Daire's Journal

Daire's Journal


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34 entries this month

From the journal of Alilyanna.

21:14 Feb 27 2006
Times Read: 1,199

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What i done did in my fancy 3rd level edumacation place today.

15:26 Feb 27 2006
Times Read: 1,211

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The above is an image we were given in class today for people to get themselves aquainted with the selection tools in photoshop. As per usual i was finished within 5 minutes and spent the rest of the class insulting Nicnivian.

Here is the final result, a waste of time but i still like the guy that teaches the class, though he be a yank.

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23:30 Feb 26 2006
Times Read: 1,237

• Liking music does not make you musical.

• Liking art does not make you artisitic.




Shag fest the aftermath.

15:22 Feb 26 2006
Times Read: 1,255

If anyone remembers i was giving out about how my college was putting on an event called "Shag-fest" well i just got the following email in my college account.


Dear Staff and Students of DIT,

DIT Students Union wishes to apologise unreservedly for the unacceptable

behaviour witnessed in Aungier Street, Bolton Street and Mountjoy Square on

Thursday 16th February.

We wish to apologise to DIT Staff, Students and anyone who was affected by

the events leading up to The Mystery Rag Trip.

We are extremely disappointed that this event, out of an otherwise

successful Rag Week, was marred by such disappointing scenes yesterday.

Whilst every measure was put in place to organise a safe trip, including the

elimination of alcohol on the buses, we were unprepared for the actions of

some of our membership prior to departure.

Whilst DITSU will do everything possible to help students deal with problems

around alcohol, we will show no tolerance for those who having abused

alcohol then proceed to abuse the rights of others.

DITSU would like to acknowledge and thank all staff that assisted us during

the event.

Bob Coggins


DIT Students' Union.






14:42 Feb 24 2006
Times Read: 1,308

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I will not be online tonight and for a large chunk of saturday most likely.

My youngest brother is taking my computer to a hotel for some gaming convention.

Its funny how nice he gets around me when he wants to use the computer or in this case take the computer. I dont mind giving it to him, might make up for some of the things big brothers do.




17:50 Feb 23 2006
Times Read: 1,345

I refuse to give MY money to some money grubbing fuck stain that will charge me twice the average simply because i share the same gender and age as some fuck head who wraps his tricked out piece of shit around a tree.

Everyone bitches about equal rights etc.... yet insurance companies catch no flak from it. Double standards work both ways ladies.




Reasons why dogs rock and cats suck.

01:26 Feb 23 2006
Times Read: 1,374

My dog was just barking downstairs because he saw or heard something outside in the back garden. When i let him out he went on patrol.

He went outside looking for someone that shouldnt be there so he could protect his family.

A cat would look once at the person, decide they couldnt fuck it or get food from it and then piss off for a week.

ipso facto Dogs rock, cats suck.




Chakaeron's Journal

12:54 Feb 21 2006
Times Read: 1,429

Trouble in Paradise..

11:06:01 - Feb 21 2006

Times Read: 3


Quite simply, Daire's a $%#! He has alot to learn about how to talk with people.

And which one of us was suspended by cancer today? Hmmmmm curiouser and curiouser.

I wish...

12:58:52 - Feb 21 2006

Times Read: 2


I wish that I had the time to make my own site, that way people will have a place to go when this one collapses. These young admins don't really have a clue as to how to run things without causing people to hate them.

It's a pity really, this site has alot to offer if it wasn't for the attitudes of those in charge. They haven't learned that "Leading By Example" works so much better then bullying people around.

I'm being suspended for a week becaus I tried to make them see what they were doing was destroying the very thing they are trying to build and protect. Of course, no one ever listened. Perhapse one day they will wake up and see it. I can only hope for that day to come soon.

Untill then, be safe and NEVER GIVE UP YOUR RIGHTS!!!!

Lol i love when they play victim, or freedom fighter.

FREEEEEDOMMMMMMMMM *cue idiot getting hung, drawn and quartered.




11:04 Feb 21 2006
Times Read: 1,431


11:00:09 - Feb 21 2006

Daire has no problem being proven wrong when he is wrong. When he is right and busy he does not like having to explain his every action.



10:59:46 - Feb 21 2006

The general forum is for vampire topic..vr topics about the site and parrellel subjects .not random chit chat .that stuff belongs in the sandbox ,the bottom section .please RE-READ THE FAQ AGAIN. ty



10:59:30 - Feb 21 2006

Hey Chakaeron, stick with me I'll learn you the rules of the forum.



10:59:27 - Feb 21 2006

Posting real questions is ok. Posting "humorus" questions is meant to be done in the sandbox.



