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The sky glistens and sparkles there’s something I want to share with you, Liliancat. So as you read this there will be a moment to close your eyes and feel what I feel; there’s dim lights hanging from the trees, soft music, and the sun is slowly setting. A table set for two out in the lawn where the perfect setting of tonight exists. A white cloth drapes the table and I’ve placed red rose and two wine glasses. Popping the cork of a bottle of the finest wine for the most amazing woman; in the distance softly playing are love Ballads on the radio that offset this beautiful moment in your dress so elegant. It captures your brown eyes in the candle light at night and the dress takes on life itself this lil sexy black dress mmmmmmm made of silk. But nowhere as sexy as your lovely legs, finished off with red high heels and the air blows freely through your soft hair, gorgeous eyes, Beautiful smile; wow, what a magical night indeed.
Heaven sent me a gorgeous spirit in you Lili, makes my heart melt gently as I reach for your hand and swing you tightly into my arms and with the passion of fire we kiss in this embrace and with the energy of a romantic night we dance slowly under the stars to our favorite song, you know the one, Soul mates.
Kissing you and whispering a sweet loving poem to you with a delicate voice, that’s crystal clear in your ear. As no moment could ever replace this moment being with you and it makes the world stop in its spin from going round in time. I come to realize every night is a romantic night with you and every sunset make a beautiful background setting if we believe.
We drift on the clouds that softly move in with dancing and swaying to the music that makes me desire and want you more. Every day is picture perfect with you. So close your eyes and tell me what you feel; as I whisper to you…I love you Lili.
Shivering and goosebuming as I read and deay dream. My eyes close as I imagine all this hoping and wishing this day to come true very fast. If only I could place a number to how much I love you it would be that long that all the paper in the world wouldnt be anough.
You are my star my night my moon my everything in this world. I love you so much
00:31 Feb 02 2019
14:03 Feb 02 2019
Shivering and goosebuming as I read and deay dream. My eyes close as I imagine all this hoping and wishing this day to come true very fast. If only I could place a number to how much I love you it would be that long that all the paper in the world wouldnt be anough.
You are my star my night my moon my everything in this world. I love you so much
14:03 Feb 02 2019
I love you my sweet heart my soul my everything