well really the title says it all, it's a sad thing when you contemplate that the death of a close family member might be considered a tender mercy, but would really be for the best in their case......
how far can one seriously climb back up after falling into a pit of drug abuse, self abuse, insanity, and self hatred after all, I used to believe in the resiliousness of our species, but one weekend with my mother rips away my beliefs in our ability to survive and prosper, why you ask do i subject myself to her then....I wish i could answer that....really I do
At what point do you cut off a loved one who is perpetually in serious need?
when do we draw a line in the sand and say, i'm sorry, but it's time for you to live your life and for me to live mine......caring only goes soo far before it changes to dependency, and dependency, can be crippling to a relationship, even one of a family basis