Catalunah's Journal

Catalunah's Journal


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68 entries this month

A Charm to Rid the Mind or the Body of an Affliction

03:42 Aug 24 2007
Times Read: 3,410

Gather a quart of warm water from a spring or stream, and pour it into a large bowl, set it within a darkened chamber; by candlelight. Then take a silver knife and write with it's point upon the water's surface the name of that which afflicts you. Next, soak a small lock of lamb's wool first in a sweet scented oil and the second, in some read wine. Carry it to the bowl and drop it into the water saying these words:

The dark be lightened

The harsh be softened

The rank be sweetened

By the power of the knife

And by the power of the water.

Leave the lamb's wool there to soak all night, until sunrise. Then it should be removed, wrung out and set to dry upon a small circle of white velvet cloth. Meanwhile, the contents of the bowl should be emptied out into a hole dug in the Earth, and the hole filled in again. When the lamb's wool is quite dry, it should be sewn up in the velvet and pinned beneath your clothing, to be worn there for a full month, and thereafter kept elsewhere in safety, that its charmed powers may not be diminished through neglect.

spell from Tzaddi




Voodoo Spell to Drive Someone Crazy

07:26 Aug 23 2007
Times Read: 3,414

A way to drive someone crazy is to write the victim's name backwards on an egg. No ordinary egg will do -- it has to be an egg from a black hen. Then it is required that the egg be tossed over the roof of the intended victim. As an alternative, the egg could be buried near the victim's front door.

spell from TAG




Protection Potion

07:10 Aug 23 2007
Times Read: 3,416

Purpose: to protect jourself and/or loved ones from all types of harm.

Wear gloves when mixing and using. Jou will need to combine in a jar or bottle:

2/4's Cup of Spring Water

1 Teaspoon Vervain

2 Tablespoons Sea Salt

2 Tablespoons each of Frankincense and Myrrh

Sprinkle water very lightly around home in discreet places (i.e., in closets) and anoint the bottom of jour shoes and those of loved ones. Dispose of remainder immediately after use.

spell from TAG




Can't SLEEP?

07:08 Aug 23 2007
Times Read: 3,417

Take a white household candle and light it without a word.

Walk counterclockwise around jour bedroom three times.

As jou do this, project simple protective phrases into the walls, floors, and windows such as:

"keep me safe" etc.

Next, walk clockwise three times in silence, meditating on positive, restful phrases.

Finally, blow out the candle, whisper the word "sleep" and turn in for the night.

Note that this spell does not need to be repeated to continue working.

Instead, simply light the candle for a few minutes each night, then whisper "sleep" again before getting into bed. When the candle is completely spent, repeat the original spell with a new white candle

spell from TAG




Finding Your Car

09:18 Aug 12 2007
Times Read: 3,427

Here's a useful little spell if, like me, you're hopeless at finding your car in a big parking lot.

Simply close your eyes and chat

'Spirits come from near and far

Find for me my waiting car'

Open your eyes and they will be drawn to the area your car is parked it. It's worked every time for me.

spell from CarnalxViolence




Spell to bring Spirits

09:38 Aug 11 2007
Times Read: 3,430

This is a spell that has been translated from irish/celtic language...it's origins are not none for certain..the spell is as follows:

Sit in a circle...

west chant: obey these words of power

east chant: watchers of the threshold, watchers at the gate

north chant: unbar the guarded door

south chant: obey this command of this servant of power

Chant this three times.

The spell will bring the spirits of the world to you to serve as a guide to you and your coven




Change Your Eye Color (glamour)

09:09 Aug 11 2007
Times Read: 3,431

Make sure it is night when you do this spell. Also, light one orange and one pink


Close your eyes. (You Must Have complete focus and be concentrating on the

spell, ONLY.) Fill your mind with the color your eyes are. Picture that for about five

minutes. Then picture the color you want. Chant...

'' Become of me,'' three times. Repeat this hole process two times and you will see

changes through the day.




Sembogo Cahyo

12:26 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,435

To appear extremely attractive and radiant, conduct the following rite:

Enter into a secluded retreat. Begin a complete fast beginning at dawn on a Thursday (no eating or drinking) and ending on a Friday (24 hours). Without speaking or seeing anyone, morning and night, recite the following verse for countless times in your prayer room. This should be done for five sessions (you may rest between sessions) :

"Bismilahir rahmanir rahiim

"Coyo coyo nur cahyo

"Cahyaku cemening koyo seloko

Dadaku mancur koyo kencono

"Prapatan pendito songo

"Ora ono wong lanang sejati

"Aku sejatining wong lanang."

The following is an option but it may be done on the following week, on the same day, with the same type of fast and preparations. The rite makes others pay heed to our words. The rite/chant is called "Sembogo Pengasihan."

"Bismillahir rahmanir rahiim.

"Gilang-gilang sak lungaku

"Guyu guyu sak lukuku

"Gunung sari lelungguhku

"Prabu sari iku rupaku

"Allah ngirut nyowo

"Nyawane wong sak buwono kirut marang aku

"Sembagane wong sak buwono kirut marang sembagaku

"Teko welas teko asih wong sak bwono pandulune marang aku."

Again, the complete rite actually consist of three stages. The past two have been explained. The third is conducted as the previous two and on the following week. It is called "Sembogo Pangerupan." It has the virtue of attracting others to us by the power of our voice.

"Bismillahir rahmanir rahiim

"Hong hong Hyang kakang cahyo

"Adam adegku

"Rasulullah pengawakku

"Sekabehing cahyo manungso

"Kang akrungu, adoh kanyut

"Cedhak karut

"Karut kanyut -- karut kanyut

"Saking kersane Allah."





12:23 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,436

Here is a spell to make you less noticeable, this spell may not work for some

people depending on experience.

First of all, visualize a white or black light (which ever one is more

suitable) and visualize yourself inside that light, now picture that light

getting blurry and taking in the colors of the objects around you, now see

yourself getting blurry or being sucked into the light and the light taking

the form of the objects around you until you cannot see the light. your eyes

must be closed for you to do this.




To Rid Ones Self of Psychic vampires

12:20 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,436

We all hate those evil beings who steal our good work, our dreams, and lovers, this spell is also good to erase old memories that tend to haunt us through out our life.

What you will need:

Two white candles representing the God (right side of altar) and a Goddess (left side of altar) Your favorite smelling incense. I like to use frankincense and myrrh because it's known to ward off any negativity. SEA SALT!! This is very extremely important and you can buy it almost anywhere sea salt protects a person from any and all harm. Your favorite type of oil, for example people like the smell of rose or some people like to use their zodiac oil if you want you can use olive oil

What you need to do:

Your altar should have on the upper right hand a white candle representing the god and at the upper left side a white candle to represent the Goddess. In the middle there should be sea salt in a cup or cauldron with boiling warm water the incense should be at the very bottom facing towards you.

Take your oil and anoint each item on you altar. With the candles you want to start in the middle and rub up, and to go down start in the middle and rub down while anointing say these words:

"I ward off any and all negativity, in my home, work, school, and in my everyday life, No evil or negativity shall enter here."

After you've anointed every item picture a white light around you when you feel like the white light is over powering picture the white light hovering over your home, work, school, when you feel ready say these words.....

"Psychic vampires who lurk in the night

psychic vampire who try to destroy my life,

destroy no more of what I have achieved,

destroy no more of what I have received,

negativity is not welcome

evil as well is not welcome

in me, around me, or around people I love."

Say this out loud or to yourself but say it enough times so you feel it has worked. When you are done picture the white light around you and your home work school etc... and let the white candles and incense

burn until it goes out by itself.

Found other uses for this spell at wensala's.




Reversal Spell

12:16 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,438

This is an UNBELIEVABLY simple spell that will reverse your last spell. For example, if you made it rain, it will make it stop raining. It also removes your last spell, like if you put a lust spell on somebody and want to get rid of it. All right, enough blabbing, here it is:

First off, think about the last spell you cast, because this only works for your most recent spell, hex, curse, whatever you did.

Just think about the actual magic you performed, then think about how it went wrong. This should take no more than 20 seconds AT THE MOST. Now say this in a clear voice in these EXACT words without stuttering, mumbling, getting your tongue twisted, etc.:

"My spell went wrong,

Please reverse it,

Don't mess it up,

And don't pervert it."

If you performed the reversing process correctly, it should work.




The Weed Curse

11:58 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,440

this spell should be cast on a friday night at least after 7:00. The spell will curse a girl or boy that has stolen your significant other, or has cheated on you and than it

curses both of them. well here it is >get 3 weeds that have been stealing one of your plants food,water,soil,ext. and place it in your Cauldron filled with water. Place a picture of the person in which you're going to curse. (and only you can curse them or it comes

back at the person most significant to you.) then chant the following 3 times

"You have been so evil stealing my guy/girl,

so unto you this curse I hurl,

don't ever go near my very best friend,

or another time this curse il send"

now pick the picture up out of the water and after a wile burn it, and by the next moon cycle and the little slut will be begging for mercy.




Make Someone Forget a Secret

11:52 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,440

You will need: a black candle; a sheet pf paper with the words: MY SECRET written in pencil on side, and your actual

secret on the other; and eraser (if there is already one on your pencil--fine.)

What to do: Light the black candle, say the following words while erasing the letter M:

As I erase one letter away

You'll forget my secret (the person's name) today,

And when the last letter is erased and burned

My secret to you--shall never return!

Snuff out the candle. Every night erase the next letter. When the letter T is erased, use the flame of the candle to burn the paper, and say: So mote it be!




Lost & Found spell

11:45 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,441

What you need is a picture or an item that may represent what you have lost; 7 green candles and a gold or silver colored incense

at a noon hour, chant this 3 times:

"Guiding spirits I ask your charity, lend me your focus and your clarity.

Lead me to what I need to find restore that and my peace of mind. So shall it be!"

Wait for the candles to burn out then the spell will start to work.




Binding Someone Annoying

11:43 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,442

Take a piece of paper and write the name of the person that is to be bound on a 3"x3" piece of paper, using a black ink pen or a pencil.

While you do this visualize the face of the person on your mind. When you have written the name cross it with an inverted pentacle (5 pointed star within a circle).

Fold the paper twice and take a rubber band and tie the paper with it. Raise it to your temple and chant three times the following...

"To be protected from you,

This magic charm i will do,

With this words i bind thee,

For you to let me be,

To be protected from your harm,

I now seal this charm".

Now place the paper on your right shoe and slam your foot on the ground nine times (doesn't have to be so loud that everyone hears it) As you slam it the ninth time say...





Time Travel

11:40 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,443

***Note: This method will take you through time by means of the astral planes and visualization. You will not physically go there... only mentally... very similar to past life regression.

Past ... Present .... Future .... at your finger tips....

Here's how we'll do it....

First... you must be able to and have mastered meditation. If you cannot meditate then you will have no success with this project of time travel.

