look into my eyes to get trapped in my mind
where there is no concept of time
where darkness will hit your very core
and continue to crush you til there is no more
if you can survive the pressure continue on
the deeper you go you find how twisted i am
one wrong turn you are lost forever in dispair
my mind is as deep as the dark abyss i turn to
when the world is no longer of interest to me
go up and around to see if you can find me
just to realize that no one truly knows me
the only thing they see is what they choose to believe
What i choose to share is concepts and are how you precieve
but there is only a select few who have dare to hang around to know the true me
venture in to my mind at your own risk
but fair to warn you you might not come out the same as you were when you entered.....
Standing in nothingness feeling death cold breath,
Souls scream,Wailing,circling without rest,
Feeling the pain and torment they felt in life,
Still in death it is even worse,
They need guidance to help soothe all wounds,
Can they finally rest or will they be reborn soon,
Torn between life and death,
Above ground or in a tomb,
All of a sudden complete silence,
Just to realize it is a vision of impeding doom,
During the day darkness purged the world,
Eternal night without the sun warm burning glow,
Choas and destruction ran thought the land,
As the earth began to burn,
Flames spread out of hand,
Everyone has gone crazy killing each other,
Smoke fills the air and begins to smother,
Can't breathe no more
This day there is no escape from death,
So as i drink the final blood from my chalice,
The world as we know it fell victim to malice
It's a chilling poem to leave you wake.
It's an excellent poem, I'd rate.