Catalunah's Journal

Catalunah's Journal


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4 entries this month

Cat's Paw : a short story

06:55 Nov 27 2007
Times Read: 652

I first met him when hanging out with mutual friends. He seemed to be a great guy to hang around with, so I stayed in touch over a span of time. It took a few months before I could allow myself to endure the emotions he made me feel. I had been hurt so many times in my life that I began refusing love to enter my heart. I don't know what made me drop that inner wall nor what made me know that he would hurt me, but I followed the feelings I had for him.

At first things were beyond wonderful then a little rocky. Then one day I heard the gossip about him and another girl, how he had emotionally checked out on me. I'm peculiar on gossip so I seek out the truth and found out that this time they were right. Seeing both him and her squirm made me feel better in a way but my fire was too far gone. I began seeing visions of the many brutal things that I wanted to do to him for betraying me and I knew I was capable of every single one but my love stopped me. I found joy in the minor things I did then went numb. It still baffles me as to why I didn't take this opportunity to make him suffer.

As time went by I made personal ammendments. My love for him made me place semi-forgiveness towards him. Never thought that a man would make me act like this one did. Perhaps I am merely more mature on such subjects or then again this was only his first strike. I was always told that revenge was sweeter dealt in three's. I just cannot phantom my mind on the idea that I can continue a relationship with a man so frivolous in a relationship. Pondering is a waste of time however. So I decided to simply watch and listen to everything that came my way then simply decipher fact from fiction. My entire being knew he was going to strike-out, it was simply a matter of time, and I had all the time in the world.

Roughly a month passed before I heard something that made enough sense that it was highly plausible to be truth. I received an anonymous phone call late one night from a woman. She was extremely upset for it seemed that her girlfriend had been cheating on her and that she knew it was with a man ... possibly my man. My dear sweet boyfriend had introduced me to a woman fitting her girlfriend's description a couple of weeks back and I knew that both these women were in fact bisexual like myself. It seemed odd though that only days after he introduced us he suddenly had a reason to be working late and there were times when he would receive a phone call in the late of night that would require him to leave hastily. My confusion as to ehy had an answer with this phone call, so I devised a plan.

On one of his and my off days, we made plans of going out, which we did. A day at the beach, a fancy dinner, and a night of clubbing felt great. Upon our return home I decided to take a quick shower. While I was drying off afterwards I heard the phone ring. From what I could hear, he was going to be leaving. I stepped from the bathroom unclothed and hinting to releasing our last energies into wild sexual endevours. Usually he was happy as hell and would ravish me continuously past morning light. However tonight was different. He made a lame excuse and left hurriedly. Normally I would turn on the radio and play a game on the PS2 before submitting to sleep ... but not this time. I quickly dressed, putting on nothing more than a pair of jeans and a tee. I grabbed my shoes and keys on the way out the door and quickly followed him.

He pulled into a gas station to put gas in his car. He walked inside to pay and walked out with the same woman he had introduced me to a couple weeks back. This only fueled my rage as my mind could only produce that I was right. I followed them to a hotel and watched patiently for an hour before I returned home. I undressed then laid down on our bed and phoned the woman whom had called me about her own suspicions. After explaining that I had retrieved her phone number off of my caller ID, I began telling her everything that I had witnessed. She started crying over it but I wasn't one to console her for I had my own agenda. After hanging up I made myself comfortable and fell into a light sleep. He appeared at the break of dawn and attempted to creep in trying not to wake me. I didn't move nor stir until he laid his head down upon his pillow. I simply said, "So how was the rest of your night?" He stammered out that it was okay but rather boring. "Really?!? I figured if a woman calls and you run to her that you both had fun together." Guess the fact that my eyes remained closed made him rather uncomfortable for he stuttered asking me what I meant. I didn't bother to reply just yet. He began to feel at ease again before I would speak again, saying that he shouldn't be so bold as to introduce me to his mistress and not expect me to find out about it. He rolled over with his back to me and I heard a small sniffle before his confession. I blocked it out when I was merely hearing the same words fall from his lips after the first time I caught him cheating. To make him worry more, I fell asleep as he spoke and he did not know how to take that.

