Okays sooo life has went to hell in a ball of fire...I mean why the hell does surtain assmonkeys want a DNA done now...I mean what chance is it that my luck would get better....Here I thought I was getting ahead now I get my ass kicked...Unpacking fast and ferious now
Okays so today had been a fuckin bitch...Sometimes I wish I could jump off the face the damn earth and be at peace with my past....But guess what the bad parts still kick me in the fucking ass every damn day of my pathetic life...Oh well what the hell...I will fight the pain and kick my defections in the ass
Okays so I know right if most are following are thinking what a Soap Opra life lol...But all of it is reality for me....Lets just have a recap...I got pregnant 3 months before I was married at the age of 20 the only part I will never take back....married a douche bag and then devioiced in the length of a month....Lived in hell and moved again...Was booted from one house at the age of 17....And then she wanted me back again....My life is like a fucked up mystery novial where the bad guys are all around and no where to run or hide like in the stories....Sometimes though I believe things are looking up....Finally might get the other genree of novials in my life lol...or just publish books based on it lol...
15:02 Jan 29 2012
Dont worry sis everything will work out for you becasue you are the best mm ever.