10:59:00 - Feb 21 2006

I take it Daire doesn't like being proven wrong about things?



10:59:00 - Feb 21 2006

hi Sapphire



10:57:57 - Feb 21 2006




10:57:49 - Feb 21 2006

What's wrong with posting a question in a General Discussion Forum?


VR System:

10:57:11 - Feb 21 2006

VampBox cleared by Daire





17:26 Feb 19 2006
Times Read: 1,483

I aint been to bed in a while, once again i may have an early night.




This is a test.

01:28 Feb 18 2006
Times Read: 1,579


Just over half an hour and already 5 ratings.

-----The following people did not read before they rated -----

• IntunericLumina


Feb 18 2006

• bloodleo


Feb 18 2006

• DarkAngel453


Feb 18 2006

• SuperNovaSuicide


Feb 18 2006

• xtroublex


Feb 18 2006

• trissy


Feb 18 2006

• ellie


Feb 18 2006

• Fox666London


Feb 18 2006

• Goddessvampire99


Feb 18 2006

• madia666


Feb 18 2006

• radu


Feb 18 2006

• lordvampirio


Feb 18 2006

• nobodysfallenangel


Feb 18 2006

• nightstalkervamp


Feb 18 2006

• CuRsEdToDaRkNeSs


Feb 18 2006

• burningbridges


Feb 18 2006

• DeathIncarnate666


Feb 18 2006

• Wickedangelbitch


Feb 18 2006

• vmprgirl2004


Feb 18 2006

• RavenMoon


Feb 18 2006

• SilentBlackRose


Feb 18 2006

• blackenheart666


Feb 18 2006

• wintersbitch


Feb 18 2006

• pzych0b1tch


Feb 18 2006

• LostinLife


Feb 18 2006

• Xalraluna


Feb 18 2006

• Arvalin


Feb 18 2006

-----The profile has now been suspended and my test is over and i am disappointed-----





19:55 Feb 17 2006
Times Read: 1,589

My mam was doing some shopping today and as she was going out the door she asked if there was anything i needed. I told her we needed Dog food and that was about it.

As she was leaving i thought about asking her to buy a mug as there is only one big mug in the house. I decided against asking her and just kept my mouth shut.

She came home from shopping and as i was emptying the shopping bags i found a new mug.

Maybe there is something in telepathy after all.




My money pays for whores and STD riddled buisness students.

03:50 Feb 17 2006
Times Read: 1,608

If anyone recalls my previous entries about my colleges "balls" i.e. the "virgin ball" and the "slave auction" well i have an update.

There is a new one coming up called:


My fucking college fees go towards this pile of crap, i am so fucking sick of these stupid sex based nights. I’m sick of modern culture advancing the idea that being a whore is cool.





15:38 Feb 16 2006
Times Read: 1,633

Two little things i noticed on the bus today.

As i was waiting for the bus a girl walked up and she was the exact doppelganger for my ex. (my ex is not a recent thing, about 6 years now). Even so she looked like and sounded exactly like her. It was almost a genetic copy.

The second thing was a small retarded boy getting on the bus was holding a Batman action figure. He wanted to sit upstairs and his mother didn’t want to so she said to him:

"We can't sit upstairs, Batman will be afraid up there".

I was not impressed. Not one bit.




Terminal velocity

12:01 Feb 15 2006
Times Read: 1,666

I just sat down too fast and it hurt .




22:44 Feb 14 2006
Times Read: 1,685

It took me 2 hours to get home. I think i had something to say in my journal, i don't recall now.




Im such a guy.

09:46 Feb 14 2006
Times Read: 1,706

I had forgotten today was valentines day until i logged on to a few valentine wishes.





21:46 Feb 13 2006
Times Read: 1,723

Once again monday morning rolls around and once again i have DTP class.

This week for a little mini-project....i.e. time filler.

We had to make a postcard and a poster for a music thingy.

Me being me my things are sarcasm fed for that extra sarcasm filled taste of flavourful sarcasm.

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**Fine print reads, Tickets $340,900

Limit 0.5 Tickets p.p.




06:01 Feb 13 2006
Times Read: 1,743

06:00, bus in over an hour, class at 10, ends at 12, bus at 1, home at 2:15, then sloth, then bed. I may advance bed forward a few hours, have an early night, hit the sheets at maybe 00:00 or 01:00.




21:54 Feb 11 2006
Times Read: 1,764

I was watching a show called "Brat Camp". Its where they get a group of 6 or 7 "troubled" kids and sent them out for a self help thing.

I watched most of the episode for one reason.

To laugh.

These kids are complete morons. They are all little spoiled rich kids who act out, most are upper middle class kids that take drugs and then act up, they like to put on a show.