A better person would most likely have warned him that one more time of betrayal would lead me to show him my pain in unconvetional ways but I didn't speak this to him. The next day he suprised me with gifts galore, tokens of his love and affection. At work he had delivered unto me a dozen black roses with purple tips laid on top of yellow, white, and red roses. When I returned home that afternoon I would find a romantic denner (which he cooked), more flowers, a premade bathe with rose petals in the water, and only candlelight. To end this special occasion he suprised me with a cruise trip of the Carribean and a marriage proposal. Before answering I had to ask if he knew that he could remain faithful and upon him stating that he would brought me to say yes. Personally, looking back, I believe I was just waiting for him to screw up one more time. Everyday I came home, he offered me massages and cooked every dinner. Then came time for our cruise, and honestly he enjoyed it more than I.

Our second night out to sea proved that he never intended to actually stay faithful, much less actually marry me. I had left the party early due to a cramp in my leg, when actually I was just simply sick and tired of dealing with him flirting with every decent looking female that he came in contact with. As special he made them feel you would think he did the same towards me but no, I wasn't that lucky. I used to pass it off that he didn't realize how miniscule he made me feel when the reality of it was he thought he had me where I would never leave him. But what he don't know will definitely hurt him. When the clock read 2am I decided it was time to hunt him down. I had taken the time to study the ship's layout from the map on the hallway's wall and began my search in all the areas I thought he would sneak to. Instinct, however, made me stop at a door on the starboard side that wasn't marked down on the map. I stuck my ear to the door and faintly heard only a couple of people inside. I had considered just leaving, playing the people off as just crewmen when I heard his voice. I was about to open the door when a woman walked out. She was rather drunk and stumbling out just a giggling. From inside the room I heard another girl teasingly asking her to return but the woman denied. After she closed the door and walked away, I knocked her out from behind. For everything to work I needed her so I drug her to another room where I bound and gagged her. I returned to where he was at last and hoped he was still at ... and he was.

After a moment of pondering at the scenerio I was about to interrupt and how was best to advance and handle myself. Finally I felt like scripting it wasn't my fortay this go round. So I just busted through the door just like the average woman does except I had the thunder & lightning start behind me for emphasis. His face went ash white and her once red flushed face began to pale. I could tell he was at a lost for words as she began to stammer out some pathetic excuse as to why they were both caught naked. I started towards him forgetting her existance until she made a defensive comment about how I wasn't woman enough to please my man. O how the flame risen within me and then her true fear grew. I fed upon her fear as I came towering over her naive youth and knocked the hell out of her. She staggerred for a moment then fell almost lifeless to the floor. A smile formed upon my face, unnerving to say the least. A small maniacal giggle overtook me for a brief moment, "Now it's my turn beloved, for you to feel the pain you have caused me." Afraid to speak or move he followed every direction I gave him. I tightly bound the girl and gagged her then instructed him to carry her. I made him place her within the same room as the other woman. Upon seeing the other one already in the room his eyes widened in fear, my sensing it made my smile grow bigger. perhaps I was enjoying all of this more than I should. I ordered him to return to our room and there I made him stay or at least until the next night. I had a visionary dream of what I wanted to do to him first and since I forbidden him any clothes made it all the easier.

Around 3am the next night I made him walk beneath the ship's bow where there was a captain's plank. I tied a rope about his feet and he whispered pleas, his only easement was that I promised I wouldn't kill him ... yet. After I made sure all the knots were secured, I told him to simply jump. At first he was reluctant as if I were perhaps only joking til he saw me begin to grow impatient. That's when his fear that he may actually be giving me a reason to change my mind and kill him right then & there, so he jumped. For a couple of hours I enjoyed the small wave he made in the water until I saw the blasted sun begin to rise. I cursed it for rising as I tugged to lift him back aboard. A relief washed over him when he landed back on the deck. I couldn't help but to laugh as water continued to fall from his mouth even a hour later.

