I wonder if I have even complain about rates given to me?
If I did then I appologies... why?
Because complaining about the "valid rate" is like complaining about Cancer's rule and that means complaining about what I agreed to sign in for so bottom line it means complaining about Cancer
so to anyone complaing think about it... I know have, lately especially, why?
I got a few 10 and other numbers over time, and I use to be offended by a "online number" on a "website" and forgot about 2 important thing:
1-Its Cancer's site
2-Do I really consider this my REAL value?
Then I smile and log off, each time I feel a complaing about a rate coming up I remember the VR Manual and that all that matter is what those I care about and who care about me in real life count. The rest is only ... virtual :)
Ps just a copy and past for the complaininers:
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Jun 24 2009
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now I wanna see Dr Spencer Reid ( no clue his real name) from Criminal mind naked... no clue why but I kind a had that pop in my head and I kind a want to see him naked :p