You must go into your meditative state and clear your mind of all outside thoughts. Now here comes the important part.... you need to have a special place to go to when you are in this state of mind.... in other words.... imagine a building in the middle of a field or in the middle of nowhere surrounded by nothing. You will use this same building every time you want to do this. The building can be any shape, square or pyramid or whatever. It must also have no windows... this way you will not be disturbed by anything outside of it. The inside of this building can be as simple or as plush as you wish it to be. The simpler it is... the less distractions you will have. Just make sure it is the same every time.

Now... inside this building will be a room where you have a chair. This chair is a special chair... it is a big black recliner with controls built into the arm of the chair. These controls are buttons that will take you where you want to go. You may set up these buttons in any configuration. For instance --- a past button --- a present button -- and a future button... and for even more control... an LED display with a number key pad... this will be for punching in the exact year in time you wish to travel to. If you do not want to use a chair you may imagine some big elaborate machine that you sit in (your own time machine) with all the same controls.

In this room will also be a big giant movie screen. You can even have a button on your chair that makes it come down from the ceiling. This screen is where you will be watching the time frame you have chosen. Try to think of how you want all these items-- the building... the chair or machine... the screen.... before you you actually go into meditation. Predetermine how you want them all to look beforehand.

Past ... Present .... Future .... at your finger tips....

Now that you have all these thing ready in your mind... it is time to get started!

Go into your meditative state. When you are totally relaxed... take a mental walk to your special building and close the door. Sit in your special chair or machine and relax for a few more minutes. When you are ready... push the button that makes your screen come down from the ceiling and just sit there and stare at it for a minute. When you are ready, dial in what time period you want to travel to and or what country you want to go to. Now... just sit there and do not try to force this.... only sit there and wait for it to come up on the screen and relax and observe what is being shown to you. If you are impatient.... it will not happen! It may take several days of trying before you actually see anything but, it will happen!

When you want to come back... just push the buttons for the present on your chair and take a few minutes to evaluate everything you saw. then when you are ready get up out of your chair and walk out of the building and back to your physical body.

This method can be used to have spirits show you things you need to learn... just go through the same process and ask the spirits to show you on the screen what you want to know.




Hex Removal of the Unknown

11:36 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,444

Use :

This spell is for the removal of a Hex from an unknown source.

Time :

Between the hours of 12:00 am to 3:00 am. A moonless night adds strength to the spell.

Materials Needed :

(1)One Gallon Of Bleach

(2)Thin Linen Cloth (Large enough to work as a strainer)

(3)White Sand (est. 1 lbs)

(4)Handcrafted Talisman (Uncharged)

(5)Five Black Candles

(6)One Red Candle

(7)Small Black Bowl (stone/clay)

(8)Small Piece Of Parchment

(9)Pen (Red Ink)

(10) Six Wooden Matches

(11) Athame

(12) Large Bowl Or Bucket

(13) Thick Black Cloth (Roughly 2' X 2')

(14) Small piece of twine

(15) Black Cloak (Or Black Clothing Is To Be Worn)

Preparation :

Five days before spell casting fill the large bowl/bucket with bleach. Then add the white sand to the bucket and let it sit undisturbed covered with the black cloth as to let no sunlight through. After the three day period remove the black cloth and strain the white sand through the linen cloth, resining it with water to remove the bleach smell. Capturing as much of the sand as possible. Now let the sand sun dry for two days before collecting it onto the black cloth and binding the cloth like a sack with your twine. You will use this for your circle casting that night.

Find a secluded and quiet place where you can be alone without distractions for at least three hours.

Application :

(1)Using the white sand begin with casting a large pentagram on the floor/ground large enough for you to sit in the middle. Make sure the tip of the pentagram (also known as the mouth of the Baphomet) is pointing north.

(2)Place the five black candles at the tip of each branch of the pentagram.

(3)Fill the small black bowl with water and place in center of pentagram.

(4)Place the red candle in the center of the water filled bowl.

(5)Place the talisman, pen, parchment, and one match next to the bowl.

(6)Now from the outside of the Pentagram light each black candle with its own match. Do not use the same match on more than one candle.

(7)Now step back into the pentagram and sit in the center with the bowl and other items in front of you facing north.

(8)Now say this verse to consecrate your circle,

In the name of the Unholy, Accursed,

and Demonic Entities, proceed me/us

to my/our work in these mysteries to

accomplish that which I/we desire;

I/we therefore, in the names aforesaid,

consecrate this piece of ground for

my defense, so that no spirit

whatsoever shall be able to break

these boundaries, neither be able to

cause injury nor detriment to any of

us here assembled.

But that they may be compelled to

stand before this Circle, and answer

truly my/our demands, so far as it

pleaseth Him who liveth for ever and

ever; and who says, I am the beginning

and the ending of the world. The beginning

and the end, which is, and which was,

and which is to come, the Almighty.

I am the first and the last, Who am

living and was dead; and behold I live

for ever and ever; I am the ruler over

death and hell. Bless O Mulla Xul! This

creature of earth wherein I/we stand;

confirm O God! Thy strength in me/us,

so that neither the adversary nor any

evil thing may cause me/us to fail.

(9) After consecrating your circle take the pen and write down the word 'nwonknu' this is 'unknown' spelled backwards on the piece of parchment.

(10) Now roll the parchment into a loose scroll and pick up the athame.

(11) Carefully stab the athame's tip through the scroll.

(12) Now light the red candle with the remaining match.

(13) As you place the tip of the athame with the scroll into the flam of the red candle repeat the following,

O ye who troubles me now,

Begone from my mind and spirit,

I pray to Alal, the destroyer ancient

Sumeria, that his Uruku come and

devour your hex.

Your curse now have no standings

here, I am no longer bound by your

Maskim Xul.

Zi Dingir Anna Kanpa!

Zi Dinger Kia Kanpa!

(14) Now close your eyes and meditate. Clear your mind of all thoughts, even the spell you have just completed.

(15) Remain there until the red candle melts down into the water. Once the water extinguishes the flame with its hiss your spell is complete.





11:08 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,446

I would suggest trying it on yourself before trying it on others. Here are the steps to hypnotizing yourself....

1. Sit on a couch in the upright position and close your eyes and your arms at your side or in your lap. Do not move around. Just sit there and relax for a minute.

2. Clear your mind of all thoughts. How do you do this?.... simply imagine a big Dumpster or a very large metal box on your mental screen. Then see it open and put all your thoughts and worries in it one by one.... bills... your lovelife.... problems.... your children.... your job... everything you can think of. Then close the lid and lock it! Then push it off your mental screen.

3. Now sit there quietly with no thoughts for a minute. When you are ready to start... do not forget to tell yourself as you go through each part of the body that you are becoming more and more relaxed as you go. YOU MUST TELL YOURSELF THIS!

4. Now... start with your head.... imagine every part of your head relaxing... start with your eyes.... then go to your ears.... the mouth... all your facial muscles. spend time with each part to make sure it is fully relaxed.

5. Now go to your neck and do the same.

6. Now go to your whole chest and stomach region and start with your heart... slow it down and make it at peace. Relax all you chest muscles and then your stomach area.

7. Now relax your arms feeling them going limp. Relax every muscle in your arms one by one including your fingers.

8. Next go to the groin area and relax all the muscle there.

9. Now it is time to do your legs.... start with the thighs and work your way down to the feet relaxing each and every toe.

By this time you should be like a big lump of silly putty... totally relaxed and and at peace. Now here comes the fun part. This is where you will get to hypnotize yourself and see if it really works.....

1. Site there with you arms in you lap and or at your side and tell yourself that your right arm is getting very light. It is getting very, very light. Keep telling yourself this and feel how it is getting lighter. Tell yourself that it is getting so light that is is staring to raise up off your lap. Feel it it getting light as you keep telling yourself this and feel it raising up off you lap. It is getting lighter by the second and it is raising up higher and higher until it is up in the air.

2. Once you have achieved this and your arm is up in the air you may tell yourself it is getting heavy again and lower it to your lap. You will now tell yourself that you will awaken fully refreshed with energy and a clear mind.

3. Open your eyes and evaluate what you have done. Write down your experience in your magical journal. If you did not have success... try again later that day and keep trying until you are satisfied. If it never works for you.... you may be one of those who cannot be hypnotized.

Now.... this method can be used on someone else. Try it on your best friend... except you are the one who will be telling them to relax each part of their body. Then do the arm raising stunt with them and see if it works. Remember.... as you go through each part of the body with them... tell them they are getting more and more relaxed and sleepy. If this works then you can try more difficult things like making them do funny things...





10:59 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,447

The first thing you need to do before starting is decide what you will be Scrying for.

You will want to do the LBRP... but do the invoking version to start with... at the end of your Scrying you should do the normal Banishing LBRP to get rid of any spirits that may be still hanging around. If you have your own protection type of Rituals then you may use them instead.

Ok now that you have done the invoking LBRP you should sit on a comfortable stool that is the proper height of your Alter. You don't want to be standing for a long period of time.... that is why I myself use a stool or chair. Sit and gaze (stare) into the Black Mirror. Ask the universe to bring you a vision or call upon a spirit guide to show you what you want or need to know. You will need to sit there and gaze into the mirror for a good period of time.... you will know when it is starting to work when you own reflection vanishes and all you see is black. That is the key to knowing that you are getting close to success. From that point on is when your visions will begin to appear. the first few times you may not even see all black... you will probably get bored and quit. This is not the way of the Magician. Patience is a virtue with magic. So it may take a few times to get the total black out effect. From then on you must strive to keep gazing into the mirror. You may only get a glimpse of a unfamiliar face or an unknown landscape. But as the weeks progress you will have success. One of the other most important things besides practice is for you to communicate to the universe or to your spirit guides as to your desires when Scrying. Some of you will find this very easy and many others will simply say this does not work and you may never do it again. Like all magic nothing comes instantly or without true dedication and practicing the art. And all and all it takes an altered state of consciousness.... however you so choose to get into that state of mind.

I will say no more about that.




A spell of the four major winds

10:57 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,448

An ancient protection spell which draws upon the strength of the wind for its power.

On the night of a full moon, go outside to an open area where you will be exposed to the moon’s full light.

Facing north repeat the following words:

“Spirit of the north wind, hear my voice!”

Then, face to the east and repeat the same words, only this time call to the spirit of the east wind. Then do the same with the south and then finally the west.

Turn to the north once again and repeat the following words:

“Spirits of the winds gather near and hear my plea. I come to ask that you guard me with the powers granted you. That the neither earth nor water shall hold sway and that no evil abomination be let enter the circle of protection that the Spirit of the Moon has cast upon me. Enter now unto your hand this simple task. This be your will, this thing I ask.”

Still facing north, repeat the following words:

“Say the spirit of the north—It shall be so!”

Then face east and say the same, then south and finally west.

