* Anders and I are both damn tired and decides to play cards. He can't stop tease me and the consequence of that, is that we both are laughing til we can't breath. Please, don't make me tell all that he was saying.
* I'm watching the guys play computergames. After a while I feel tired and lie down on the bed to sleep. Suddenly someone sits down at my back and begins to tickle... The someone is Oskar. Anders thinks it's really fun to watch me shriek with laughter and helps Oskar. They barricade me with chairs, so that I can't escape. Then they can tickle without me fighting back... Gee, I hate being tickled!!! lol
* Me and my friends are reading a book with unnecessary information. Cathrine reads that one of ten people that lives in the country have had sex with an animal and shouts "In my family we have lots of farmers!". Everyone's yelling "Eeeeew!".... Except for me... I look all terrified at Cathrine; "OMG! Then you may be related to an elk!!!!!" My friends couldn't stop laughing after that. LMFAO