Dakotah's Journal


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14 entries this month

20:23 Nov 30 2018
Times Read: 1,030

If it comes, I for one will happily embrace the Apocalypse. It'll do us good.



23:04 Nov 30 2018

Did I hear someone say "Apocalypse"?

09:31 Dec 01 2018

Wow mogy on army style


21:49 Nov 27 2018
Times Read: 1,072

I am just going put this out there, come what may, my teddy bear will not move.



23:09 Nov 27 2018

Yours neither? And I thought it was just me

00:23 Nov 28 2018

What???? Well mine dances for me 0.o

02:13 Nov 28 2018

Mine kissed me omg


10:59 Nov 25 2018
Times Read: 1,094

Happy Birthday Bandit!!!!

Two songs for Mogy to play for you during your Birthday party from me and Lili! Thank you Bandit for taking care of Mogy for us. You are the best dog ever.

And of course:



14:48 Nov 25 2018

Happy Bandit day!!

16:03 Nov 25 2018


21:36 Nov 21 2018
Times Read: 1,162

Just saying..... For my friends, Payne, Raven, Cat, Marci, Kami, Cubby, Mogy, KatherinexArduxBloodwolf, Ariest Rose, Darkward, HannahRose, tr1n1ty01, PaianjenMulo, neimortan, Robin, XbluesandX, Elizabeth. Slipknot and the list goes on and on, you know who you are!



21:43 Nov 21 2018

Heck yeah. Lol I was just thinking this the other day.

21:48 Nov 21 2018

Without a freaking doubt. LOL! -raises my hand-

21:49 Nov 21 2018

I raised my hand to it all!

21:54 Nov 21 2018

I think tomorrow I will have some special eggnog....lol

21:56 Nov 21 2018

Gahhh, five million dollars could buy so much candy and bubbles😍

22:18 Nov 21 2018

Yes,please. lol

23:01 Nov 21 2018

That would be great..I'll take the vodka and million dollars :)

23:14 Nov 21 2018

Hell yea drac and I need it

23:16 Nov 21 2018

A private island to our selves and some vodka

23:36 Nov 21 2018

Drank the rest of my vodka like water.
The stress is going to give me abs if I try hard enough at being poor lol.

02:36 Nov 22 2018

Hell yes to all of this!

03:16 Nov 22 2018

Yes please lol

09:06 Nov 22 2018

A private island wth drama free boarders
Palm trees and gold sand with a nce cool pina colada looking at the crystal blue waters

14:08 Nov 22 2018

Cheers, friendo!!

18:02 Nov 22 2018

Well, I'll settle for $5M, Free Cannabis For Life and an invite to your and Lili's wedding in 2019 or 2020. {:D

13:08 Nov 23 2018


08:00 Nov 21 2018
Times Read: 1,179

#Green Corn Day. Where I think it is nice to set aside a day a year for families and friends to come together to give thanks for all there blessings.... This is really what happen and what started Thanksgiving in America. This is what they do not teach you in school.



14:56 Nov 21 2018

Yup, the History taught in grade school to program young minds is VERY distorted.


18:24 Nov 20 2018
Times Read: 1,198

The Campfire

The fire first started around 6:30 AM and they were already ordering mass evacuation by noon, that’s how fast is spread.
Fast moving fires aren’t fueled by large forests, they’re fueled by scrub brush and eucalyptus. California rains heavily every 4-6 years, it gets super green, then dries out and dies. Then it catches fire if it sparks before the next rain cycle. As the rain cycles become further spread apart this will only get worse. “Better forest management” that the talking idiots are blabbing about is already done where people live and wouldn’t have helped much here. Fire is pretty much living chaos theory in action.

And I really hope someone's rescued those horses. The second pic is just... incredible at showing the scale of the fires. You know they're big and cover a lot of ground but for me, that one just has a lot of impact. The last one.. #cries. I can not imagine the feeling when the homeowners make it back and there is nothing there.

