If you're profile rating is over a 10, it's obviously a glitch. It can't be more than a 10, mathematically-speaking. If it bothers you so much that you feel the need to rate that person a 1 to even things out, in my opinion, I think you have issues. I mean, really... Especially when it's done by a person who states on their page "please don't downrate me..."
There's no such thing as a downrate- you can rate whatever you want, but it's always good to practice what you preach (for no other reason than to have integrity). I have been rated 1s on more occasions than I can count- and never questioned it. I just had to wonder when it came from a person who has such a plea on their own profile. And I don't even view this profile contents as having anything to do with me, but in memoriam of a great person who died. So for the first time I have been irked by a 1... because it's not about me.
No need to come to the profile and try to make up for the 1, because it didn't even dip below a 10. It's not the number, it's the intention and hypocrisy that bugs me. Sahahria is flipping them the bird from Heaven. Yep, she would be so bold as to do that with God watching. *laughs*