NOTE: I'm not responsible for Back-fires or Karma. Always remember the 3-Fold Law.
A Binding spell can be done to remove negative energy coming from one specific person or source. This is not something to be done lightly and you should take the time to soul search and think about the situation, to decide if Binding is right.
This can be done anytime of the Lunar cycle, but I find it is most effective if done during the waxing phase for more constructive energy.
you will need:
12inches of Black ribbon
Picture or item of the person in question
jar (optional)
Black Candle
White Candle
Color candle representing the person (either a Zodiac or Birth candle).
Make your circle and have all of your tools in there with you. Sit in the center of the circle and meditate on the problem with the person. Light the candles: Black for protection and banishment of negativity, White for protection and promotion of positive energy. Take the picture or item and wrap the ribbon around it three times while saying the following:
"Fates of 3,
Bind them from Me,
In my Heart,
So the Healing can start."
(NOTE: You can make up your own words for this spell! Be creative! It dosent even have to rhyme!)
Tape or tie the edges together. Let the candles burn out completely. Thank your Dieties and close your circle. Try to let your heart, mind and soul heal.
You can either place the wrapped item in a jar and bury it in sacred ground (a patch of dirt in your yard or in the woods that you have concencrated) or keep it on your Altar. Some people even burn it and scatter the ashes. Try not to do this spell when you are angry or upset. Only use this after you have exhausted all other avenues with this person.
Note: I'm not responsible for back-fires or karma.
This spell is good for protection against a certain person. For example, if someone is bothering you or abusing you this spell helps.
Clear Glass Jar
Black String
Ink (pen or whatever)
Dirt to burry it in (gardens are good)
1st, and the most important thing to do when you are about to create a spell of Wicca, clear you mind. Concentrate on what you want your outcome to be. It's not wise to wish hurt or suffering though it can be oh so satisfying to do so.
Write the name and birthdates of the person(s) on the blank paper in ink. Fold it and wrap a black string around it and knot it. Drop the paper with the string around it into a clear jar filled about 2/3 with water (the temperature, so i have found, makes no difference). Close the lid tight, you don't want it leaking out. Take the jar and it's continents to your burial place i.e. garden, yard, anything earthly. Burry it in the earth still focusing on your goal and there you are.