I found these pictures awesome. Awesome in the sense of awe-inspiring, not great:



18:45 Nov 20 2018



16:52 Nov 19 2018
Times Read: 1,236

Let me get this straight, Vegans eat plants and vegetables because they don't want to harm animals due to the fact that they are living beings? Hmmm kind of redundant considering the fact that plants are also living organisms. Just because you can't hear them scream when you're ripping them from their roots and blending them up in a little salad doesn't mean they're not alive nor does it give you a pass on the food chain. Your hearts are in the right place but, destroying something to consume it is the same in any spectrum you want to look at.



17:20 Nov 19 2018

Omg lol

17:39 Nov 19 2018

I'm vegan. Best choice I ever made.

18:06 Nov 19 2018

18:16 Nov 19 2018

The horror watching little Broccoli Jr. being stabbed and eaten alive... something must be done!

18:24 Nov 19 2018


18:31 Nov 19 2018

LOL...I end up looking at a loud mouth vegan when they say they are vegans, and explaining why they are , what they are....as if they are the crazy ones..... But thats just me.....lol

19:32 Nov 19 2018

Most consider only living organisms that bleed blood is considered alive. They have a lot to learn.
I'm cool if they just say they prefer not to eat anything that bleeds blood, but saying they don't eat any living things. That's BS!


16:43 Nov 16 2018
Times Read: 1,274

So this is why American is having issues! Less sex/love making! Who knew.

The share of Americans who say sex between unmarried adults is “not wrong at all” is at an all-time high. New cases of HIV are at an all-time low. Most women can—at last—get birth control for free, and the morning-after pill without a prescription.

And there is this: If hookups are your thing, Grindr and Tinder offer the prospect of casual sex within the hour. The phrase If something exists, there is porn of it used to be a clever internet meme; now it’s a truism. BDSM plays at the local multiplex—but why bother going? Sex is portrayed, often graphically and sometimes gorgeously, on prime-time cable. Sexting is, statistically speaking, normal.

But despite all this, American teenagers and young adults are having less sex. People now in their early 20s are two and a half times as likely to be abstinent as Gen Xers were at that age; 15 percent report having had no sex since they reached adulthood.




18:48 Nov 16 2018

I believe the reason why less sex is being had is due to the "PERSONALITY or PERSONALITIES" that comes with that vagina or penis.
Also, if one simply wants an orgasm...Porn is free!

23:56 Nov 16 2018

@Mogy......brother I am single by choice. Tired of being chased by "independent" women who want me to take care of them and pay for everything. Go make your own money and come at me correct then we will talk.

08:06 Nov 17 2018

Probably because they're all addicted to computers.

15:37 Nov 17 2018

^ I'm with what Art said.

20:39 Nov 19 2018

Computers are great if used sparingly. I pop in and out of here for fun and to check up on friends. I do see the trend of people becoming addicted to the cyber world. Get out and have a face to face conversation :-). I sometimes feel like the art of human interaction is slowly dying.


21:08 Nov 15 2018
Times Read: 1,316

This is so messed up. I was at the doctor today and next door is another doctor's office. A nurse from the other office came in and asked if anyone in the office I was in had a blue truck out in the parking lot because someone saw a car hit the blue truck and took off. But the person was able to get the tag number. The blue truck had a Veteran Military stickers on it, that they served in the Military. I hope they find this person who hit a Vet's truck and did not have the respect to step up own up to it. Thankfully though the person who saw the accident got the tag number of the hit and run. From what the nurse said there was a lot of damage to the back of the blue truck. What is wrong with this world. I swear, sometimes I think we need to stop this planet and fix some shit.



21:13 Nov 15 2018

Wow! Awful. I agree, Brother.

21:22 Nov 15 2018

At least like I said someone saw the idiot who hit the Vet truck and got the tag number so they will get what they deserve. So awesome for the person who wrote it down. They could have just walked away so I guess there some good still around. I am sure too they had to run after the car to make sure they got the tag numbers right. So they did something good. The hit and run driver I hope they throw the book at them when they find them.... to do this to anyone is bad... to do this to a Vet... wow. The nurse said there were Military stickers all over the truck so the person had to know it was a veteran. I got called back but I asked if they find out if the Vet truck was someone seeing the doctors and it was. The nurse said the owner of the truck was in his 60's had severed 15 years in the Military and the nurse said he is one of the nicest patients they have. They called law enforcement for him.

