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Everyone has a pure darkside well this is mine i am know as DanteTheFallen I consume and live for darkness my soul is non exsistent i love and crave malice that is given or taken by force.
I dont play nice and dont back down from no one at all so if you try to test me i will never back down or run with my tail between my legs.
You bite me i bite you back I love swords daggers and blades. Dragons is one of my favorite creatures. As to what i am no one truly know which makes it easier for me. i like to live in darkness.
I have many sides but this side shows the most those who are dark like me understand my deep twisted thoughts as to if i am evil thats your way of passing judgement i dont care how you see me one way or another i am me no matter how you label me
I search for my fallen angel goddess and i think i have found her at long last she is the reason i have come to this site...
She is the sweetest most beautiful women i have had the pleasure to meet and have love from and i not only honor her but i will protect her with every part of me she owns my heart and as i protect her she also protects me
This is her my beautiful TeeTee she is so beautiful
I love this women dearly
some know my otherside it is somewhere on this site and those who dont may never know but i am a angel and smart ass on one side but a pure demon of malice on the other but this is the side of me i enjoy the most
If you add and rate this profile please check out my other Profile LordDaymein666