Poor AnfauglirXjawsofthirst you seem to have gone up in a 'Blaze' of ignorant glory there for a moment. lulz
It's cute how quickly you took the bait and acted exactly as predicted. Even now you can't resist the urge to spew more of the same old rhetoric and think for some reason just because it's you saying it that it would mean or matter something more then all the wasted times before. Did you honestly think your assumptions about me were going to either hurt my feelings or be closer to the truth? Nah just the same ol' obligatory need to feel justification for your actions right. lulz
Better luck on your next swing, John Redcorn.
If you can't amuse yourself then you can't expect others to either. lulz
I am the real CitizenX because someone on here says they have proof!!!
I can't be the real CitizenX because I'm everyone else so you can have it. lulz
Good point.. or you just suffer from an identity crisis.. or a personality disorder lol
I bet one of me takes drugs ... for that
*facepalm... Yep you called it... shall we get all of YOU's and form and intervention to save you from yourselves hahaha
Lol... Apparently I, AKA BeautifulEnlightenment, am the real CitizenX. OK, ya caught me. *giggles*
^ That's ironic since they're the same moron who claimed I/and/or my partner am CitX.
Shhhh Gristle you are just a figment of my imagination remember?
You mean peeps actually give a damn? Lol..ok
Obviously, where the fuck have you been? Is the pile of your suspended alt account army too high for you to see anything else?
Alrighty peeps it seems lately we have run into another case of "DeJa Moo" you know that feeling you get when you know you've experienced this BULLSHIT before.
I know I've put this up back on April 8th but since this came up again on Aug 31 let's play another game. This time lets call it, GUESS WHO - Goth edition.
So in grand fashion lets get started. Can I get the old contestants to COME ON DOWN so none of you fucking retards lose track again.
Vlad- nope
Tabby- nope
Antichrist- nope
Dylan aka Judgement- nope
Owlish- nope
Some random 'Greggy' (you'll have to ask Cinnamon)- nope
Alright, so there we have the old list and to it we get to add the newest personality of who the fuck you all seem to think I am.
You all watching right?
LadyEva / Heather / VK
and again the answer is NOPE
So lets see that's 7 down only 21,321 more profiles left on the site you morons can use to name me. Let's speed this shit up people or LEARN TO FUCKING READ.
On May 6th 2015 I think I spelled the shit out plainly for my poor, poor Vampishly. I'll even repeat myself for the attention impaired among you - ONLY PROFILE HERE. lulz Stop trying to give credit for my shit to other people.
Well fuck that was quick LULZ
So in this one, LordFangy thinks I must be Omen because his journal before that used the word / name Omen in it and I wanted to jab at the old guy this evening with my journal. Math can't be his strong suit since 1 + 1 does not = 11.
Omen- nope
Since all my honor is gone for the day I'll follow up tomorrow with screenshots from my visit with my warden and the peace offering I give for being insulted after this. LULZ
Beat me to it lulz
LMAOOOOOOOOO.... Yea I thought it was funny when I was told that a certain idiot said we were the same people anddd he had proof.. People really need to get a life..
So if someone gets it correct.. at who you are.. is there a prize? Like a toaster or a microwave? *Snorts
well now I know im not CX lol, so the mystery remains!! who is this masked marauder?....the VR world may never know...see you on the next edition of VR's unsolved mysteries
Still not me. ;c
Give them time Gristle. They will run out of other people eventually or you'll piss someone off enough to insult you by claiming you have to be me. lulz
I heard Gristle was CX... *Ducks and runs