21:44 Nov 15 2018

I mean is that how you thank someone for the sacrifices they chose to make for their fellow citizens. When the cries go out asking who will fight for us, only a select few answer that call or are even able to answer that call and they endure everything and if blessed to survive and return home, this is how they are thanked? Sad!

23:36 Nov 15 2018

Very sad...I would have looked up the driver myself, there are public records for that. But that's just me, I have zero respect for those that have none....otherwise everyone gets treated with respect by me. Thats just the way I am, and I tend to go the extra mile for those that have done so for all of us.

23:57 Nov 15 2018

People suck. Lack of respect is out of control.

07:59 Nov 16 2018

We live n a community that start to not care.
If only we were more humans in us and started to care a little bit more this world would be so much better

20:09 Nov 16 2018

No one has respect for our country no more


17:10 Nov 14 2018
Times Read: 1,351

Ok, this is just MY thoughts, others may love this snapchat option but.... rating portfolio's... Snapchat filters are great. If you are under the age of 10. I can probably stomach one, maybe even two fuzzy and uncanny-valley-looking pictures of you with puppy dog ears and hearts flying out of your nostrils, but I am probably a little nauseated already. If ALL of your pictures are like this, I am going to assume there is something seriously wrong with your face and/or you are a complete psychopath.



17:47 Nov 14 2018

Lol...yeah they are complete psychopaths with something seriously wrong with their face.

18:10 Nov 14 2018

18:20 Nov 14 2018

Where I live , I swear you can't view Facebook or Instagram without those filters. I'll admit I indulge in them on occasions such as Halloween and Christmas for a festive photograph but that's about it.

12:59 Nov 15 2018

Never had and never will use a filter on my photos. I am not very good at flitering as my sister plus what more beautiful of the original


18:11 Nov 13 2018
Times Read: 1,406

Few years ago when I was in Arcane Coven (A great coven by the way to this day!) I came up with the idea for a newspaper geared around the coven plus VR. I had the honor to have one of the Admins here on VR to contribute a article for this paper. I would like to share this again with the community here. I hope those who read this take away from it the wise words of this Lady and VR becomes a place of fun and enjoyment for you:

New Features, Laughs and Monkey Butts.
BY MooniePie

Over the years, Cancer has popped spiffy features onto VR. I think the ones that have caused the most controversy were 'What are they doing', 'Honor' and the 'Society System'. When the feature first rolled out it was constant complaining about the violation of rights, the abuse of honor and being forcefully inducted. But now when you look around there isn't a word to be heard on these features. They have just faded into the background like things tend to do.

Since quite a few of the older members have ventured off into different ways, new people are thrown right into the Society system. There isn't a before for them. So as soon as they sign up, they know about the system. There they begin the decent into being stalked like prey. I've found the feeling akin to the movie Silence of the Lambs. That part when when Buffalo Bill stalks the girl and has her help him to put the chair into the van. Then BAM you're suddenly down in a creepy basement pit with some dude tucking his bits and wearing lipstick and people's skin. Yup, just like the Society System.

I never understood the fight about 'What are they doing'. It became this huge fight about rights and privacy. Since VR is a Cancer-tater-ship that point is null and void, but it was still a fight! People were throwing around words and getting more bent then they already were. And I'm sure the term 'if you're not for us, you're against us' was thrown around a few times. It wasn't like anyone was looking through your home trying to catch you watching some creepy internet lovemaking on freakfetishest and eating cheetos out of your hair. Unless you're doing shitty things, then there wasn't really a point in getting pissy.

And then the honor. I'm sure many remember the arguments about the honor. It wasn't fair, blah blah, people shouldn't be able to do that, blah blah. Etc. Etc. There were a few valid points that people mad; trolls will use it to post mean thing and the other was people will abuse it. The funny thing, those who complained the loudest about it are the ones who do exactly what they were complaining about it.

People will complain about trivial things and people will use features they way they want to use them.

