Across the land
Beyond the mountains and forests
To a shimmering blue ocean
Like a beautiful stone set in gold
By that ocean clear and beautiful
I lay down among the soft sand
Without a thought I sleep
In my dreams I travel among the waves
For here I belong, it is my home
By that beautiful shining ocean
Along life's lonely road I travel
A weary soul unable to find peace
A sad soul, trapped in time
Unable to turn to another for help
A soul lost for eternity
Caught in times unbreakable grip
Seeking, turning, looking, searching
And yet unable to find another
Unable to trust others for fear of betrayal
And yet longing, longing for another
To come and lead me along this lonely road
Hoping, yet unable to hope
For a guiding hand to come
And ease my pain,
To mend my broken heart
To teach me how to hope and trust
To teach me how to feel emotions again
That caring soul who will come
And ease my pain, to mend my broken heart
Without asking for anything in return
This is my road, my hopes and dreams
For a future that I do not know
tragically romantic - you want to get close to someone but you're too afraid to.
At night through the darkness I walk
Through a forest of ancient trees I travel
Alongside a flowing river I stop to rest
As the silver moon across the sky moves
And upon the world shines golden stars
It is at this time when all of nature rests
That I am most at peace and secure
For at this moment I am able to relax
And lower my guard to be true to myself
Without having to worry about others
This is my time in the darkness of night
Perfect. There is no better time to enjoy nature.
What makes life worth living?
Is it the trials and temptations of life,
Truth or lies we tell each other,
Is it happiness and sadness of this world
Or is it the hope and despair we feel
What makes life worth living?
Is it the dreams for the future
Or the hopes for a better life
Is it he love of another?
Or do you live for the pursuit of happiness.
What makes life worth living?
Is a question that has been asked,
For countless ages past
And countless generations to come
For it is a question asked and many times,
What makes life worth living?
Nobody really knows the answer
Nor can they really give and answer.
Probably what makes life worth living.
Is the pursuit and search for the answer.
03:07 Apr 05 2011
serene and pleasant. almost dreamlike :)
02:24 Apr 20 2011
Yes, very nice and peaceful