The next afternoon the ship would be making dock on some island, sadly I really didn't care to know the name of it anymore. My sweet and innocent boyfriend, fiancee, whatever one may call him at this point, started feeling cocky the morning of. He threatened to turn me over to the proper authorities when we made shore. My temper took a quick turn and I began to out my cigarette on his shoulder. To be honest, I never knew that burnt flesh smelled so good. A wicked smirk crossed my face crossed my face as I simply told him to be smart or die right now. Men, what pathetic creatures. They act so big & strong til someone like me comes along and make them into the sniveling cry-babies they truly are. From this train of thought should come what his answer was, a squirmish vermin under the cigarette & a cooperative bug in order to stay alive. He sat there, quietly, watching me make him an extra special pair of pants. It took me only a couple of hours to get the razor blades sewn in properly before I beheld them for him to see. As a giddy me showed them off, I began to explain how if he made one false move that he would die very painfully. For one small yet somewhat hard tug, anywhere upon his pants, would castrate him to the fullest extent. I also demonstrated my voice activated device as I simply whispered "Divide & conquer" sharp blades pierced out of every stitch. I guess my wasting time by actually picking up a book and reading it paid off in the long run.

I was more anxious than he for us to hit land. Sweat beads upon his brow as we walked casually off the ship to the dock. My first goal was to get a room at the nearby hotel. He really didn't know what to expect but he knew that the chance of us returning to the ship was slim. In the hotel room I gave him some lead way, or so he thought, by telling him to go wash up. While he was in the bathroom I made a phone call and rented a boat on his credit card. When he exited from the bathroom I couldn't help but laugh, hard. This seemed to confuse him a bit so inbetween hearty laughter I told him to look in the mirror. As he peered at his now deformed face he silently yelled because he was no longer the pretty boy he prided himself as being. I walked up behind him, somewhat maintaining my laughter, "What's wrong baby?" He could only stammer "Wh-what have-e y-you don-done t-t-to my-y f-fface?" Still snickering I simply replied, "It pays to remember baby, that hotel soap is always wrapped when you first arrive. You should really pay closer attention. Besides I've done you a favor because pride is one of the deadly sins. Now come lay down on the bed." His eyes wide like a deer in the path of headlights, he turned to me trying to register what I had said then reluctantly made his way to the bed. I bound and gagged him to the bed's frame before running a quick errand, I was in need of some supplies. When I returned I stood outside the hotel room for several minutes listening til I struck up a conversation with a passerby. The guy was flirting with me and, well I flirted back. Still giggling I made my way back into the room and he gave me a look as if he had caught me cheating on him. I couldn't stifle my laughter as I gazed upon his face and the thought of how he would have been like if it were I who had been the one cheating.

I untied him from the bed and wrapped my arm about his waist with one hand as I clutched a duffle bag in the other. I escorted him down to the fishing docks, gave the man his ID, and then left with the boat. I had told my boyfriend that I had no idea where we were heading but actually I did. When we hit open seas I began extracting stuff from my bag and what he saw confused him. While I was tying the hook to the line I told him to drop his pants. He obeyed, reluctant because he feared what was coming next. I tied the other end of the line to his penis, tightly, before attaching a nice size of raw meat onto the hook. His eyes widened so big that they nearly bulged out of socket for he knew now what I had in store. I had made the comment the night he told me about our cruise of how I wanted to go shark fishing but he had no idea this is what I meant. After about a hour or so I could hear an immense scream escape him, it startled me for I had began to doze off a li'l bit. Looking down I could see that a mako shark had taken the bait and thrashing it about under the water trying to get the meat unleashed from the hook it was on. I watched it intently until it nearly pulled my boyfriend out of the boat, so I cut the line and let that beautiful mako enjoy his hard earned meal. I quickly went to work to cortirize the wounds on his penis, for I didn't want him to die just yet. I still had so much more planned.