The spell is done.

pentagram tower pentagram tower




Strength of the Wind

10:53 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,449

An invocation of the Spirits of the Seven Winds in pleading for a strengthening of one’s psychic powers.

Out of doors and in the open air, on an eve of the waxing moon, you will need stand in an uncluttered spot and extend your arms outward from your sides. Begin to turn slowly clockwise, eyes level, whilst taking care to not move from the spot on which you stand.

The following invocation should be spoken aloud whilst you continue to rotate clockwise with arms extended from your sides:

Spirits of the Seven Winds

Keepers of the powers

Transporters of knowledge, wisdom and truth

Guardians of the earth, sea and sky

Hear this pleading of a wayward traveler

Grant me audience before thine eyes and ears

That thus this may be heard

And my needs be seen.

Those who fear thee—seek me

Those who thou dost loathe—abhor me

In thy path, I wish to walk

And with thy voice I desire to talk

Clothe my bones with the strength of thy strengths

Fortify my mind with thine solid foundation

Gathered from the expanse of the universe

And carried by thine able hands

That in thy wisdom and truth

And through the purity of your spirit

These things may be imparted unto me.

Spirits of the Seven Winds hear my cry

And let this thus be so.




Conjuring circles

10:50 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,450

the Magical Circle and the Triangle of the Art

A Magic Circle that can be used. All the lettering can be read easily.




to conjure the Spirit "VAU-AEL"

10:44 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,451

Take note that we will be conjuring this spirit on to the astral plane and not onto this physical plane. We will be able to see the spirit by gazing into the crystal ball or the black mirror in the Triangle of the Art. Put on your robe and and light the incense and the candles. Sit in the chair that you place in the middle of the magic circle. Here is the sigil of the entity...

Holding the Sigil of the spirit in your hands gaze into it and repeat the name of the spirit over and over for at least 10 min. Then gaze into the black mirror (or crystal ball) and concentrate while reciting the following...

I evoke and conjure thee, O spirit "VAU-AEL" by the Supreme Majesty - the true God who is known by the names of YOD HEH VAV HEH (yode-heh-vahv-heh), ADONAI (ah-doe-ney), EHEIEH (eh-hey-yay), and AGLA (ah-gah-lah) to appear before me in this mirror (or crystal ball) in a fair and comely shape.

Continue to gaze into the mirror until the image of the entity becomes clear to see. When you can see the entity then ask it "what is thy name?" If it gives the correct answer then ask it to sign its name in the space surrounding it. If the spirit turns out to be someone else then you can ask it to leave or ask what its purpose of coming before you. If it is the correct spirit then you must welcome it by saying...

In peace I welcome you, O spirit "VAU-AEL",and in the name of the Most High I command you to stay within this mirror until you are dismissed, to speak honestly and to answer all questions truthfully that I put before you.

Now you may ask the questions that you wish to put before him. Make sure that you are polite and not rude in any way, for you must treat these spiritual beings with the total respect. You may also command it do do certain tasks for you, but if you ask it to do things that might harm someone then you will at sometime suffer the penalties of KARMA. What goes around comes around. You don't want to have something bad come around and bite you in the ass now do you? Try to do only good tasks and things of a positive nature! Once you are done with the spirit, you must license him to depart. Take note that you must give this dismissal even if the entity does not show itself, for it could actually be there and you not know it and then you would have a spirit hanging around you which could the end of you!

Here is the dismissal...

Go in peace and return to your sphere of origin, O Spirit "VAU-AEL" by the authority of the True God, I command thee to harm none as you depart, and to be ready to come quickly if called upon again.

*You will also want to do the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and the Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram! This is a Must!

*This ritual can be used to conjure Celestial, Demonic, Elemental, or Angelic entities to do your bidding.




Protection for Your Furry Purry (Cat)

10:32 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,453

Who wouldn't want to protect their precious cat/cats/dog/dogs?? Call your pet into your magic circle. Draw a pentacle in a protective oil on his/her forehead. (good luck with the cat!!)

Then say:

"Moon Goddess, I ask that you keep (name) at home and safe from mischief, and desires to roam. Give him/her the contentment, known to his/her race, and see that he/she's happy in this his/her right place.

spell from Tzaddi





10:20 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,454

VERVAIN: For everlasting youth, this spell must be performed when the moon is full.. Go outdoors and light one black candle. Take a chalice of water to which you add salt, and two spoonsful of Vervain. Mix thoroughly and dip into this water a piece of petrified wood. Pass the rock through the flame of the candle and chant:

"Candle, herb, rock, water, salt,

Hear me as my song is sung,

Age is not my hearts desire,

It is youth to which I aspire,

Candle, herb, rock, water, salt."

Repeat the ritual and chant seven times. As each chant is said, touch the rock in turn to first one foot, one hand, one shoulder, crown of the head, and then down the other side of the body to shoulder, hand and foot. When the spell is finished, take the rock immediately to the nearest river, beach or stream and throw it in..





10:15 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,455

MIRROR SPELL: Also for appearance

On a full moon, take a mirror and go outside (if you can't then open a window, make sure the moon is reflected on the mirror ) take a piece of a picture (hair, lips, eyes, whatever you are interested in changing) place it on the mirror and concentrate on it and say:

Moonshine, Starlight, let the wind carry your light, let your glow cover my body, and let your shine cover every eye.

Say it 3 times and concentrate on the part that you want to change, Then say:

Moonshine, Starlight, shape, and mold my body, as a rose is granted beauty, let me blossom in your light, the light that brings me beauty, and grant me beauty three times three.

Say it 3 times and when you are finished light a candle (pink) or incense.




Gris-Gris Bag for Luck

09:57 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,456

What Herbs You Will Need:

Note: you don't need every one listed.

This is just an extensive list for your Gris-Gris Bag!

Alfalfa, angel's turnip, ash tree leaves, basil. blessed thistle, chamomile, galangal root, grains of paradise, mustard seed, peony, yellow dock, wonder of the world root, Jezebel root, May apple(mandrake) root, little John chew, tonka beans,Irish moss, queen of the meadow root, quince seeds, parsley, five-finger grass, swiss leaves, silver weed. seven barks, sacred bark, John the conqueror root, dfour leaf clover, Jamaica ginger root, rosemary, and sumbul root.

I would suggest using at least 7 of these ingredients. I realize some are hard to find. Some I don't even have! Bless your Gris-Gris bag before starting. Grind up you herbs in your mortar and pestle. As you put the herbs in the bag, think about what luck you need, and keep repeating it to yourself until finished filling bag. Sleep with this under your pillow at night, and carry it with you when you are out and about. Do not throw away!




A Spell To Stop An Ex From Obsessing

09:27 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,457

The best thing to do is to go and speak to his higher self and ask his higher self to guide him towards the right healing experiences he needs to be able to move on.

His higher self is always with him and knows him best; but they tend to also be a bit floaty and unless someone asks them directly to interfere, they don't.

A simple, heartfelt meditation with a single candle when it's quiet is all that's required to contact someone's higher self.

Just close your eyes, put your hand on your heart (you can hold a photo of the ex if that helps) and say to yourself, "I want to speak to (x)'s higher self. Take me there."

A representation of the higher self will appear (they usually look quite a bit different from the physical person you are familiar with) and you can talk to them. Remember to ask specifically and DIRECTLY for what you want them to do.

Also remember to be respectful and to thank them for talking to you at the end.

One word of warning.

When you contact someone's higher self, it is customary to be totally blown away by how beautiful and shiny they are. If you don't watch out, you can fall back in love with the ex! It's normal to feel very drawn to someone's higher self - anyone's higher self, for that matter.

Should that be the case, contact your new boyfriend's higher self straight after, because that too will be shiny just the same and attractive to stabilise the current relationship and not get any weirdness happening.




To obtain love from a specific person (fire magick)

09:19 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,458

At night time light a small fire in a cauldron or what ever you have available to contain the fire. Cut out a piece of paper that is 3 inches by 3 inches. Draw a heart on it and color it in with red. Write the name of the name of the person that you desire on the heart. While doing all this be thinking of this person being attracted to you and not being able to resist you! Think of his his or her heart burning with desire for you just like the flames of the fire. Then kiss the name on the heart 3 times. Place the paper in the fire while saying these words 3 times. Do so with utmost sincerity...

"Fire come from below,

bring me love that I do know,

make my heart blaze and shine,

to bring the love that will be mine!"

Soon my love will come a day,

three times strong and here to stay!"


Stay and meditate on the spell you just did, seeing it come true! After you are finished concentrating for a few minutes, extinguish the fire. Soon your love will come to you!




To make Bad Luck go away (fire magick)

09:14 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,459

At night time light a small fire in a cauldron or what ever you have available to contain the fire. Write on a piece of paper that is 3 inches x 3 inches, the words BAD LUCK. Then write down any bad things you do not like in your life right now. Then draw a big X across the paper with a black marker. While doing this you should be thinking of how all these things are going to disappear from your life, never to return! Place the paper in the fire and repeat the following words 3 times...

"Fire, fire burning bright

turn my darkness into light!

Take away my bad luck ill,

bring me nothing but goodwill.

Bad luck came and stayed to long,

be gone forever, be gone, be gone!

With this fire burning bright,

bring me good luck, bring me light!"


After repeating these words 3 times, sit for a few minutes and concentrate on the bad luck being gone and the good luck coming your way! When you are done extinguish the fire.




To stop Slander or Gossip... (fire magick)

09:05 Aug 10 2007
Times Read: 3,461

At night time light a small fire in a cauldron or what ever you have available to contain the fire. Write on a piece of paper that is 3 inches x 3 inches, the word Rumors and the rumors that are being spread about you. Do not write the names of those who are slandering you! You do not want to harm them and suffer the consequences with karma! Be thinking of these lies going away never to return as you draw an X with a dark marker across the paper. Toss the paper into the fire and repeat the following words 3 times...

"Rumors, slander standing stout,

with this X, I cross you out

I toss their words into the fire,

all these lies no longer hire

All bad things done and said,

leave my life, be gone be dead!

All the evil that they say,

make it all go away!

Rumors carry me no more,

be gone be dead, be no more!"


Sit and concentrate on all the bad gossip going away for a few minutes, then extinguish the fire!




Bell’s of the Necromancer

13:29 Aug 09 2007
Times Read: 3,467

1. Visualize your chakra’s glowing red and pull a beam of crimson light down to your crown chakra vibrating “Astarael”

2. To your Third Eye “Saraneth”

3. To your Throat “Dyrim”

4. To your Heart “Belgaer”

5. To your Solar Plexus “Mosrael”

6. To your Sacral “Ranna”

7. To your Root “Kibeth”

Astarael – The Banisher

Saraneth – The Binder

Dyrim – The Voice

Belgaer – The Mind

Mosrael – The Waker

Ranna – The Sleeper

Kibeth – The Walker

This is a system to work with spirit’s and also to cleanse the body of negative energy by the tone of the bell’s. As you work with the bell’s and meditate on them you will learn their tone’s and that will help with cleansing when working on necromantic exercises.





