I have really been wanting to become proficient in tarot card reading, and to be honest, I have struggled with retaining the meanings of the cards and so forth. Today I received an amazing gift from Cartomancer! I am beyond grateful for such a thoughtful and wonderful gift! Thank you so much! I can't wait for this evening to sit and do my first reading with them!
20:44 Sep 29 2022
My pleasure!
21:06 Sep 29 2022
That is a great gift.
I Have the Golden Wheel Tarot deck I have been using lately.
21:20 Sep 29 2022
I have many decks. I have a habit of purchasing them when I see them and they call to me.... However I have not been able to adequately learn and retain what each card means and represents. This deck is meant to help with that and I am so excited for it! I have the Dark Mansion Tarot that I can absolutely not wait to be able to read and this deck will help me get there. Super excited.
23:21 Sep 29 2022