For the next few hours I allowed him to relax as I made my way to a specific location. The tranquil sea almost dispersing my overwhelming rage but overall I suppose, I was the new storm at sea. Finally reaching a small island with no native people and no beach resorts just deserted became my stopping point. Laid upon the shore were the two women I had caught him with upon the ship. Confusion swept over him yet again, he was most likely wondering how they had gotten there but I offered no answers at this point. Both of the girls were pretty much dead so I had no reason to worry over them at this time. I decided to relax just a bit and make him work once again for his life. I made him strip down to nothing then took a red marker from my bag and drew a bull's eye both on his back & chest. Sitting down on a blanket I spreaded out I withdrew a high-powered pellet gun and simply told him to run back & forth because I wanted a moving target that I didn't have to chase. I had reloaded my gun for the eleventh time before he pretty much collapsed upon the sandy shore and honestly it irritated me. I walked up to him with my shadow towering over him, he was pleased with the shade before I shot him close range in his foot and called him a lazy bum that could go on having sex for hours but couldn't barely run worth shit. After a couple more close range shots to his feet and legs he finally managed to get up. Grabbing him by his ear I made him go to the tree line and I tied him to the closest palm tree. As I walked back to where my bag laid I could hear him faintly beg for water to soothe his parched throat and dehydrated body but I ignored him. I extracted a medium size bucket and waded into the water collecting the sea life I needed and returned to shore leaving the bucket to only get two smaller ones. I walked down to a nearby stream to gather fresh water and upon returning I extracted a metal cup from the bag. I filled it and drank from it as I went over to him to untie his bounds. As soon as the rope partially fell from him he ran to the buckets and had almost down one when he began to choke. I guess he should have looked more closely as to what was in them before being so greedy. The leeches I had added after retrieving my cupful had already attached themselves to the roof of his mouth and tongue. I almost fell from laughter and joy it gave me to see him in such disarray. Only when I saw his face begin to grow purple did I regain my composure to extract the leeches from his mouth and upper throat. He gagged and nearly puked but was relieved at his first unconstricted breath.

While he was semi-unconscious did I lather his body with honey and then sprinkle upon him sesame seeds, I had always liked those two ingredients together. I grabbed the medium size bucket and took out sea urchins to outline his body with them. These were incentive for him not to roll away. I sat my distance for awhile before the sea gulls had discovered the meal I had laid out for them. Greedily they took to him as if they haven't eaten in ages so when I returned to him they weren't bothered by my presence. All the pecking awoken him with a start and he screamed needlessly. Just as I had predicted he went to roll away from the gulls but instead of sand he felt as he did he was pricked by the thousands of needles from the urchins. This caused him to attempt to roll the other way but all he found was the same needles so he tried arching his head back and his feet down but there was only more urchins. His hands waved back and forth trying to make the gulls find him a less appeasing buffet but it was of no use. As I stood beside him I could see him plead mercy with his eyes but I no longer had any.. I walked down to his feet with pliers in hand and began extracting his toenails one by one. I could tell the pain was well beyond excrutiating but that didn't stop me. When I had finished with all ten toes I made my way to his side and started extracting the fingernails upon that hand then proceeded to the next one in the same fashion. After I had finished I watched for awhile longer as the gulls covered him with feathers galore before taking the same pellet gun I used before a shooting towards them. They began to scatter. Even though he was in so much pain he silently thanked me for not allowing him to become bird feed. As I gathered the urchins back up, placing them gently into the bucket in which they came from, I instructed him to go wash off in the sea. He looked at me in disbelief for even he knew what salt felt like in wounds, but I was serious. As he bathed I ventured out to return the urchins back into the sea. He had removed most of the honey and sesame from his body before returning to shore. I allowed him to sit upon the blanket and offered to dress his wounds. As I dug through my bag he began talking about how he could understand why I had done everything that I have done and how things would change when we returned home. About how he still loved me and wanted us to work on our soon to be wedding. Of all the things he had planned for us until he felt the alcohol sting on one of his arms. I suppose that that was one way to snap him back into reality. A shocked expression came across his face as he soon began to realize that I no longer had these shared plans. I finished cleansing his wounds with alcohol and the pain became so bad & his adrenaline all used up that he passed out.