12:08 Aug 09 2007
Times Read: 3,469

Method One: If this is something you have made (whatever it may be a, crystal for example.) just simply absorb all the energy and recycle it. This is a very basic approach on things, I would not recommend using this on any thing you have not made your self.

Method Two: Using neutral energy flood (whatever it may be, a crystal for example.)

Until all energy within what you are working on has been flushed out.

Method Three: This method can be time consuming at first but works very well what you want to do is visualize a web on one side of the object. Once you have the web move it to the other side slowly and visualize all the energy with in the object being pulled to it and trapped with in the web. Once you have reached the other side of the object center and ground the object.




Dream Walking

12:05 Aug 09 2007
Times Read: 3,470

Dreamscape Medi.

I strongly recommend that you don’t use this for attacking unless there is a valid reason, or you are just using it as practice among friends. Also this is very very hard to control unless you are perfectly aligned I find this hard to do still myself, and would suggest you don’t try it unless you can reach the astral plane every time no fail. Although if you want to try go for it. Just don’t mess with anyone’s dream just view.

Ok said that here it goes.

Step One

Lucid dreaming this is when you know your dreaming and can control them. (E.g. your dreaming, and it becomes a nightmare, so you change it into a “good dream”)

If you cant Lucid Dream it is easy to learn steps below:

Lucid dreaming

Step one and only step

Ok so you’re going to sleep while your drifting off repeat, “I will be fully aware in my dreams, and I recognize that I can control them” (Please Note this is what I used, but modify it to suit your needs, also note you can’t use negative words such as don’t, can’t, not, but, and so on. I would also be willing to help you if you find you need it.)

Also note it takes some time for this to work so you’ll have to do it every night until it works, and continue to do it just so it is engraved into your mind.

Something to know as well is you can ask your dreams questions and they will answer them, mind you there usually cryptic, but the answers are there.

Anyway back to Dream walking. I have found that you can pull your self out of your dreams “when this happens you get a black screen with different coloured dots and if you focus on ONE at a time you can enter into them.” And view or mess with the going on in the dreams of others although if the person knows how to lucid dream you can get your self in trouble and believe me it is not fun. Now as I said earlier this is very hard to accomplish, but it can be done I’ll help in any way I can, and will post more on this as questions are asked. I find to that a good charka cleaning, grounding, and alignment before you start can make this a little easier.

For those of you that try this good luck, and I would suggest that you seek out friends first if you can find them (good luck), and view the dream then ask them what they dreamed and see how close you are, mind you it is hard to find who your looking for and would suggest that you set a marker in the persons home so you can get the area, this is similar to the astral plan but getting to the plane is 100 times easier.

Good luck all.

PM me if you need help or have questions, others may also be able to help. And will post who else once I know my self.

P.S. If you enter someone elses dream and they are aware of you, REMEMBER that you are in their teratory, and they have control not you.




There are four "bodies" of the human animal.

11:52 Aug 09 2007
Times Read: 3,471

These are as follows:

1) The Physical Body: which is this amazing and complex vehicle by which we experience life. Definitely recommend reading up on anatomy and the senses if you have the time and inclination.

2)The Etheric Body: which extends from the physical body outward in all directions, typically two inches or so. It contains energies related to your life's potential and serves as a doorway to the Akashic records which contain all you are, were and will be.

3) The Mental Body: extends from the Etheric boundary typically about 6 inches. This energy is related to thought forms and schema's (A psychological term which refers to mental maps, categories, and world views).

4) The Emotional Body: is perhaps not surprisingly our largest body, comprising of 80% of total body mass. It extends typically from the Mental boundary outward about 1-2 ft. It is the body inhabited in astral journey, and it's energy (again not surprisingly) is that of emotions.




Sacred Plants (shamanism)

11:38 Aug 09 2007
Times Read: 3,472


Positive energy, good thought, honour purification. This is one of the four sacred medicines (sage, tobacco, sweetgrass, and cedar). Sweetgrass represents Mother Earth's hair. In ceremony, a smoldering braid of sweetgrass is taken around the circle gathered. Each participant then cups the smoke in their hands and bathes themselves in it. The smoke from the sweetgrass promotes positive energy and good thoughts, so that the group's purpose remains clear. Sweetgrass is a particular type of grass that grows wild in North America. It has no mind altering qualities. It is not smoked or inhaled.


Cedar is burned while praying. The prayers rise on the cedar smoke to the Creator. Cedar is also spread, along with sage, along the floor of the sweat lodges of some tribes. Cedar branches are brushed in the air to cleanse a home during the House Blessing Ceremony of many Northwestern Indian ceremonies. In the Pacific Northwest, the people burn cedar for purification in much the same way as sage. It drives out negative energy, and brings in good influences. The spirit of cedar is considered very ancient and wise, by Pacific Northwest tribes. Old, downed cedar trees are always honored with offerings and prayers.


Sage is used to cleanse objects, places and people. Traditional elders say that before a person performs ceremony or is healed, they need to be cleansed of any bad feelings or negative thought. The cleansing can be done with sage, sweet grass or cedar. The smudging helps the healing come about in a very clear way, without ant negative energy regarding the healer or the patient. The elders also say that one should enter into a ceremony with a good heart. The proper way to dispose of sage is to throw it eastward rather than burn it or throw it down.


Ceremonially, tobacco is smoked as a means of communication with the spirit. The spirit world is askd for assistance and wisdom. The earthly substance, Nicotiani, is ignited, then transfigured into vapours and thus given in an honourable way to the astral lands of the spirits. It is said that the ancestors remember the pleasure of smoking the leaves and the dried blossoms. So, they return to partake in the essence of the tobacco. It is also said not to inhale as you are taking away from them.

They are also used in the 4 directions....

The Four Directions

The symbol used to represent the four directions is basically a cross inside a circle. I once heard an elder describe the reasoning for this, it was to keep the energies enclosed and the people together, unlike the Christian cross who’s ends are open and energies are scattered.

Each point represents a direction with a corresponding colour and plant to represent the direction which is used to honor it. It is also used to represent the four races of the world as well.

North – White - Sweetgrass

South - Red - Cedar

West - Black - Sage

East - Yellow - Tobacco




Totems (shamanism)

11:32 Aug 09 2007
Times Read: 3,473

Each person has nine animal totems that walk through life with them, teaching and guiding them.

These animals are found in 7 directions around your spirit:

East, South, West, North, Above, Below and Within.

The last two animals are walking beside you at all times;

your Right Side (male) and your Left Side (feminine).

They are your protectors.

The East totem guides you through spiritual challenges. It guards your path to illumination.

The South totem protects the child within and reminds you when to be humble and when to trust. It also helps heal your inner child.

The West totem leads on your path to personal truths and inner answers. It shows you the path to your goals.

The North totem gives wise counsel and when to speak and when to listen. It also reminds you to be grateful for each blessing each day.

The Above totem is the guardian of the Dreamtime and gives you access to other realms and dimensions.

The Below totem shows you how to stay on your life path and how to stay grounded to Mother Earth.

The Within totem in the protector of your sacred space. It teaches you how to find your life's joy.

The Right totem protects your Male side and it is your Father protector. This animal carries your courage and warrior spirit.

The Left totem protects your Female side and teaches you how to nurture yourself and about relationships and mothering.




WOLF MEDICINE (shamanism)

11:26 Aug 09 2007
Times Read: 3,474

Spirit teaching

Guidance in dreams and meditations

Outwitting enemies

Ability to pass unseen


The wolf has been regarded as teachers or pathfinders, of loyalty-only one pack for life,traditionally someone with wolf medicine has a strong sense of self and communicates well through subtle changes in voice inflection and body movements. The wolf is a seeker of information for it always roams and wonders in search of new food, dens, etc and then it brings the information back to the rest of the pack (teacher). It is a predator, which means it truly sees what it looks at (predator eyes), and its a meat-eater (great anger and fighting spirit if challenged).

Wolf energy needs time alone, this is when the wolf does its own learning and searching, time alone is also used to re-charge their spirit or they get drained dry.

People can learn many lessons about love, healing, relationships, fidelity, forgiveness, generosity and compatibility from the wolf.




Poppet Magick

13:38 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,478

From Terri Paajanen,(About. com)

Dollies aren't just for kids

There is more to poppet magick than the stereotypical Voodoo doll stuck with pins or dropped in the fire. While I won't deny that dolls are used in this way for some sorts of magickal purposes, that is not everything there is to poppet magick.

A poppet is a representation of a person, usually a small stuffed figure. But poppets can also be made from wax, clay or wood. Well, just about anything can be used if you're crafty enough. You can add power and improve the focus of the spell by adding something personal from that person into the poppet. A strand of hair, a photograph or even just having their name written on the doll. This only applies if the doll represents a specific person that you have contact with.

Your poppet doesn't have to literally look like that person. Just a general person-shape is fine.

Adding other elements of your spellwork is the best way to use a poppet. A stuffed doll poppet could be stuffed with herbs for your purpose, or a wooden poppet could be carved with runes.

Healing magick is most often performed with poppets, with the person to be healed created as the image. This can be done either for yourself or for another person. But other types of spells can use a poppet, like love or passion, communication, banishing or protection.

When your spell is complete, you can either take the poppet apart and cleanse the parts before disposing of it. Or perhaps bury it (provided it's made from natural materials) or burn it. It's up to you to choose whichever means suits you and your spell.





Soul Retrieval

13:32 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,479

The Free Soul

In the shamanism it is believed that part of the human soul is free to leave the body. The soul is the axis mundi, the center of the shamanic healing arts. Shamans change their state of consciousness allowing their free soul to travel and retrieve ancient wisdom and lost power.

Because a portion of the soul is free to leave the body it will do so when dreaming, or it will leave the body to protect itself from potentially damaging situations be they emotional or physical. In situations of trauma the soul piece may not return to the body on its own, and a shaman must intervene and return the soul essence.

Reasons For the Soul's Departure There are various reasons for soul loss. If a person was in an abusive situation part of one's soul may leave to protect itself from the abuse.

Sometimes as a child, fighting parents may prompt the soul part to hide because the child is scared.. If a traumatic accident is about to occur such as an impact or accident the soul would leave so that it wouldn't be effected by the force of the accident. If a loved one is lost, the soul part may go until the person is ready to deal with their grief.

All of these are very healthy mechanisms of protection. In some cases the soul part will return on its own. But if it does not realize how to return, or if it does not know that it is safe to return - the shaman may need to assist the return of that missing piece.

Another way to lose ones soul is to give it to someone. When two people are in love, or when they are in a family, it is sometimes occurs that they will give portions of their soul to their loved one.

A mother may give some to their child because they wish to protect him or her. This type of soul exchange may seem acceptable because of a person's desire to share themselves with another, it is not generally a good idea however. An individual can't use another person's soul, because simply: it is not their soul. The person must then deal with this unusable energy in addition to their own problems.