Suddenly they are dumped in the desert with a group of councillors and almost every single one of them broke down and started to cry.

The group was roughly 50/50 boys and girls and the boys cried as much as the girls, i couldn’t help but laugh at these kids, all talking about issues and emotional hardship of spending a week or two camping.

They were all a group of faggots and pussys when they were forced to hike 7 miles.

I was in the scouts, i hiked mountains and camped out in the lashing rain, its Ireland, you cant go camping without it raining. I never broke down crying.

What kids like that need is a smack. One good hard smack and a good old fashioned shouting match including the words:

"fuck" "trouble" "consequences"

Kids like these are a result of the modern touchy feely P.C. approach to parenting.

3 words kids:






02:52 Feb 11 2006
Times Read: 1,781

I am eating an Ice Cream Mars, and drinking a cup of Tea at the same time.

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23:41 Feb 09 2006
Times Read: 1,812

Last night i got roughly.............roughly 40 minutes sleep.

So today i was downstairs laying flat out on the couch waiting for "My Name Is Earl" to come on and i found a show about dark matter.

As interesting as i found this subject i found myself starting to get really tired then,


I open my eyes and 10 minutes have passed and my head is wet. Not only wet, but wet and stuck to the cushion.

Within those 10 minutes of unconsciousness i had managed to drool enough wet stuff to create a patch roughly the size of my head....sticky.





19:49 Feb 06 2006
Times Read: 1,887

Well today i had my first DTP class and i found out it meant Desktop Publishing. I had thought it was something along the lines of Digital Theory and Practice or something, but no, desktop publishing.

For the computer slow people in the class we had to do a little task involving creating a square on a background and make it subdued and then make it vivid. Just to get people used to the idea of layout etc.. I know this, you know this, some people in my class however did not know this, i wouldnt have thought it possible but there you go.

Anyway, i had finsihed my square, black background with a yellow square and i was just sitting there and my setup was chosen as an example to show the class and then the teacher asked;

Why is this vivid, where do you see this kind of colouring?

I answered.....Bees. I got a laugh and he said:

Yeah ok, but the answer i was looking for was warning signs

So after that as he went around talking to the class and helping some of the slower people with their photoshop tools etc... i got bored and i did a little doodle. When he came back he saw it and i got another laugh, i like this new teacher. Even if he is american.

I emailed the image to myself to display here but the file didnt transfer properly (I hate macs) so i am after re-creating it now to show an example. It isnt as good as the first as it just doesnt have the same spontanious feel to it as i got from the first one but here it is.

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The above image contains a link to a website created by my new teacher who i met today. It is STRICTLY OVER 18'S ONLY.

Once you get there click on the arrows in the nowwhichway logo and it brings you to different pages. Keep clicking the arrows even arfter you click each one once as clicking the same arrow multiple times brings you to more and more pages.

This website is intended to offend, that was the idea behind it so dont bitch to me if you see something you dont like, you have been warned.




Acolyte Questions

17:47 Feb 05 2006
Times Read: 1,921

9 out of 10 times my answer to anything asked is read the FAQ.




02:27 Feb 05 2006
Times Read: 1,938

I think polish chocolate makes me violent.

We have 2 ladies that come over every now and again when mam complains about the house being a mess, most of said mess being made by her because she has no time to clean as she is always rushing off somewhere, but has the time for a 20 minute phonecall as she is rushing out the door.

Anyway, i spent the morning hiding in bed while the two polish ladies were here. I am not great at small talk and my polish sucks so i just avoid the situation. But they gave us some polish chocolates.

I ate one darkchocolate thingy and some alcohol thingy. No idea what was in them, wrapper was written in gibberish. But i also ate this ginger sponge thing coated in chocolate.

None of them tasted bad but now i feel like if the slightest thing bothers me im going to gut it and hang it on my wall.




21:50 Feb 04 2006
Times Read: 1,947

I do not understand people who ask their profile or journal be placed on peoples lists.

People either like it or they don't.




02:46 Feb 04 2006
Times Read: 1,971

I was walking my dog tonight in the woods and as i entered the woods another dog walked out from behind the trees. Well i had just let my dog off his leash and the two of them were facing off and as i reached for my dog to move him away they went off.

After i broke up the fight i gave my dog a thump and we moved on. I decided to vere off the path to avoid a group of people comming down the path. As i was walking by the dog was making his usual snuffly sounds and one of the girls looked up and said "oh, its a dog" and i was walking by except it was dark where i was so she didnt see me for a few seconds and they as i was passing she said "oh and a man".

