DMZ's Journal

DMZ's Journal


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3 entries this month

My status

03:22 Dec 17 2008
Times Read: 744

Welcome DMC

Your Status:


Pages Viewed:


Time Spent:

12.29 days

You have completed

33% of this level.

Pages Viewed Score: 19 x .30 = 5.7

Time Spent Score: 18 x .50 = 9

Ratings Score: 28 x .10 = 2.8

Database Submissions Score: 28 x .10 = 2.8

Total Score: 20.3

Referral Points: 0

Referral Modifier: 1

Mark Bonus: 10%

Mark Modifier: 1.1

Total Score: 20.3

Total Ratings: 10071

Total Database Submissions: 406

This is just put in here to remind myself that with hard work and effort you can be rewarded in ways that you couldnt imagine. I also today finished tWo things today. I got my rating score to 28 by rating over 400 items today in the final order of business today and im proud of that just because rating is for birds and im glad that is over with. The score that is more important is the database summission score which as u see it is up to 28 as well as I have finished work on that project and i surpised myself by finding so many sci fi movie and TV shows that I never knew has been ran on the tube over the years. so yea I have been busy doing other things lately but now I can focus my attention to other things and work on other things and it is that i've been waiting for and thats what im going to do as for now.

bye for now,





you cant handle the truth..................

00:14 Dec 12 2008
Times Read: 753

This is I truly feel about people in my life right now it just seems like that if you try to tell people the real truth about things that happened in their past. They dont know how to take it and they when you try to warn people about things like that I think that people take out of context and try to form another other opinion based on some of the things that are said between other people. To respond from all of that one has to ask one;s self mind if it is all there at times. To me at least from my point of view some of the people in my life just dont dont truly understand the things that are truly going on and could be under some spell just becuase not everything is there if you know what I mean and the truth is that that has to be answered is that why would I waste my time trying to help people if I knew in the back of my mind that i might be wasting my time and could be something else instead. that is the thought that comes with me all the time when I deal with certain people in my life. I guess the final decison is that instead of getting together with those people like I was going to be doing for xmas I have to take a pair of sissors and cut them out of my life for good becuase at the end of the day if the kindness that you show to people goes to waste as it has been lately than you know that the people arent worth anything to ya anymore and it is time to move on with life as with most people can do I guess so that is the current plan in my life.

bye for now,





friends and the lessions learned from them

23:51 Dec 10 2008
Times Read: 757

I will say this trusting some people in real life has had to made to think about some of the things that I do in every affect that has to do in my life in all factors. My friend Amy said she would keep what was said to me and her a secrect that was suppose to be not repeated to the rest of the world but the truth is that after the events that she has pulled on me the last few days and letting that cat of the bag so too speak im learning it is harder and harder to trust people with anything that is said that ment to be kept in private. The scert in question which I can say in here because nobody else in my real life really doesnt get on this website anymore is that I thought my friends cousin was an idiot for past events that he had pulled on people over the year. I guess my friend amy told me what I truly thought of him and the truth is that. after dealing with almost getting killed about it for good i've been told not to talk to my now ex friend amy or her family again which I understand now and such. I understand those feelings now and such and the basic lessions learned is that if u dont have a real trusted friend in your life then it is good just too clam up and not say a true word about things abotu anything to anyone anymore because when that person isnt a true friend to you at all then sometimes it is good just to cut ties with the loose strings that are always just pretending to be friends with you when in truth u know that the backstabbing is jsut around the corner and you always have to keep your gaurd up no matter and know that anytime anywhere anything that u say could be used againsy yourself. Just that in the true end of things all u gotta ask yourself is that with people like that around me all the time who needs enemies when you got friends like that all the time. I dunno and I guess I will just do the smart and just try to cut ties with all of that as well and not have to deal all the bs of that anymore, period

bye for now,




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