In addition, the person has given a piece of their soul away and they have disempowered themselves. The giver's journey is made more difficult because they are not fully present to do the living of their life. It is a lose lose situation.

Because we are not taught about soul loss we do this soul sharing unconsciously. If an individual becomes more conscious of this dynamic they can find more empowering ways of sharing love and affection in their close relationships. You can see the language of soul loss in everyday speaking, people referring to how they "lost a piece of themselves" when they parted with a lover, or people saying "you stole my life from me."

Another reason for soul loss is called soul stealing, perhaps we should say borrowing. As we said before, the average person today is unconscious of the soul dynamic. So soul stealing can be innocent, you see someone with lots of energy and you want to borrow some of it.

You are afraid of losing someone, so you take a piece of them with you so that you will always have him or her close by. Soul stealing can also be a way to dominate another. For instance soul stealing may be seen where an abusive spouse has taken his or her partner's soul. When you take someone's soul you take some of their power.

It is important to know that no one can take your soul without your consent. If someone has stolen your soul you have in some sense given it to them or allowed them to have it. If you feel for some reason that someone is tugging at your soul, make a firm decision within yourself they they cannot have it and they will not be able to take it from you.

Symptoms of Soul Loss

Soul loss would be comparable to the psychological concept of disassociation. Some of the symptoms that would indicate soul loss to a shaman include: depression, a feeling of incompleteness, an inability to move forward on some issue, lost memories, feeling like your not in control your life, people who say I felt like part of me died when..., or people who say I feel like so and so stole my soul. Soul loss is often accompanied by a feeling that something is missing from life.

A person frequently wishes to return to his or her lost soul. So if the soul part was lost to a person, or in a specific place, an individual may feel an urge to return to that place or person even when there seems to be no outward reason to do so. Occasionally, a person having suicidal thoughts may be because of a desire to reunite with one's lost soul pieces.

How You Lose A Piece Of Your Soul

~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

1. Denial, detachment patterns (psychological) - When you do not want to see the truth because it is painful or too traumatic. You want to detach yourself emotionally from a situation because of the pain, the hurt, the truth.

2. Divorce, separation - after being so close to someone even if the relationship was not healthy and good there was a relationship and intertwining of souls that took place. There might even have been a codependency.

3. Death - Someone you loved or were close to

4. An abusive relationship - Especially a parent/child relationship. This loss can be carried on for many years to adulthood without the person realizing the source of their loss.

5. Rape - In my opinion I also see this as someone stealing your soul.

6. Puberty - This is a time of many changes, feeling lost and insecure. Many occult happenings can occur at this time as well with the child.

7. Surgery - This is under full anesthesia when you lose consciousness.

8. Psychic vampires- People who tend to pull pieces of your soul away. They take from you what they need and it leaves you feeling drained. These people are not necessarily 'bad' and probably do not even realize what they are doing and the effect it has on you. Some do know however.

9. Giving and helping to excess - It is idealistic to give and help others of course and we should all be there and help one another, but there are people who give too much and like the ones above who take too much, there must be a balance in all things in life.


First Chair Elder of the Vampire Nation

High Priestess and Owner of The Coven of Darkness

House Ravens Loch Council of Elders

2nd Chair Elder United Council of Vampires

Moderator-Vampiric Research Council




Black Mirror Spell

13:20 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,479

To destroy an emeny who has harmed you or one of your ways do the following:

In a strong circle, warm sweet oil. Add to it very slowly wormwood and yar. Once all has warmed well, ring your bell nine times and repeat the following:

"Lemenas deas purz anquantenaset aps carrendum vadn. Lehagnum deas vorn torsequa endzt argasaimisal. The soul to flee the body. Left berift of mind and spirit of all that made him one within him self."

After you have spoken the spell, add the following to the mixture. Myrrh, rose Oil, Corriander, and Skullcap. Let this mixture warm well as you meditate upon the destruction of your enemy. Once all is warmed take a piece of parchment with your enemies name written upon it and an item that belonged to your enemy. Sprinkle them with the mixture that you have created.

Repeat the above spell once again over the items coated with the mixture and then burn the item s in you candle flame. Any remains of the items that did not burn should be burried in unconsecrated ground as near to your enemy as possible.

Black Mirror Protection Spell

From a glass store, buy a new thin piece of glass, 1/4 of an inch

thick, and 13 inches square.

Buy a new can of gloss black spray paint

On the night before a full moon, paint one side of the glass with a

good coating of the black spray paint and allow it to dry overnight

in the moonlight.

On the night of the full moon, paste a recent, full length color

photograph of yourself behind your black mirror, facing inward,

toward the painted [unreflective or back] side of the mirror.

Hold the mirror over your heart, with the reflective side facing


In the East, Say three times:

"Mirror, mirror, work for me,

From all things negative, keep me free,

Gather all bad forces that there be,

Gather all evil unto thee

As I will, so mote it be!"

Turn to the south, and repeat the spell.

Turn to the west, and repeat the spell.

Turn to the north, and repeat the spell.

Return facing where you began, and point the mirror upward, and

repeat the spell, and then downward, and repeat the spell.

Close by pointing the mirror forward, and say three times:

"Mirror, mirror, come with me,

Wherever I go, follow, and stay with me.

In sunshine, nighttime, calm and gale,

your strength will grow, and will not fail

by the magick law of three

As I will, so mote it be!

Place the mirror in one of your bedroom windows, with the reflective

side facing outward, where your believe your troublemakers are

passing by, or on the ground, inside your bedroom, or outside behind

some bushes. Also take the mirror with you in your vehicle when you

go anywhere other than where you live.

Repeat this black mirror spell every five days, until the danger has





Herbs of the Darker Arts

13:16 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,479

Some more "darker" aspects of herbs

Absinthe: Aids in conjuring the dead to communicate if burnt with sandalwood as an incense.

African Ginger: Used by occultists to sprinkle in the 4 corners of a room. It is said to be pleasing to all spirits one wishes to conjure.

Ague weed: Causes ones enemies to become extremely confused.

Aloes: Traditionally used to invoke demons. It is said to Soak aloes in a bottle of black cat oil for 9 days, on the 10th night anoint the forehead with the oils and the altar. The demon should appear to do ones bidding.

Anise Seed: used to increase the power in all psychic workings.

Asafoetida: Used in black magick for casting hexes on a person. Sometimes referred to as the devil's incense asafoetida is burned to force someone to leave you alone.

Balmony: A plant in the figwort family that is ground and used for hexing.

Betel Nut: A powerful ingredient in black magick arts. When chewed with lime it is said to increase ones power both spiritual and mental.

Bladderwrack: When placed near an enemies bathroom it is said to cause that enemy to be stricken with irritation of the urinary tract.

Blood Root: If you are looking for a substitue for human blood use this blood root to make diabolic wine. This recipe will be given when completed CLICK HERE. (soon) It also thrown on a witches doorstep throws the witches spells back to the sorcerer.

Blueberry: Causes an enemy strife when thrown on his doorstep.

Boneset: To burn as an incense and chant to use during curses.

Cinquefoil: Burn over a candle wax image of an enemy to cause him discomfort.

Coconuts: hollow out the coconut and fill with snakeroot. Place it in a flaming pit and as it roasts your enemies health will decline.

Cruel Man of the Woods: If a piece of this is hidden on your enemies self, it will cause them great pain if they have previously harmed you.

Henbane: In Greek mythology the dead of Hell were known to be crowned with henbane as they walked helplessly beside the river Styx. All parts of this root is poisonous and boiling or drying does not rid it of its toxicity, so it should never be used by the amateur magician.

Knot Weed: To get rid of ones enemy, stuffed into a black cloth or voodoo doll and sew up, then bury the doll. It is also used with balmony herb in curses.

Lemon Verbena: Causes great trouble between lovers. When scattered at the doorway of the couple great discord will ensue and the two will become bitter enemies

Mustard Seed: the seed of strife and discord. Leave it at ones doorstep, particularly black mustard seed This seed sprinkled around the trunk of a fruit tree on the first evening of the full moon will cause the tree to bear no fruit.

Patchouli: sickens enemies when used in chants and spells.

Poke Root: A conjure ball can be made in the name of Satan from the leaves and root, it is then placed into a bag, glass jar or container and then left where the enemy will find it. This is done so that he will panic and be caused anxiety making him more prone to accident and injury befalling him.

Poppy Seed: Causes couples to argue.

Rue: Although it is great protection for the owner in turn rue placed near another person puts a great hex on them. Since it is not a powerful black magic herb it is used to simply frustrate or agitate the person rather than causing serious harm or injury.

Slippery Elm: Used to separate a married couple when buried near their home.

Tormentilla: To cause distress, harm and discord to a foe, sprinkle this on a picture of her or him and place in a box.

Twitch's Grass: Causes quarrels among friends. Place under each leg of a table they will sit at, by the end of the evening they will surely be fighting.

Vetivert: Silences ones who will speak ill of you.

Vervain: Spells used to contact and speak with Lucifer are the most effective when using this herb. Also used for conjuring evil spirits and demons.

Willow: willow is under the devils protection and when held in ones left hand may be used in pacts, or rites requiring supernatural powers.

Wormwood: Used in making pacts with the devil.




Evil Eye

13:12 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,479

The Evil Eye… also known as “Malocchio”

Perhaps you have heard someone in your lifetime say... "Do not make her mad... for she is a Witch and she will put the Evil Eye on you". Well it does exist and it can happen to you without your knowing that you have been inflicted by someone.

Let's do some history facts....

The Evil Eye is one of the oldest and mostly wide spread inborn superstitions to possess man. The belief that there is a transmittal power of Evil existing in man, which can suddenly discharge upon any object it beholds, has existed since the time of prehistoric man. The origin of the belief is lost in the age of obscurity but carried forward and documented during the time when Witchcraft and Magic long preceded the world of Science. Its existence was attested to in Egyptian Hieroglyphics, the Bible and the classic Greek and Roman Writings. It was widely believed by the Ancients that certain envious or evil people could induce sickness and death merely by casting their Eye on another person. Its piercing force avowed to be so powerful could infect surrounding objects.

There are two kinds of conditions associated with the Evil Eye...

The Moral and the Natural.

The moral power is exercised by the will performing the consciously deliberate action created in the mind. More terrible are those in whom the power of the evil eye is natural and whose destructive look unconsciously can produce harmful effects.

Throughout the years scientists, philosophers and sceptics called the belief of the evil eye a foolish primitive superstition. Even still it continues to influence many people around the world today.

"Evil Eye" symptoms:

1. Total head and back of the neck pain and the feeling of heavy eyes.

2. An Acute uneasiness or apprehension: everything seems to go wrong.

3. Stomach ache accompanied with dizziness and a feeling of vomiting.

The above are preliminary conditions and without the aid of a healer can lead to worse conditions or even Death.

