Rosemary19:09 Jun 30 2008
Times Read: 636
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Parts Used: Leaves, Twigs & Flowering Tops
Rosemary is a very fragrant perennial evergreen shrub that has
needle-like leaves. It is easily shaped and is often used as hedges, or
pruned into decorative animal shapes for ornamental gardening. During the
holidays you can find table top trees decorated that are actually the
Rosemary plant.
This shrub is a must for any garden, not just herb gardens. It is said that
Rosemary is a companion plant for other herb and vegetable plants. It is
also one of the most widely used culinary herbs, with healing properties
that are just as vast and widely used throughout the world.
This pungent plant is a member of the Mint family. It has the same kind of
uplifting qualities found in Peppermint and in aromatherapy they are often
used as a substitute for one another.
Most of Rosemary's current uses have been handed down from ancient times and
include drinking Rosemary tea to treat indigestion, gas, bloating and other
digestive and stomach ailments. It also helps depression, headaches and cold
and flu symptoms, especially affecting the upper respiratory system. Drink
to relieve bronchitis, asthma and whooping cough as well.
A Rosemary bath helps overworked muscles and muscle spasms, arthritic joints
rheumatism, sciatica and neuralgia. The camphor in Rosemary is what helps
poor circulation and its antibacterial action helps heal wounds. It is
especially beneficial to inhale the bath vapors when sick. Rosemary blends
well with many other herbs to make it easy to prepare a healing bath that is
perfect for you no matter what your needs may be.
Rosemary essential oil is easy to use and a little goes a long way. Add to a
diffuser when studying to help memory retention, mental fatigue, and
treating nervous exhaustion. Add to your shampoo to stimulate the scalp and
help prevent premature baldness. Sinusitis sufferers can benefit from
inhaling directly from the bottle. It helps soothe the nose membranes while
clearing the sinus passages.
Rosemary has high concentrations of antioxidants and substantial amounts of
minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium and more. Considering all
the healing benefits of this culinary herb, one should use it all the time
and with every member of the family.
Blends well with: Basil, Cedarwood, Citronella, Frankincense, Lavender,
Peppermint, Pine, Sage, Sweet Orange and Thyme.
Pure Essential Oil Usage:
Inhalation - For stimulating the mind, fighting fatigue and aiding memory
retention. Also good for sinus passages.
Skin & Hair Care - Improves dull skin. For acne, dermatitis, eczema, insect
repellent, lice, scabies, and varicose veins. Stimulates the scalp, promotes
hair growth, use for dandruff, seborrhea and alopecia areata.
Tea - For headaches, depression, nervous diseases, colds and colic. It has
also been used for asthma and other lung and throat conditions.
Bath - Soothe muscle and joint pain. Heal skin wounds and infections.
Massage - Increases blood circulation to applied area. Soothes sore muscles,
eases heart palpitations.
~Crystals & Stones~
18:48 Jun 11 2008
Times Read: 669
Crystals have been prized as amulets and for their natural beauty since time began. Crystals have been found in the medicine pouches of cavemen and in the Pharaohs tombs. The ancient Greeks believed amethyst would prevent them getting drunk and in India, agate was worn to defend against the evil eye. Many of today's clergy wear a sapphire ring as a symbol of purity.
All throughout history crystals have been regarded as mystical talismans. Science has proven what our ancestors knew instinctively, crystals posses a natural power called the piezoelectric effect, meaning that they have the ability to amplify, channel or alter the flow of electricity. Crystals are used for this purpose in radios and television, computers, microphones and watches. People, animals and plants all carry an electrical charge, sometimes also called an aura, so it is logical that crystals have an effect on us as well Crystals can clarify thoughts, channel energy, increase creativity and create emotional balance.
"How very beautiful these gems are!
It is strange how deeply colors seem
to penetrate one like a scent.
I suppose that is the reason why gems are
used as spiritual emblems in Revelations.
They look like fragments of heaven."
George Eliot
Many people like to carry a small tumbled stone in their pocket or bag, by having it close by they are able to reach out and touch or hold it in moments of stress or when they need to bring a bit of balance and reassurance into their aura. Rather like worry beads.
Crystal wands are used to massage a particular area that needs healing, with a smooth rounded end for massage and a natural point to focus energy.
Wearing crystal jewelry keeps the energy close to your body, the energy merging with your aura, balancing and energizing you all day.