-slow clap for people who complain and then use it the exact way they were bitchin' about-

One of my favorite features that Cancer introduced was Webcams. Even though it isn't used much now, in the beginning it was damn fun. There have been a few times I've been traumatized when opening the cam page. The times when someone decides it's okay to share their trouser snake, or flip a nip out was few, but it happened. After seeing a few of those things, I have to say that some people are brave. They know the cam is public and yet.. BAM say hello to my little friend. And out comes the lil meat mallot just there it is not being impressive. Really, why?! WHY!?!

I digress...

Back on track, there were a few moments that happened in cams I will never forget.

Cancer and I got into a photoshop war in my webcam one evening. Moments of hilarity ensued when people were swapped with monkeys and Cancer was accused of monkey love. (Example) My webcam picture was being changed between pictures of mind curdling things like a donkey that was very happy in his donkey parts to Cancer slippin' the good 'ol bananna to a fine and frisky female monkey.

And then the other time. I stole Cancer's avatar. He's very protective of that avatar. So being the smart ass that I am, I had to 'stick it to the man'. Just like with the webcams we kept changing my avatar. He'd change it, I'd change it back. This went on for a bit. Then he whipped out the big. That effer wrote a code specific to my profile so I couldn't change my avatar after I changed it. And then.. do you know what else that effer did? He took his ass to dinner and left the code on my profile for a damn day. He left me a profile that had an avatar that rotated between some scary dude with big teeth, a donkey chubby and a few other things. I have never laughed so hard and had so much fun.

Features on VR are just that- features. You use them the way you want to use them. If you want to have fun with them, you will. All of this is just another example of you making your own experiences.

Have fun and enjoy it. And when hilarity ensues, roll with it. It could just be one of the best times you've had on here.



21:55 Nov 13 2018

I remember when you were in Arcane Dakotah :-). The paper was damn good just hard to get participation up to support such a venture. This little gem here does remind me of some of those great times and I am hoping for many more. I enjoy my VR family and do my best to not let the negativity creep into anything I am doing here.

21:49 Nov 14 2018

I remember that too. Good times!! It is hard to get support when everyone is either self-absorbed, or (like me) short on time.


22:26 Nov 05 2018
Times Read: 1,435

Hello my friends. I made a post in the forms and I would love to have some feed back on what you think about the topic , your own experiences you may have had. It's titled: Did Our DNA Make Us Destined to Live Vampyre Lifestyles. I look forward to reading your replies.




16:36 Nov 05 2018
Times Read: 1,445

Mogy, All my Bro's, Help! It's Code Red!!!!



18:52 Nov 05 2018

Dayum all that cray, cray.....I wish I sexy would!!!!

22:09 Nov 05 2018

LMAO.....Dakotah that is hilarious. What do me and Mogy need to do for you? LOL

22:27 Nov 05 2018

Help me survive the next 5-7 days.

22:32 Nov 05 2018

Bro code.... we got you!

23:30 Nov 05 2018

Dakotah.....Come hide out in the Bro-Cave! If anyone asks, we haven't seen you. LOL!

23:32 Nov 05 2018

And correction..... *I wish a sexy would try to bring that cray cray around me. LOL!


10:15 Nov 04 2018
Times Read: 1,478

First night cold enough to sit with whisky by the fire.

THE DREAM: Joined by my Liliancat in a robe, to sit in my lap and whisper naughty things in my ear in her Greek accent and giggle when I tickle her.

THE REALITY: The Corgi crash-landing on my junk at maximum velocity, and my eight-year old nephew in Star Wars pajamas talking my ear off with more than I ever wanted to know about Breath of the Wild, eventually needing to use his asthma inhaler after laughing too hard when conversation led to me showing him Perry Bible Fellowship's "Guntron" comic.



10:24 Nov 04 2018

Now you have me daydreaming with the dream although I must admit It made me laugh how your nephew spoil the dream. Love love love the family

11:00 Nov 04 2018

You know Trey is just like Stathis; hyper little men.

13:21 Nov 04 2018

The boy gang. Haha they are both hyper kids

22:10 Nov 04 2018

U have a corgi!!! Omg!!!! Pics please ..... wait is it in your portfolio?

15:33 Nov 05 2018

He belongs to my brother. They were going to the city for a few days so we took care of him. I guess since I am the one that feeds him while he staying with us he decided I was the one to follow all over the house. I have a beagle that is a rescue dog. He is in my journal.

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