There are several methods or spells that can dispel the Evil Eye if one is inflicted... but they will not work for the inexperienced Magician.





13:09 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,480

To stop an enemy from bringing harm, here is what you must do,

procure a special oil, of Dragon's blood and Rue.

Add to it a pinch of poppy, nightshade and some thyme,

add to that three tiny drops, of some bitter wine.

Anoint a black candle with your victim's name and seal it with

an "X",

then chant these words most carefully, to send forth this darksome


Darksome powers of the night,

gather round my candle's flame,

send my enemy in shaded flight,

send my enemy away in shame.

Say this chant 13 times, on the darkest moon




uncrossing ritual: a hex

13:06 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,481


rosemary oil

1 cup rainwater

incrossing oil and bath salt

jinz removing oil and salt

uncrossing powder(optional)

place 7 drops of rosemary oil in a glass of rainwater (natural water can be used if need be). add 9 drops of the uncrossing oil and repeat this chant:

Break the hex, break the root free my life from the evil curse"

place the glass with the oil and water mixture in your window for 3 days. on the 4 day, sprinkle the 4 corners of your house (inside & out) with it. let no one see you do this




Binding Spell

13:01 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,482

Do on a waning moon.

On a sheet of paper, write the name of the person

who you wish to bind.

Also write down some negative behaviors that you would like to change positive.

Roll the paper

and wrap with black ribbon,

set paper on fire, and place in a fireproof bowl.

Chant this until completely burned:

"As this paper chars and burns,

all these behaviors soon will turn."

Dump the ash in the water.

Visualize it glow with power of peace.

Concentrate on your intent.

Take the water and ash to a north tree

at your home, and pour water & ash

around the base while chanting three times:

"Sink this into mother earth, give love

and understanding birth."

Visualize how things will be different.

"So mote it be!"

This Spells is by... Reedweb ZRR5890@aol.com




The Demonic Bible

12:12 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,484

The Demonic Bible is written upon parchment made from human flesh in ink made from human blood in a strange alien script, the language of the daemons, dark gods from a time before creation of man. This dark book contains the magic of the Ancient Ones. Many of the rituals involve human sacrifice, cannibalism, rape, and torture. The Demonic Bible has been revealed, at least in part, to those sorcerers and magicians throughout history who have walked the Dark Path. These magicians have translated passages from the Demonic Bible into various languages, often changing certain words in order to hide the true nature of the work. The Grimoires of Abramelin the Mage, the Clavicula Solomonis, the Book of Shadows, and Necronomicon are among many books transcribed from the dread pagesof the Demonic Bible. The Demonic Bible was shown to the magician John Dee. Dee translated eighteen of the "demonic" keys from the strange demonic language in which it was written. When he translated his Keys he named them the Enochian Keys.

This demonic language revealed to Dee during his scrying experiments is written in an ancient scriot that has been passed down for centuries by practitioners of the black arts (many unaware of its origin). This script has been called by various names, but it is commonly known today as the "theban script" or the "witch's alphabet".




Chaos Destiny Dream

12:09 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,484

This is a spell that can make anybody feel as if they are on drugs, because it is a sleeping meditation in high abstract form.

WARNING: Do not, i repeat, do not sleep next or really close to someone else.

You will begin by laying down wherever it is you are going to sleep. Concentrate on your inner chaos and then visualize that chaos drawing more chaos about you as if you are in a tent made of chaos.

Surround yourself with as much as you can stand or handle (whichever comes first). Slowly doze off with as much concentration you can keep upon the chaos and at the same time open your heart to its strange warmth and comfort.

When you are asleep the chaos will take you through a dream ride. If your heart is seeking something, it will show it to you. Please whatever you do don't panic at anything that occurs. Your dreams will come in all sorts of forms.

Upon awakening, before you rise up, remember to disperse the extra chaos. if you fail to then you will continue to see some really weird stuff and it must then wear off. Meaning that if you wake up and get out of bed with no thought of releasing the extra chaos, you will not be able to disperse it later.




Chaos + Revenge

12:07 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,485

Chaos is the best element to use in revenge spells. >:)

If casting a revenge spell on a non-chaos user:

Tis quite simple feat to do. First picture the person that you seek revenge on or at least their name. Once this is established, allow yourself to attune with chaos but do not break your full concentration. Once attuned allow chaos to flow through you and simply guide it to the person you are taking revenge on. Picture chaos surrounding them and visualize more and more chaos until they are trapped in it. When you have reached this stage, whisper on the chaos what you would like to see done to that specific person. If you have no specifics then simply tell it to play and it will give them a chaotic day, week, year, or the rest of their lives.

The only thing that you must remember when you have casted this spell is to stop it. Unlike most revenge spells, chaos does not know when to quit. In doing such you must revisualize that person and allow chaos to flow away from them thriugh you.

Casting revenge upon another chaos mage... I shall post this later with more advanced spells. Duly note that if you attempt this on another chaos mage that you will receive some of the damage you are sending.




Strengthening Chaos During Spell Work

12:06 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,486

First duly note that only those who are advanced in chaos should attempt this. There are some exceptions to this but please be evaluated by a chaos mage before attempting. So to not be asked later, Yes Shadow you can use this one. :P

When you require more chaos than you possess, you will need to draw more to you as well as within. Once you have a steady flow of it drawing, you may concentrate upon anything that you want to do within your spell work. Chaos will continuously draw itself which makes it dangerous as well.

When you are done with your spell workings you will need to reverse the drawing in. Concentrate on chaos flowing out and about you. if you have consumed a lot of chaos within this may physically hurt you inward. What can I say but it pays to play with chaos at times.




Combining Chaos

12:03 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,487

Chaos is the simpliest element to combine among the other elements.

You will start by simply concentrating on the element(s) other than chaos that you wish to use. Upon having full concentration just simply allow the thought of chaos pop into your train of thought real quickly. Doing this allows chaos to automatically attach to the other element(s) power source. Chaos will automatically combine with the other element(s)/

To release, remember to not concentrate on releasing chaos first. Chaos is always last. Release the other element(s) and when they disperse chaos will return on its own.




Confidence... Verbal spells

12:02 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,488

Damastre amonga grenchka homaria oderi aft derentchia 3fwrd 1 rvs draconian confidence

nonk avess lobey dreger hapinia 4 fwd druid confidence

aknaameria stevingth granar drek abrala drej abo-lalth nomas berthijic gaston hert avas nomay hith 5> 1




Beginner Shadow

12:01 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,489

Those who are just starting to learn or have tried and just can't get it this exercise is for you. Even I still use it to keep my magicks up to par. emoticon

When in a completely dark room should this be attempted. Stand within the center of the room and visualize (you may close your eyes if it helps) you drawing in the shadows. When you have this moving in a steady pace then you must begin to actually draw the shadows or darkness in. Your eyes must remain open for this. Do not draw into yourself too many but enough to almost fill your whole being.

Do not release any what so ever.

Hold the shadows within your being. A starter should begin with holding for 15- 20 minutes working themselves up progressively to being able to hold them for up to weeks, months and even years.

When your time is done then slowly and steady release the shadows back. You then release your visualization from earlier by visualizing the shadows leaving.

Once you have accomplished this and can hold the shadows for a couple of hours. You can now advance to actually starting to manipulating them by concentrating. Your first step should be when releasing them to make it come out simple as smoke rings or in puffs at a time. To start do not use difficult and alternating shapes and forms. After some time start swirling it inward or making more difficult shapes and forms on release. The more you can make the more you are ready to. In an advancement of this you can be capable to make a cloak about you making you seem for a moment invisible to all others.

Please note that shadow magicks must be maintained or you will lose strength in it. You must always practicie it to keep it at the levels you want to obtain




Rage Bottling

12:00 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,489


THe purpose of the Rage Bottleing spell is to store ragi in your mind and secure it so that you can easily access it and use it when you deem neccessary and if done correctly allows you to use Rage Attacks, or Allowing your rage to consume you in a fight.



1. Reach deep within yourself and pull up energy from deep within.

2. Use your mind and the energy to create A "Safe in your mind with chains and locks easily secured and PADDED INSIDE WALLS!!

3. Tie the energy with your creation And FOCUS on the need for it to be secure and safe.

4.Put it in a secure portion of your mind .

5.Now, We all have a place where we store anger and rage... The hardest part is finding where youve locked it away. This step can take anywhere from 10 minutes to days upon days it all depends how hidden your rage is, you MUST find it before continuing.

6.Once you've found it Take and "store" it in Different size "Bottles" From small to large (this is important to regulate how much rage you release at a time) and put them gently in the safe.


8. Now every time someone gets you to the point of rage or you find more within yourself STORE IT IN THE SAFE once you've begun this safe you DO NOT WANT FREE RAGE in yourself !!!!!!! important!!!!!

9. If you are adept enough to have learned to train your mind to Automatically do certain tasks then you can have your rage bottled in random sized bottles automatically though this is VERY DIFFICULT it is the easiest way once accomplished.

10. you will need to make sure that the safe is always kept big enough to store all your rage I have mine set to resize when needed but you may have to resize it every now ant then yourself.

11. to use the rage simply unlock the safe and take out the appropriate sized bottle... THIS REQUIRES CONCENTRATION AND VISUALIZATION!!!!


13. Now if you go to an unpopulated area and release small amounts of rage and FORCE YOURSELF to teach your rage to have care and skill with its might than you can become a very Strong fighter But Don't be suprised if this takes YEARS to accomplish!!!

14. Again USE CARE and you're done be careful and enjoy!

this spell took me 3 years just to get it to work and i am still training my rage so expect long time once youve utilized your rage to train it.

spell from Danaxii




Mental Fortress

11:58 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,490

This spell is to build a "Mental Fortress" or a barracade against intrusion... Later I will post "Mental Maze" But for know you'll have to use this It is an Element Mental Spell class...

1 Clear your mind

2 center yourself

3 Draw in energies from Earth air fire water...(if you are adept enough also from Chaos, shadow ,Dark , and/or Light)

4 Bring up your own energies And entwine them with the elements.

5 Visualize the energies Becoming a sphere around your mind protecting you(if your adept at Mental Magic You can add traps to the sphere too!)

6 Tie in all the energies of the spell and intertwine them in to a Unpeneterable Barrier (Stronger magic May still break through...)

7 Bind it with your willpower and your done .... Add to it every so often and build upon it to make it grow stronger.

spell from Danaxii




Enhance your center

11:56 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,491

This spell I wrote About 2 years ago and has worked for me to this day... this spell is a Mental rune War Spell and is rather simple If you concentrait. I use the futhark runes but if you have a rune that has same qualities go ahead and use it.

1. Clear your mind.

2. "center yourself" Or ballence your mind.