Clustered groups of crystals are especially good for energizing a room or group meetings, they are also good for recharging other crystals and jewelry. Place the crystal on top of your cluster and leave it overnight. Single terminator points are used for general purposes, the energy flowing through the crystal and transmitting through the point and the less common double terminator project energy from both ends creating a balanced energy field.
When choosing a crystal for yourself or a loved one, trust your instincts, if you feel the need to reach out and hold it or feel it is the one for you, it probably is. Some may want to meditate on a crystal or hold it to feel the energy flow, it's all a matter of personal choice. Crystals need to be cleansed when you first get them, to clear any vibes they may have gathered and to charge them with your own thoughts and goals. There are many ways to do this, such as lay them on the ground or hang them in a tree on a full moonlit night or soak them in seawater for three to seven days, leave them in direct sunlight for several hours or hold them in fresh running water, never use hot water and always re-cleanse your crystal jewelry after an illness or upset.
AGATE: Enhances truth and understanding, tones and strengthens mind and body, promotes a feeling of strength and courage. Attracts true and loyal friendships.
AMBER: Actually is fossilized tree resin, cheering and joyful, repels spiders and is a powerful healer, amber will hold a static electrical charge when rubbed.
AMETHYST: Promotes peace and friendship, helps disperse migraines and fear. Enhances meditation and psychic abilities. Helps insomnia. Gives protection from negative energies. Balances emotions, enhances compassion and tolerance, helps to blend opposing personalities into strong relationships. Keeps you in touch with your spirituality and helps you reach your highest goals. Balances and heals all chakras, but especially the third & seventh. Keeps you grounded, and aids in Channeling.
AVENTURINE: Helps to release stress and anxiety and helps with problems arising from these energies, strengthens blood and aids in cleansing.
AZURITE: Helps body utilize oxygen and strengthens blood. Reduces stress and confusion. Aids in controlling emotions. Enhances psychic abilities and creativity Malachite is a great absorber of negative energies, therefore requiring regular "cleansing "; however, when combined with azurite, the negativity will be dispersed rather than stored.
BLOODSTONE: A very powerful stone used by the American Indians to stop hemorrhaging and assist with blood clotting, also oxygenates blood.
CARNELIAN: Aids tissue regeneration and helps to find one's true self Positive and soothing.
CHRYSOCOLLA/GEM SILICA: Aids in preventing ulcers, digestive problems and arthritis. Balances hormones, Alleviates fears, guilt and tension. Amplifies creativity, joy and communication. Neutralizes anger and calms frazzled nerves.
CITRINE: Helps to realize cloudy thoughts and to take control of your emotional life. Brings joy and happiness. Dispels anxieties and fears.
EMERALD: Emerald has been considered as a "medicinal" stone to soothe strained and tired eyes, just by gazing at a nice green one. Engraved with the image of a frog, it is supposed to help restore peace. It is the talisman stone not only of Venus as mentioned above, but The Guardian Angel Muriel, and is the stone of all the "Angel Princes". It is supposed by many to be good for preventing epileptic attacks, stopping bleeding and soothing fears and irritations. It is the fourth stone in Aaron's Breastplate. In "gem elixirs" it is supposed to be good for all kinds of digestive problems. It is also said to be of value in immune system deficiencies, and to improve meditation and psychic abilities.
FLOURITE: Unveils subconscious blocks and enhances creativity. Energies of purple (mind) and green (body) helps to bring both together.
GARNET: Enhances the imagination and protects from depression and fear. Gives strength and courage.
HEMATITE: Metaphysical powers attributed to hematite include a power over all kinds of problems of the blood and circulatory system. It increases resistance to stress. It is supposed to increase energy, vitality, optimism, will, courage and enhances a magnetic personality. Increases energy and vitality. Strengthens heart and kidneys. A very powerful stone. Hematite is a very good "ground" and works to cut off unwanted influences from the astral plane. It also helps one to deal with changes in life and lifestyle.
JADE: Relaxes and soothes the mind. Cleanses and balances kidneys, spleen, liver, pancreas, stomach & colon. Brings good luck and fortune.
JASPER: A grounding earth stone, helps with liver, gallstones and kidney problems. Promotes an unselfish attitude. Strengthening the liver, bladder & gallbladder. Soothes the stomach and nerves. Improves the sense of smell.
LAPIS LAZULI: Used by the Egyptians to bring peace, self awareness and clarity. Aids creative expression and enhances intuition.
