3 entries this month
03:52 Oct 17 2006
Times Read: 732
there are times when I have just finished mopping the virtual floor with some poor lackwit that I simply sit back and consider, am I right to do this? Who after all made me judge jury and executioner of the lackwit masses? but upon further contemplation, I again rest assured that sometimes people do need someone to stop being nice and polite to them and simply tell them to their face what most are saying behind their backs....and for this were people like me created, I have the ability to be extremely tactful when needed...but I often choose willingly to throw tact completely out the window and hit people with the sledgehammer of reality and the razor of vicious wit both at the same time, leaving behind a poor bloody smear that used to be someones ego and self worth, I have little doubt that someday i will seriously overstep bounds and someone just like me will pick apart all my flaws in the very same fact in the past it has occurred....but I learned from the experience, took from it the lesson that was intended in it, and moved on, this is all I ever ask of anyone, to simply seriously look at the words I have spoken when cutting you to the bone and smashing your ego, I hold truth in high regard and therefore I place my words carefully in these instances so that people may actually learn from the point..instead of just caving under pressure...that is till i feel the person is refusing to which case I stomp mercilessly upon the shattered remains of ego and self worth, which by this point....tend to make little sense as a human anyways....
god damn i'm vain some today....
and the zombies invade Edmonton00:47 Oct 15 2006
Times Read: 742
time for the second zombie walk.....
nothing like a few hundred freaks dressed as zombies randomly wandering the streets of deadmonton and invading a few local not because of fact the first zombie walk was early spring....just because we all can.....
we will be invading the edmonton art galleries seasonal gala around 11pm....hehe i'll try to get pics.....
houses, covens, and soap operas
08:45 Oct 11 2006
Times Read: 753
This one isn't going to be quite so acidic as my usual not this time...this one requires a calm cynicism normally reserved for people who I feel need to be stripped of their defenses and throttled slowly.
I do so love it when I am proven unequivically right.
Long ago...when the concept for the houses and covens was laid out....even before it was enacted....I was told how it was all supposed to work....I like many others was very extremely against forcible inductions...for even tho it is very vampire like....there were many times in the past that it was made openly apparent that this WAS NOT a roleplaying site...even if people were allowed to do such was not the purpose of the place.
but as it is chucks site....I aquiesced to his desires.....
but not without a prediction...
I stated that the point and status systems of the houses/covens, would not only NOT add to the site....
but that they would cause strife and arguments, backstabbing, cheating, and the placing of the lowest common denominator in people
who have little useful to say, but all the time in the world to play some silly games. I said that in the long run, we would lose many people of intellect and wit to the sheep like masses...this in itself is inevitable on any site...but I felt this would be sped by the new changes. I was proven very right,
MANY solid and witty thinkers who used to post thoughtful and provocative threads have now left the site....and numerous of them have told me they were leaving due to bullshit in the houses, infighting, backstabbing, and being sick of the godamn soap opera the place is becoming.
Now as numerous covens have had to be disbanded, dozens of great wits and thinkers have been suspended for freedom of speech on the topic, and as many plus more have simply had enough and deleted...I look back at the battlefeilds behind us...and to those ahead....and I ask...who benefits anymore from this.....
Had a good friend not gifted me another years premium..I may have considered an exodus from the rave myself...the thought had crossed my mind,
unfortunate as I have met many good peple here, but my ratlike senses are beginning to tell me i may be on a sinking ship here...time will tell
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