3. Reach deep and Visualize yourself.

4. ( This is the rune step )

Visualize The rune Uruz (or one that you know for Battle skils)

5.Envision the rune URUZ shining on your mental self see it seep into yourself

6. Now bring your energy from inside yourself and use it to bind uruz to you

7. You should feel Stronger and lighter your head should clear... downside is sometimes you get a mild bloodlust always mild when it occurs for me.

8. Continue on and do what you needed the spell for ... a fight... practice .... exersize.... whatever it is.

9 "Store" the energies you used to do this And call on them next time you use this spell it will be sronger.

10 the spell is done have fun and use WISELY!!!

Once again I use the Elder futhark http://www.sunnyway.com/runes

spell from Danaxii




True Power

11:54 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,492

This is a Mental Magick Spell I devised to Utilise your true power for magic... Whatever Power you currently hold will be Brought to the surface. this is NOT an enhancement spell it is A Spell to use what you have fully.

1.Wander your mind to the strongest point of power you can sense.

2.Focus on it test its bindings feel its ebb and flow.

3.Focus on the bindings and Bend them to your will Break them one by one till the power is unbound within you.

4.focus on the power envision it coiling up your arms and into you Feel It Work through you.

5.Now You must focus and visualise what you need to use the power for entwine youe power with your need and let them settle together.

6.Send the energy you gathered to its desired Destination ... FOCUS!

7.Tie the energy to its purpose.

8.When the purpose is complete you can call back your energy and store it wherever you Store your energy.

9. the spell is complete enjoy.

spell from Danaxii




Dark Discipline

11:53 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,493

This Is a mental Spell of my own Diviseing I have no Idea if it only works for me noone besides me has used it


This spell Is A prep before attacking A DIRE ENEMY And will Vary depending on how much you put into it. YOU MUST BE CLOSE ENOUGH TO ATTACK this is NOT a distance spell.... Is also very usefull As a war spell....

1.Clear your mind

2.Gather all available energies you have to you , you will need it all if you are not practiced in mental magic.

3.Reach deep within yourself and find your rage

4.Bring As much rage as you deem necisary to yourself and CONCENTRAITE!!! Focus on intwineing the energy with your rage again as much as you deem neccessary

5. "pour in" your Need for focus and your need for the power of rage to be Stronger and Wilder while still in control.

6.visualize yourself filled with it and entwine the power youve created Into yourself CAREFULLY be sure to have a failsafe a way of releaseing the spell in a moment.

7.BE SURE YOU ARE NEAR YOUR TARGET!!! If the rage you bring isnt satisfied you may lost control.

8.Carry only simple or no weapons Rage is not Skilled till it is honed.

9.When your rage is spent be sure to release all remaining energies you tied to it THEY CAN STILL CALL ON DORMANT RAGE!!!!

10. You Have completed this spell, Use wisely.

spell from Danaxii




Blood Strength

11:52 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,493



1. You will Want to get an old clean towel or paper towels.

2. You will need a sharp knife.

3. You might want to shower first to reduce chance of infection.

4. You will need a set mind and to be able to concentraite while you feel pain or decent pain tolerance.

5. I use the futhark runes and if you do not than I BELIEVE another type of rune MAY work I am not sure.

6. Sit in a comfortable chair.

7. clear your mind and center yourself.

8. Focus on being strong, fast agile clear headed and Quick healing.

9. choose the part of your body rou will cut the rune into.

10. while still FOCUSING begin the longest line of URUZ and make sure it is good enough to scar.

11. Focus on your need for these things and cut the second line ... the slant FOCUS.

12. visualize these things becomeing part of you and cut the shorter downward line completeing the rune.

13. focus on all of this at once while chanting URUZ URUZ URUZ ... in a low voice and tracing the cuts youve made from the bottom of the longest up then down the slant and shorter line then backwards till you feel the energies stirred.

14 visualize energy from deep within your soul comeing up, tie them to the rune and FOCUS on them spreading and tieing to EACH part of your body.

Whene done with that Trace the pentagram in the air with your blood stained finger and whisper once again URUZ. You are done ENJOY!!!!!

To See the Runes I use ...


Please Note If you dont Want to Use Futhark Rune Because you use your own .... Another Symbol With the same meaning SHOULD work ... I do not know for ssre I have only ever used Futhark Runes

spell from Danaxii




The 9 Arcane Elements

11:40 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,494

Most people only deal with the four/five main elements: earth, wind, fire, and water as well as spirit. Those who are in advanced magicks, however, tend to use the other four elements as well: lightwaves, shadow, darkness, and chaos. Please do not confuse the light and dark in a white or black magick usage for they thrive in all spectrums. Confusion will bestow those who have never dealt with the full nine arcane. Majority here should know the concept of the main four as well as spirit being your inner power or being projecting. As far as the other four here are a brief description into them.

1) Lightwaves is the usage of bending light and use of lightning as well.

2) Darkness is the ability to use spirits or ghosts as a magickal force (no harm to the spirits since most are very willing).

3)Shadow is the ability to make shadows to cloak or cover or to lose another by means of darkening the environment round your target (great illusionary of looking as if you walked out from a wall and such. A great defensive source.).

4)Chaos is well chaos. This element can be used in very many ways. Considering that its one of my main, I live a very hectic life and always multi-task. Therefore I have gradually began to live this element. It is mainly used in spells of confusion as well as in spells of war and of peace as well. It is a great healer too.




Banishing/Invoking of Hell

11:32 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,494

Banishing Ritual

Visualize a dark sphere above your head radiating it’s dark light out into the void in which you stand. Nothing is around in this depth of space with it’s never-ending blackness though the sphere glow’s darker then your surrounding’s and cackles with energy, it is pure quintessence. It is filled with energy arching from one point to another and cackling with energy. Nothing but you exists here until you call it. Take a series of deep breath’s letting the energy of the void surrounding you slowly fill your body with it’s heavy weight and when you feel ready to procede or once you are full of energy.

2. Face your altar bring the energy down to your head in a way you see fit. It can be either gently or as aggressive as a lightning bolt from the sphere either way is fine. Feel it enter you and fill your Crown chakra and resonate within you. Vibrate: “Moloch” out into the void calling on the power of the demon to cleanse the chakra.

3. Bring the energy of the sphere down to your Third Eye charka and vibrate: “Beelzebub”

4. To the Throat chakra and vibrate “Abaddon”

5. To the Heart chakra and vibrate: “Ashtaroth”

6. To the Solar Plexus chakra and vibrate: “Baal”

7. To the Sacral chakra and vibrate: “Lilith”

8. To the Root chakra and vibrate: “Nahemah”

9. Take Athame in hand or use middle and index finger. Face the East and visualize it radiating a deep crimson, glowing , cackling and arching with the powerful energies which are now inside of you and begin to draw a Air banishing inverted pentagram, seeing it slice into the void. The shape begins to take form as a glowing crimson inverted pentagram, seemingly cut directly into this void in which nothing but you exist. See it flaming and cackling like your Athame and the sphere.

10. Turn to the South and draw a Fire banishing inverted pentagram.

11. To the West and draw a Water banishing inverted pentagram.

12. To the North and draw a Earth banishing inverted pentagram.

13. See the energies of the Elements coming through the pentagrams in their color’s and swirling around you, entering your body and purifying your aura and body. Feel it entering your pores and being absorbed by the thick fluid of the void which you inhaled earlier. Feel the power of it and relish it for a while before continuing on to the Invoking portion of this ritual. When finished banishing simply allow the void to reclaim the energy and let the blackness of space once more reign.

Invoking Ritual

1. Standing once more in the void, alone in the blackness. Even the sphere from before has disappeared and you are the only thing in this place. See your Athame or finger’s still glowing, the God’s have blessed you this night and left their powers within your body. Feels wonderful doesn’t it? This power coursing through every fiber of your being. But where had the sphere gone? Suddenly you become aware of you Throat chakra and the pressure/heaviness there…it is now black and radiating shadow’s powerfully. This is how you shall call the True God’s from the Abyss…

2. Turn to the West and draw an invoking Water inverted pentagram, once more seeing it slice into the void with it’s burning crimson energy. Feel the sphere in your throat and vibrate: “Ariton”. The void shakes with the power of your voice as it rends the veils of time and space to reach the ear’s of the God’s. Visualize the god appearing behind the pentagram so as not to destroy you with it’s awesome raw power.

3. Turn to the South and vibrate: “Paimon”

4. To the East and vibrate: “Orions”

5. To the North and vibrate: “Amaimon”

6. See the God’s around you in their form’s and the raw power of their being. But how to interact with these primal energies without endangering your very existence?

7. Holding your Athame out before your turn to the West and vibrate “Azael” seeing the black robed figure standing there with a sword pointed down swirling with the energy of water. Suddenly the energy of Ariton bursts through the middle of the Air pentagram and through Azael before entering your body filling you with the power of the Demonic King.

8. Turn to the South and vibrate “Samael”. See the figure with a flaming sword of fire.

9. Turn to the East and vibrate: “Azazel”. See the figure with a sword of air.

10. Turn to the North and vibrate: “Mahazael”. See the figure with a sword of earth.

When finished with your rituals then allow the void to consume everything and return itself to a state of nothingness in which only you exist…meditate on what you experienced for a few minutes and thank the God’s for their assistance




Exorcism of the Abyss

11:28 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,495

1. Set up a place where you can have a nine foot circle

2. Preform the Banishing/Invoking of Hell

3. Say an Invocation to the Abyss asking for assistance.

(Example) “There is but one true god

Father who art in Hell

Lord of the Abyss

I ask now in you name that you grant unto me the legion’s of the Void. So that I may cleanse this Child/Space of Negativity”

4. Stand at the center of your nine foot circle and raise your arms visualizing two black spheres, one above and one below. Both are cackling and pulsing with energy. See the energy between the two sphere’s moving and swirling around you. Feel the energy condensing and say.

“The Fire’s of Hell approach

May I be a worthy vessel”

5. Visualize the energy between the two spheres shooting through you like a lightning bolt forming a pillar between the two spheres burning away all impurities in yourself.

6. See the void around you with the sphere above you flaming black. The energy of the God’s is passing through your core. Be aware of the immensity of the energy around you and say.

“Divine fire awaits my use”

6. Feel the extra energy around you, touching your fingers, pull this energy into you. Take a deep breathe and slowly lower your arms. Feel the energy being pulled through your head. Stop lowering your arm’s at the shoulder level.

7. Exhale and feel the energy pulsing in your head, neck, and shoulders increasing in intensity, swirling around the central pillar within you.

8. Breath in again and lower your arm’s to a 45 degree angle. Bring the energy down to your hip’s.

9. Take a third breathe and lower your arm’s to your sides and feel the energy moving down to your feet. Say:

“Unable to contain the fire’s of Hell

I send it out about me, may the fire purify.”

