Was there carnage?! Fuck yeah, that monster tore through hear piling on disaster after disaster until I was a quivering mess in my chair. The first bite... and I was lost in the BREAKFAST MONSTER! I had toast with honey, I had eggs, I had chicharron, carne asadd and plantano.. I am now feeling that well-hidden bovine gene kicking in... Damn, I wish I were a purger... but that seems so silly! With my luck, I will manage to wretch up my esophagus . Oh, and I have a 24 oz bottle of Pepsi. Yep. I am going to go hardcore Ghandi.. Especially, if I want to start sparring...
05:40 Nov 12 2008
hehe I am a snacker myself. A full meals is seldom. But when I do people are not aware that I don't Gourge at every meal.