only a few here do know me. It is nothing personal just that I have no urge to spill my guts but what I will do is just write things here and there when they hit me. Someone asked me what is so interesting about you and my reply was my dark humor. I have seen many things that would make most people fear, I have seen many things that I wish not to see again. but if I had to remember one thing I saw it would be the faces of people when they first heard me laugh...Yessss it is an evil laugh I say to them.
I found this amusing and so took one of these test. What type of Hollywood Ganster I would be. I will not link to the site so go find it on another profile.

More and More I am amazed as I walk along this path called life. The things that people say and do kills me. Is stupidity a disease or genetic? I should make that a forum question. Today I am in a gas station and a man pulls up with a flat tire, you can see that the tire is flat hear it rub against the ground and see the car tilted to one side. The attendant walked up to the car, looks down and said “Do you have a flat?” And the best part was that the attendant was serious. I started to laugh to myself as I drove away.Right now I am sitting here and having a Jack and Coke one of my favorite drinks to have. But people keep saying to me "why do you drink it out of a 20oz glass", I keep telling them because I can and I will have another when I am done. Then I laugh......lol

It's the little things in life that make me smile.
Hey!! I not here to impress you with my words, I only wish to make you see things in a different way. We are in a new year, we hope for a new change, a new beginning and what we get out of this year only time will tell. So I say to you all.....Look and listen to what goes on around you and maybe just maybe you will see what you are looking for. And if not hell is not a bad place either. hey people I have been away for far to long but now I intend to be around. Lets see what I can do.
I love to read some of the postings in the forums. I find that people’s imagination do exceed the normal realm of reality. I can understand wanting to believe some of these topics that are brought to our attention but don’t get lost in the glamour of it all. Life has its mysteries but it all comes down to truths. The question is who’s truths are they?The hand we are delt is a bit strange. We throw out cards and get new ones and yet at times we get the same cards back. I say use a marked deck.
In the forum I posted a topic about rating profiles. In the post people spoke about how long some of these are and how others are so short. I took a look at my profile and thought it doesn't tell you about me but in ways it does. So if anyone here wants to know who or what I am then the best thing for you to do is send me a message because you will not find it here.Here's a bit more of info about me. If you want to know what my favorite bands are colors, you will not find it here. I am not a person that gives friendship out easily nor do I tend to ramble on about things. I will tell you what I think and don't expect it to be all fluff….Shoot straight, look them in the eyes and give a smile when your done.
Earlier I had a post on Profiles and found out that some are worried about rating scores. Mine will go up and down and yet it will not change my way of thinking here. It's the opinion of the person rating me if they like this profile and so be it I say. A good friend of mine just came back from the past and if you want please welcome him to the rave. The name is DarkWind and we go back many years. Damn its good to see you again.
I can't beleive but I just got a dog. Now you must understand I had one many years ago and decided not to get another but a friend of mine couldn't keep her and so I said I would. I am not a small man and people would think I would have a big dog but seeing me walked down the street with a lap dog is a site to see. You can see what I mean in my Portfolio.The one thing I do hate are summer colds. It seems I just caught one and now am stuck in my house untill I can get rid of it. We always talk about darkness on this site and the one thing I can say is that having a cold is far worse then being in the dark
Cold Update: Getting better. Onto new things I just put in my air conditioners into my windows in my house but I have central air for the whole house. And now you may be asking yourself why did he do that? I will tell you; while I am here in the house I only use three rooms. The Den, The Kitchen and the bedroom. Why should I cool down the whole house when I am only sitting in two out of the three rooms? And yes I do have TV's in the den and bedroom."You used to captivate me by your resonating light but now i'm bound by the life you left behind your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams your voice it chased away all the sanity in me"
I found this amusing and so took one of these test. What type of Greek God I would be. I will not link to the site so go find it on another profile.

I think I will be putting all of the above in my journal since my profile is getting to long. I feel that your profile should tell something about oneself but the manor of how you tell your story is your choice. I thank people for leaving true comments about this profile for it tells me that you do read it. So to you all thank you….



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