During the night I constructed my makeshift stand. A large wooden X upon the shore shadowed over him as morning came quickly. He opened his eyes to only see me extracting the teeth from the woman who was roughly the same height and build as myself. Placing her teeth in a specimen type dish that I stowed away when I was done. He watched me removed another dish and saw me begin to add new teeth to her mouth. A sudden realization came to him about what it was that I was doing. Memories of secretive talks I had had with a dentist friend had nothing to do with a procedure I was needing done but instead a way of requiring what I needed in order to fake my own death. His head whirled as he was beginning to see things unravel in his head, a tear strolled down his cheek as if by somehow he felt sadnees for what he had done to me, for all the pain he caused. Then fear overwhelmed him and he stupidly thought this was an opportune time to make a run for the boat to get away. Only when a firm hand landed upon his shoulder did he realize that we were no longer alone. He never had a chance to see who was behind he as he was drug to my makeshift X and was tied upon it overlooking the sea. I laid both of the bodies upon the boat and doused in graciously with gasoline then setting it on fire before setting it adrift. I stood beside him and watched as if we were watching the most spectacular thing ever. I ooh'd and awed at the sight before me, I even laughed giddily when the boat exploded. When it was all said and done I turned around to face my boyfriend and I kissed his browed, "Oh how I loved you. To bad you were too blind to see what you had and now it's too late. Just know that you were my cat's paw from the beginning of this cruise. Now I release you to My Shadow." As I walked away from him I could hear his pleas for forgiveness. I walked up to the one who had tied him up and simply smiled then nodded. I made way to where the helicopter was in wait when I heard this man say, "She was your torment, I am your punishment." Giggling at knowing it was soon going to be over I climbed into the helicopter and flew off. No longer was I going to feel hurt and unwanted, no longer was I going to be the victim of his unfaithfulness and lies. No ... because now I am free and my destination unknown.

As for my fake death and it being believed, lets just say that roughly a month later my obituary showed up in the papers. As for my boyfriend ... he is still missing.





