My entire city is gone!
In case you all didn't know, my little town... Ringgold Ga was destroyed by a E4 or whatever they categorize them as tornado the other day.... I have not been around since and I apologize but I am in a state of shock and am seriously traumatized. My home was not hit or affected and Chris and I are both fine, but this is where I have lived for 30 yrs, and its all gone... my high school, my junior high,... the Waffle house I use to hang out every night, all the businesses and hotels and restaurants..... peoples homes, the death count is 30 + but they are not actually sharing that with the public.... there are people missing still and I have no clue if any of my friends are dead. I went into the town a couple of hours after the thing hit the city, to see if I could help... I wanted to help rescue people, but they wouldn't allow us to help... but I was there... I saw the damage, I saw the reality, and it is one I am having a hard time accepting. To some I may sound insane or like a baby, because it wasn't my home that was hit, but this is my little town and I love it, and it has been hit by total destruction, and there are military people here everywhere and people are looting and acting afool, and it's hard to take in something like that once you've lived it and seen it. We all think, that sort of thing will never happen to us or to our friends or families or in our towns... but when it does.... it affects us to the full extent. I may be away for a bit.... I am not sure. I am sorry but I need a bit of time to heal from this traumatic event and time to help anyone I can help here in my home town. I can be reached if need be. Alot of you have my number. If anyone wants to see a small glimpse of the damage you can you tube or google it.... Tornado Ringgold Ga. You'll pull up alot but it will not show you the worse damage that there is, however what you will see will be bad.
Here is one video that shows just a little of the damage.... :(
04:27 May 02 2011
Just watched the video. That is horrible. I'm sorry that you are having to go through this and my heart goes out to those injured and missing.
12:57 May 02 2011
Glad to know that you're ok and even able to help others in this time.
Stay safe!
15:25 May 02 2011
Many of us can only imagine what your feeling, stay safe.
12:46 May 04 2011
You all are in my thoughts and prayers.
08:13 Jun 23 2015
so sorry to see this. I hope your OK and you know my prayers and thoughts are with you my friend