I spent the next 10 minutes saying that line to myself over and over. It was one of a few times i have actually been refered to as a man. I'm just not used to it, i think of myself as a guy, not as a "man".

On my way home from the walk the dog was trying to make it up to me for getting into a fight so he was being extra friendly and wanted me to throw things for him more then usual. So i threw a stick and as he ran for it i hid behind a tree. He came running back and shot right past me and ran about 50 feet passed me and then stopped. He looked around for a bit then ran on a few more feet. When he hadn’t found me he ran into a field and started running around looking for me. I started to walk up the path and I made more noise then usual so he could hear me and come back. When he came back and he saw me his tail went crazy and he ran right up to me. He was so happy to see me I had to laugh.


Danielle said hey

P.P.s. I wrote this on feb 4th.

I noticed today that i didnt put a space between i and another word, i clicked edit, fixed the typo and now this entry has jumped to the top of my journal.

And it keeps showing up as "NEW." You broke it good!





Me, myself, Nic and a hippy.

23:35 Feb 02 2006
Times Read: 2,002

Welcome to my mind, i hope you wiped your feet says:

they have anti-selling laws at burning man

Welcome to my mind, i hope you wiped your feet says:

yet they sell tickets

Welcome to my mind, i hope you wiped your feet says:

cant have it both ways

Welcome to my mind, i hope you wiped your feet says:

cant be capitalist hippies

There's someone in my head, but it's not me! says:


Welcome to my mind, i hope you wiped your feet says:

wanna game of hacky sack man?

Welcome to my mind, i hope you wiped your feet says:

ok dude

Welcome to my mind, i hope you wiped your feet says:

$25 man

Welcome to my mind, i hope you wiped your feet says:

can i pay in instalments dude?

Welcome to my mind, i hope you wiped your feet says:

i dunno man, your credit limit is reaching the red line

There's someone in my head, but it's not me! says:


Welcome to my mind, i hope you wiped your feet says:

but studies show that my recent investments in twinky shares are going to push me into the higher demographic within the next fiscal year

Welcome to my mind, i hope you wiped your feet says:


There's someone in my head, but it's not me! says:


Welcome to my mind, i hope you wiped your feet says:

i like my long winded jokes

Welcome to my mind, i hope you wiped your feet says:

infact i think ill put it in my journal

There's someone in my head, but it's not me! says:





18:52 Feb 02 2006
Times Read: 2,010

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A profile of nothing but quiz results, between 25-30 of them and yet people were still saying;

Great profile, have a 10





15:48 Feb 02 2006
Times Read: 2,018

My neighbour just gave me a portable DVD player. Nice lady.




Spooky coincidence.

14:17 Feb 02 2006
Times Read: 2,021

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This is the image posted as todays cartoon on www.wulffmorgenthaler.com. On my way into college today i was sitting beside a woman reading a glossy magazine. I began to think what a pointless culture it is that produces this stuff and how nothing has substance in mass media anymore.

Then when i got to class today i found that we were beginning to talk about modern culture and its fascination with celebrity, an example given was the Michael Jackson trial.

But in the course of the class all three names in the above cartoon were mentioned.

Descartes, Kant and Plato.

What are the odds of me thinking of the subject i was going to have today before i got there and what are the odds of having those same 3 names appear in a daily cartoon strip i looked at when i got home.




Interesting T.V.

00:36 Feb 02 2006
Times Read: 2,038

I was watching Tv today and i saw several things of interest.

The first of these things was a documentary about women who find it hard to stop breast feeding their children. And what is worse is that some of the kids were as old as 8. These women were seriously into the breast feeding thing. This woman would whip them out in public and have her 8 year old sucking on them.

One thing that was said during the documentary really made me laugh. There was this man, in his late 30's, early 40's?? But he was obviously an uneducated scumbag, i think they call them Chavs anyway he was saying that people breastfeeding in public would attract people interested in:


Not Paedophilia, pedofiddlya.

The second thing was Pinks new music video. I don’t like all of her stuff but i do like her videos as they are usually not of the "look at my titties" variety, they often contain a little humour. I liked the video.

The last thing that was interesting tonight was another documentary called "Worlds BIGGEST Penis".

I only watched it for a little bit as Aliens was also on and i prefer Aliens to big cock. But what was funny about the show was the guy was a fat nerdy looking guy who talked about having his dick invited to oscar winners houses and getting blowjobs as a show etc... and throughout all the talking he did he had squinty little eyes and a grin on his face and at the end of every sentence he would say:

"I don’t make a big deal out of it"




My granddad 1938 .

19:09 Feb 01 2006
Times Read: 2,048

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00:00 Feb 01 2006
Times Read: 1,372

Woman = Womb man.



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