08:26 Nov 12 2007
Times Read: 666

"It was a dark & dreary night ..." "Oh come on. I am so sick of scary stories starting that way." "Well Jesse how would you start it. I mean the atmosphere makes its scary." "Phil you really need to chill. I understand that but have you ever noticed that you can tell the type of story just by its setting described in the beginning. All I'm saying is that it doesn't have to be a dark dreary night.", Jesse couldn't help but to laugh at this aspect. She knew that Phil wasn't one to think about anything and he was probably just gonna tell the same story again anyways. She didn't understand how Dana put up with Phil's under-average mind. It was times like this she was glad to be with Tristan, at least he had an imagination. It seemes like deja-vu this night, probably because once again she was in a scuffle with Phil, she could never truly understand his simple mindedness yet she endured for her best friend's sake. Tristan pulled her closer to him, "Jesse give him a break. At least he's trying to tell a good story. Phil please continue. I promise to keep her under control." Tristan couldn't help but to laugh as he said the last part. He knew that there was no way that anybody could keep her in check. Dana got up and walked away and all of them knew why. Here it was again that Jesse belittled Phil and therefore also insulted Dana by doing so. Jesse got out of Tristan's embrace to once again fix things between her and Dana but out of the blue it seems, Phil stopped her & went himself. "Tristan what do you think he's doing." "Jesse, he's doing what he should to appease Dana. It's not often that he does it so by all means let him go this time. Besides you started it. Why can't you just let him feel included by all of us, including you?" "Why must you defend him? I mean he tells the same story over & over again. The only thing that changes is his characters names and thats only because he can't remember them anyways. Dana deserves better than a baffoon." "Hey now that was really mean, even for you. At least Phil has tried to be your friend. You don't even do that much." "Thats because theres something about him I just don't like. I get an uneasy feeling every time he's near me." She shivered at the thought and Tristan held her closer because of it. It grew quiet and Jesse began to worry the more time past by. Almost an hour had passed since Dana walked away from the bonfire and Jesse was getting restless. "They've been gone long enough. I'm going to look for them.", Jesse said with fierce determination. Tristan knew there was no sense in arguing with her because she'll just win, so he went along with her. There's no sense that he wait there alone while his girlfriend went out scouting. Jesse had already disappeared into the thicket and before he reached it good he heard a scream. His mind began racing as he could only think that something happened to Jesse. He ran into the woods, never stopping as branches slapped at him and briars tugged at his clothes. Cursing himself for not being right beside her, he stopped for a moment to look around his surroundings. For a moment he panicked because he could see nobody then he sensed her close. He ran until he reached the next clearing and he saw Jesse dropped onto her knees. Fear overtook him and he just knew she was hurt but as he got closer he saw that she was bending over someone. "Jesse," he said as he placed his hand upon her shoulder. He could feel her entire body shiver and go tense at his touch. "Tristan get out of here ... now." "Jesse I'm not leaving you. Besides I haven't seen your discovery yet." Jesse lifted her head then her entire body up and Tristan could finally see what laid in front of her. There was a body and he could only recognize Phil by his clothes. "J ... J ... Jesse," he stammered. "What happened to Phil? Whats going on?" "Tristan I said leave. I don't have time to explain at the moment but believe me you have to leave." Shaking his head he said, "There's no way I'm leaving you alone. I won't let this happen to you too." Jesse began to cackle and Tristan started to shake in fear. What was going on with her is all he could think of. Jesse tilted her head upward as she twirled around cackling. When Tristan found his voice again he began to ask, "Jesse wheres Dana .." "I'm right here Tristan." He spun around quickly as she startled him, "D .. Dana?!? Are you alright? What happened to Phil?" "And here Jesse said mine was the dimwitted one," Dana said snickering. Tristan was confused at this point and didn't know if not listening to Jesse was such a wise decision. As Dana walked closer he could see the blood stain upon her clothes and body. She licked her lips savoring the blood that was there and this made Tristan decide to run. Jesse's cackling could be heard even back at the bofire and this clouded over Tristan's thoughts. He looked through everything for his car keys but he couldn't find them. Then all of a sudden everything grew quiet, so he hid instead. "Tristan where did you go?", Jesse asked in a humorous manner. Tristan felt as if he were nothing more than a new toy for them. He tried to quietly reach the cars, if nothing else he could always hotwire one in order to get away but Dana blocked his path to them. He slicked back the way he came looking for another way to reach the car. Suddenly he jumped as Jesse laid her hand upon his arm. "Oh geesh Jesse you scared the shit out of me. Whats going on? Jesse I need to know." Jesse looked into his eyes and smiled just big enough so that Tristan saw her fangs. "Oh my Jesse what are you? Oh shit." Jesse held his stare and what seemed like only a couple seconds did Dana come up from behind. Jesse diverted her gaze to where Dana was now, "Think he'll be the right one?" "I don't know Jesse. He seems to be a scaredy cat." Both girls began laughing and Jesse never let her grip on Tristan go. He tried to break lose from it but she was too strong. So he began to plead, "Jesse you don't want to hurt me. You love me and I love you so I know that you wouldn't want to throw our relationship away." Jesse stopped laughing and looked at him with such intensity that it made him light headed, "Who said it would hurt? Phil didn't scream out from it so I would assume that you won't as well." Dana came so close that he could feel what should have been warmth but instead it was ice cold. Jesse felt the same way and suddenly his emotion was no longer fear but sadness. Dana stopped laughing, "Jesse he's weeping ... for us?!?" "Tristan why are you crying?" "Well its just that ... that you both feel so cold and seem so lost at times. I feel sympathy for both of you." "Sympathy?!? Sympathy is for the weak my love. Last time I checked you weren't weak," Jesse leaned forward and bit down upon his shoulder. Dana went to join in on the feast but she stopped, "Jesse I can't do this" Jesse stopped for a moment, "And why not?", she went back to her feeding. "Well Jesse I just can't eat wolf." Jesse stopped, blinking in confusion, as she recognized the difference in taste from the drink of Tristan she obtained. Both girls taking a couple steps backwards as it seemed the cards had turned. Tristan's moans of pain were low but they could hear him. Suddenly his body convulted as he changed. Halfway through his transformation he stopped, "Jesse why did you betray me in such a manner? I could have spared you my vampress. You could have been a part of my pack, forever safe. But betrayal is means for death." "Tristan ... honey ... I wouldn't have killed you, just was a bit thirsty is all." "Lies" "Tristan take my life but I beg you to spare Dana's" Tristan looked at Dana and jumped her ripping her flesh into shreds. He then turned to Jesse and ran her down. Pouncing her to the ground he bit into her flesh at the same spot she bit him. when he was finished he laid down beside her. Neither of them dead but now they were as one ... the same. Her bite making him vampyre & his making her lycan. Both now abominations yet connected for an enternity as the only two of a new race. Tristan fell asleep holding his beloved Jesse in his arms. They slept until the hunger awoke them once again...