LEPIDOLITE: Strengthens muscles, especially the heart. Aids sleep. Enhances emotional balance and stability. Eases stress and anger. Minimizes both illusion and confusion. Generally beneficial to any mental problem. When used with fluorite, it is very powerful in enhancing mental powers.
MALACHITE: Metaphysical authors have indicated that malachite aids in tissue regeneration, strengthens the heart, reduces stress, tension and aids in sleeping. It also seems to be a good stone for grounding excess energy, so if you are overwrought, or hyperactive, an amulet of malachite may be just the thing to calm you down. MALACHITE absorbs "NEGATIVE ENERGY" like crazy, so if you wear it or have specimens or decorative items made of malachite around CLEANSE them often.
MOONSTONE: The stone that represents the goddess within, helps to balance hormonal problems. Aids men to balance the male/female energies. Wear during pregnancy and birth.
PERIDOT: Reduces stress and stimulates the mind. Promotes personal growth and awareness.
PSILOMELANE: There is very little metaphysical information available on psilomelane. It is good for kingly powers, especially in the areas of relationships, politics and money. Hollandite is a power stone for warriors and for empowering one to be productive, Pyrolusite a stone that enhances determination and ambition, Braunite as healing and balancing to the reproductive system, Coronadite as enabling one to commune with the spirits of nature, and Romanechite to ease the fear of open spaces. Psilomelane is a very good talismanic stone for WARRIORS, therefore it is good for Soldiers, Police, Martial artists and anyone who has to face danger and conflict. It is also a favorite of the Sea god Poseidon, and therefore a good amulet for sailors.
QUARTZ: Excellent for meditation and connection to spirit guides. Amplifies energy and dispels negativity. Helps to balance emotions. Enhances the body and the mind. Activates the pineal and pituitary gland. Balances the emotions. Stimulates brain function and amplifies thought forms. Activates all levels of consciousness. Dispels negativity in one's personal energy field and environment. Receives, stores, transmits, activates and amplifies energy. Aids meditation and communication with the Higher Self and Spirit guides
ROSE QUARTZ: The love stone, brings love and peace to the wearer. Enhances appreciation of music, poetry and art. Reduces stress and guilty feelings, ideal for children.
RUTILATED QUARTZ: Strengthens the immune system and 'life-force'. Stimulates brain functions. Eases depression, quells fears and facilitates inspiration. Increases clairvoyance. Can lead you to love and in positive directions to achieve your goals. Also known as Venus Hair Stone (after the Goddess, rather than the planet.) Much stronger than clear quartz, enhances life force and increases clairvoyance.
SMOKEY QUARTZ: Strengthens adrenal glands, kidneys and pancreas. Increases fertility, endurance and energy. Relieves depression, mildly sedative. Enhances dreaming and dream awareness. Enhances emotional and physical love Enhances dream awareness and dispels negativity. Aids channeling.
SODALITE: Enhances communication and calms and clears the mind. Very similar to lapis but gentler.
SUGILITE: Strengthens the heart. Activates the brain hemispheres. Aids physical healing and purification of the body systems. Balances emotions, relieves stress. Brings higher spiritual awareness into physical reality. Enhances sensitivity, Excellent for meditation.
THULITE: Excellent for meditation, Enhances the senses, and can block unwanted astral and mental influences. A balancing element for those in a position of an employee or servant, and keeps them from overextending themselves or falling into negative habits.
TIGER EYE: Helps you to recognize your own faults and deal with them. Softens stubbornness and brings clear in sight.
TOURMALINE: Aids Sleep. Strengthens body & mind. Enhances sensitivity and understanding. Powerful healer. Tourmaline in general is a very good stone for protective amulets, with green, brown and black the best for this purpose. Combining tourmaline crystals with other stones will give protection in a variety of specific cases.
TURQUOISE: Will absorb and protect the wearer from psychic attack, brings peace of mind and promotes creative expression. It tones and strengthens the entire body. It helps in regeneration of tissue, improves the circulation and revitalizes the blood. It gives peace of mind, provides emotional balance and enhances meditation. It aids in creative expression, enhances communication and friendship.
Called by some "The master healer" it is supposed to be beneficial for just about any physical problem. The birthstone for December, and the Zodiacal stone for Sagittarius, Turquoise has one of the longest and most interesting histories of the gemstones. Some sources indicate that it is the 11th stone in the Breastplate of Aaron.
~Author Unknown~ (If by chance you do know who it is please let me know so that I can change it here)