I apologize to those who were wondering where I went. I went searching for what I thought I had lost.
Sometimes we find that which we seek the most is hidden inside us. We carry it with us always, even when/if we forget it's there.
I traveled over six (6) thousand miles in 6 months. I stood in the middle of the great plains, on the shore of the great lakes, deep in a forest miles from any human life, I visited people I am glad to call friends and those that carry darkness within their hearts.
I came back to my home in Washington to find the peace, tranquillity and beauty that surrounds my house. I love having squirrels, chipmunks, weasels, quail, doves, marrmots, moose, deer, elk, rabbits, coyote, bears, cougars and badgers living within a mile of me.
Sharing my small corner of the U.S. with many furry and feathered friends makes coming home special, every day.
I am glad to be back on VR as well. I have a new job so I don't get to spend as much time as I would like keeping up on everything, but if you send messages, I will write back.
08:04 Aug 24 2012
It sounds quite a wonderful place you live in.. funny though I never thought of Washington as tranquil, as I imagine traffic, pollution and skyscrapers! But, good for you finding a niche in all of that :)
19:05 Sep 05 2012
I live near the border of Idaho and Canada. It's an amazing place to raise kids. lol, I often forget to lock my doors and have never had any problems.