If thou could'st empty all thyself of self,
Like to a shell dishabited,
Then might He find thee on the ocean shelf,
And say, "This is not dead,"
And fill thee with Himself instead.
But thou art all replete with a very thou
And hast such shrewd activity,
That when He comes He says "This is enow
Unto itself- 'twere better let it be,
It is so small and full, there is no room for me."
-Sir Thomas Browne
I saw Eternity the other night,
Like a great ring of pure and endless light,
All calm, as it was bright,
And round beneath it, Time, in hours, days, years,
Driven by the spheres,
Like a vast shadows moved, in which the world
And all her train were hurled.
-Henry Vaughan
There is in God, some say,
A deep but dazzling darkness: as men here
Say it is late and dusky, because they
See not all clear.
O for that Night, where I in him
Might live in visible and dim!
-Henry Vaughan
How bad do you want to know me?
Will you do anything and everything I say?
Will you accept who and what I truly am?
Will you embrace the night and downcast the day?
How will you prove your love for me?
How can you show me that your words are true?
What do you plan to do to keep me smiling?
What will you say or do to make me want you?
Why am I the one you really want?
Why am I so special to be fought for?
Are these questions too hard for you to answer?
If not then answer me please, por favor.
Every step you take seems to make a crack
Soon enough in due time you will fall in
Where you will land I will not know
I will only laugh and grin.
Love is a little thing shaped like a lizard
It runs up and down and tickles your gizzard.