As for Phil, well lets say that he healed & when he came to he only blinked and lifted himself with a guttural *mreow*. His eyes widening & narrowing quickly he could see through the night. Catching a familiar scent he stalks them catiously as he takes into the trees, leaping from one to another. Searching for his would be killers ... guess they fogot that cats ... they have 9 lives.





08:21 Nov 12 2007
Times Read: 666


Artist: Gackt


Shizuka ni sora ni kaeru anata no sugata wo

what else can I do besides avenge you?

Namida ga kareru made zutto mitsumete ita

Afureru kanashimi wa kesenai kizuato ni

Wasure wa shinai to chikatta

Oreta tsubasa wo habatakase subete wo keshite miseyou

Itsu no hi ka owari wo mukeru saigo no kane ga nariyamu made

you told me

like as if you were to die tomorrow

feel as if you were to be reborn now

face as if you were to live forever

Furueru yubi de akai namida wo nazotta

I had nothing to lose, nothing truth

Hakanai omoide ga yami ni ochite yuku

Saigo no hohoemi ga ukande wa kieru

Nukumori dake wo nokoshite

Yasashii dake no kotoba nara ima no boku wa iyasenai

Hateshinaku tsuzuku tatakai ni kono mi ni subete sasageru dake

Itsu ka wa kono sora ni daremo ga kaeru kara

Wakare no kotoba wa iranai

make it up

Oreta tsubasa wo habatakase subete wo keshite miseyou

Itsu no hi ka owari wo mukaeru saigo no kane ga nariyamu made

Yasashii dake no kotoba nara ima no boku wa iyasenai

Hateshinaku tsuzuku tatakai ni kono mi wo subete sasageru dake





Your form which returns gently to heaven

What else can I do, besides avenge you

I watched it for the longest time, until my tears dried up.

And the sorrow overflowing from the scar which can't be erased,

I swore that I would never forget it.

I'll flap my broken wings and erase it all some day, you'll see,

Until the last bell ringing the dirge completes.

You told me to live as if you were to die tomorrow.

Fail not and be what we were now

Face as if we want to have forever.

Red tears traced by a trembling finger,

I had nothing to lose, nothing to lose

It crashes through the dark memories.

The last smile wavered, and disappears,

And the warmth is all that's left.

Your kind and gentle words can't heal me now,

This body's only dedicated to the never ending fight.

Because everyone returns to heaven, some day,

You'll never need to say goodbye.

Break Out!!

I'll flap my broken wings and erase it all some day, you'll see,

Until the last bell ringing the dirge completes.

Your kind and gentle words can't heal me now,

This body's only dedicated to the never ending fight.






08:13 Nov 12 2007
Times Read: 668



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