10. Open your eyes and take a deep breath of energy. Feel the energy swirling around the central pillar.

11. Visualize being surrounded by cackling energy, sheathing you in a oval shape that is jagged and fiery. Take a deep breath and bring down enough energy to push against the perimeter of the sphere. Visualize it expanding the sphere slowly in equal increments, three feet. Take another breath and expand the energy once more on the exhale. Six feet in diameter. Then finally take a third breath and expand the sphere to nine feet in circumference.

12. Breath in and hold this breath while stepping backwards out of the middle pillars path, walking to the west till you walk out of your sphere completely. Spread your arm’s as though hugging the sphere. Say:

“This Holy fire bends to my will.

Coalesce before me

For we stand ready to destroy evil.”

13. Breath in and raise to ¼ peak energy level. Closing arm’s slightly, willing the sphere to slowly shrink. Nine feet. Six feet. Three feet. Taking a step forward each time you breath in and condense the ball further. Now you should be able to hold the jagged sphere.

14. Hold the sphere in both hand’s and feel the pressure of the energy. Breathe in deeply and raise to ½ of peak energy. Exhale and shrink the ball to about eight inches. Step forward and place hand’s a foot apart. You should be near the center of the circle now. See the ball suspended in the middle pillar. Extremely dark and heavy. See the beam disappear and peak yelling:

“I banish evil!”

15. Throw the sphere at the target or into the floor if clearing a room of negativity.




A Sphere in the Cosmos: A method by Konstantinos

11:22 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,495

Shiver. Yes, shiver. Allow the cosmic fluid within you to continue to cool and numb you with it's electric pulse. That is the cold of space, the cold of the eons that you are feeling.

Standing in place, with your eye's open, spin counterclockwise three times. Keep these rotations slow, with almost shuffling step's.

Close your eye's and spin approximately three times clockwise. This time, make your movements a little faster and lighter of step.

Open your eye's to the darkness. Whatever direction you are facing is the direction you begin the working. There are no cardinal point's of east, south, west, and north in the void of the abyss.

Imagine the plasma in your body coalescing most heavily within your solar plexus. With your eye's still open, try to sense that it is a dark purple color. It is a tiny, pulsing sphere.

Begin to breathe deeply. With each inhalation, imagine the color of the sphere glowing more vividly and cackling with more excitement. With each exhalation, begin to feel this sphere emanating a force in all directions. Do not imagine the sphere growing in size. Only imagine it's presence taking on more intensity. Note that with each exhalation your make, the sphere is pushing the cosmic plasma out of your body in all directions. After a few exhalations, the dark plasma with surround you in the form of a cold oval. Feel the dividing line of cold leave you. Continue the breathing to enlarge this oval even more.

After a few more breathing cycles, imagine this oval stretching and forming into more of a sphere. Continue to push it with your breath until it becomes more than double your height in diameter. It will form a dark dome above you, with the rest of the sphere sinking into the ground below.

Know that this dark sphere is composed of matter from the darkest reaches of space. This matter is within you and , therefore, linked forever to you.

You know stand within a bubble that is surrounded by the void of the universe. The plasma wall of the sphere responds to your thoughts and sends your will radiating out through the dark ether.

Reaffirm your visualization of the purple sphere cackling inside you. This is the true center of all creation. Walk straight toward the random quarter of the sphere that you are currently facing. Take a deep breath, feeling the sphere inside you crackle. Exhale, feeling some of this charged breath leave you and shimmer out through the dark sphere. Try to see it pass, like a misty wind, out into space.

Move the quarter of the circle to your right - this would be the south if you were just at the east. Place your hand's together, palm to palm, fingers extended, as if you were in prayer. Take a deep breath, noting the purple energy within. When you exhale, feel the energy flow to your palms. Rub them together slowly, so you can feel the heat and hear the skin swishing. Turn both palms out to the sphere wall and imagine this charged heat radiating out into the universe from your hands.

Continue around the perimeter of the circle, to the opposite quarter from where you began (this would be the west if you started in the east). Take a deep breath, once again exciting the purple sphere within your solar plexus. As you exhale, feel the energy welling up your throat and vibrating into your mouth. Wet your right fingertip's with the tip of your tongue and touch the sphere. Feel the cool, wet, vibrating liquid pass out of your body and into the Cosmos.

Continue to the remaining quarter. Take a deep breath, once again activating the purple sphere within. Hold this breath for a moment and then drop to your knee's, exhaling. Feel an electric shock leave you and pass into the impact spot on the ground, from there radiating out into the dark mass. Return to the center of your dark sphere and listen...

Be sure to practice this simple yet powerful circle casting for a few night's before you try it with an actual magickal rite. Don't think of this as a simple preparatory exercise, however. After completing the Drawing in the Darkness and A Sphere in the Cosmos, you will be in an excited state of awareness. Spend at least a few moment's listening to the Cosmos. You might be surprised by the useful kinds of impressions that come to you. Sometimes you'll receive simple solutions to problems you've been having. Other times, warnings.

What emerges from the abyss at such times is not to be taken lightly. With repeated practice at creating this sacred space, you will begin to hear more and more noises in the dark abyss - whispers, rustlings, and unidentifiable sounds that will all add themselves to the swishing you heard while Drawing in the Darkness. Take note of anything you sense at this time.

You are now ready to call upon and command the dark forces of night and the abyss.




Drawing in the Darkness: A method by Konstantinos

11:18 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,496

Allow your vision to adjust to the darkness for a few moments. If outdoors, pick a patch of the night sky that doesn't contain many stars. If indoors, just gaze into the darkness above you. Feel yourself sinking into the bed or whatever you are lying upon. Feel as if you are a tiny, miniscule point of conciousness being pushed down by the immensity of space and the dark void above you. After even the slightest success at the sinking feeling, immediately imagine that your are surrounded by shadowy figures. You can't see their faces , but your know they are looking down at you. Why do they seem so tall? Are you sinking into a hole? Is that the smell of cold, damp earth around you? Are the dark figures observing your burial? Allow any such bit's of natural curiosity to enter your mind. When you begin to feel a sense of dread - even a remote one - imagine the shadowy figures begin to turn into mist. Once you can see them in mist form, with your eye's open or closed, they start to swirl about. The swirling is counterclockwise, and occurs around and above you. That weight of Darkness - that cosmic pressure we spoke of earlier - is still above you. Now begin to notice that it is pressing down the swirling mist. In turn the mist is forming a cone - a tornado of dark swirling matter. The tip of the dark cone is approaching your mouth. You gasp. The cone takes advantage of the opening, pushing it's way into your mouth. Fighting back a choke, and sensing the futility in resisting , you breathe in. Cold, stale, heavy air fills you, along with something more. What is this dark plasma that moves down through your lung's? As you get closer to finishing this first dark inhalation, you can sense the presence of the dark plasma lingering in your feet. It tingles. almost cackles within you, and remains when you exhale. Take another deep breath of the cosmic, swirling darkness. Feel it seep all t he way down to your shin's and ankles, filling them with dark plasma. Exhale, and notice how the dark energy remains in your lower legs. Continue to take in breaths, leaving behind another eight to ten inches of plasma in your body after each exhalation. More and more of your body is becoming one with the strange, electrical vibrations. As more than half of your body fills with the mysterious force, you should become even more aware of that sense of dread. Allow any seemingly frightening or negative thought's to come and go unchallenged. A few more breaths almost fills your body. The tingling is turning into numbness. Or is it coldness? Yes, the cold of deep space. When the plasma finally fills your head, you feel almost as if your drowning in icy liquid. Let this sensation build to the point where you can barely stand the terror...

Now take a deep breath and hold it.

You are alone.

For a moment reflect on how scientists have found the universe to be filled with an unexplainable matter the call "Dark Energy". You are feeling the aloneness of this space-filling force at this moment. You are one with the universe.

Listen. There's a swishing out there in the void.

Is it getting closer?

Jump up immediately and try to avoid stumbling. You should now be in a fervered state - a natural high that you might not have thought possible. It is in this state that you can cast a circle and begin to call on the darkest of forces.

Try this technique a few times and see how quickly you can attain the strange high it bring's on. After atleast three times of doing this, you can move onto the quicker version below...

Drawing in the Darkness Redux

As with the other version of this technique, begin by allowing your vision to adjust to the darkness. Pick a patch of the night sky that contains few if any star's and gaze into it. If indoor's , just stare into the darkness above you. Feel yourself sinking into whatever you are lying upon. Feel the immensity of space above you. The darknes pressing down on you is tangible, heavy, and eerily cold. Try to remember the dread you felt when doing the full version of this rite. That same unknown force is around you...touching you.

Begin to breathe in the darkness, as you did in the other version of this rite. Pull some of the plasma in with each inhalation, and with each exhalation feel a tingling remainder of dark energy filling another eight to ten inches of your body. When you complete the plasma-filling process, and your head feels as if it is swimming in the cosmic fluid, bring back the sensations of cosmic aloneness you felt when doing the full version of this rite. It should be easy to recall the sensation of being one with a dark void that is so invconcievably large.

Listen for the swishing sound's in the distance. Hear the noises getting closer.

Get up immediately and begin your dark magick, taking care not to stumble.

With your mind and subtle senses attuned to the dark ether, you can preform a circle casting of your choice. If your already confortable with something like the Nocturnal Circle you can feel free to use it. If you want something more streamlined and less relegious feeling...try a Sphere in the Cosmos...




The Order Of Vampyre of the Temple of Set

10:35 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,494

By Lady Lilith Aquino V° &

Magister William T. Butch IV°

Co-Grand Masters

With original and revised input from Robertt W. Neilly, GME O.V. &

Priestess S. Thompson, M, O.V.

The Order of the Vampyre is an Order which embraces the concepts of Vampyric Presence as a means to personal power and potential Immortality. Vampyrism is a unique Black Magical condition that in and of its very nature requires a Posture, which enables a natural and effortless exchange of Power from the lesser to the Greater. In normal communication, this power is evidenced by the psychological control exerted over others. Through our Black Magic, this Power is evidenced by accessing what is known as lucid dreaming and increasingly gaining mastery over that state of Becoming which is desirable in its own right.

Vampyrism goes back to time immemorial, and true Vampyrism can be traced back in many cultures around the world, and is therefore known by many different names. A true Vampyre knows that he does not achieve the Posture of Effortless Power through the mundane act of physical blood drinking. In fact to pursue such acts would mean that he did not understand his own condition, let alone Vampyric Black Magic.

Through Xeper, the Word of the AEon of Set, members of this Order will strive to bring to Life those qualities and aspects of our potential which have long been considered to be dead, or latent.

Communication is a cornerstone of our Work. Members of the Order will communicate effectively in order to maintain that concert which will be our collective effort.

The Order's founders undertook research that brought them into a 'dialogue' with, and the acquaintance of, existing Vampyric characteristics and Archetypal Forces. They were examining, testing, and proving to themselves, through direct experience, how many of the alleged Vampyric powers—such as invisibility, manipulation, the power of sound and breath, etc.—were real and were useable. Many of these same powers are, of course, harnessed by non-O"V Setians.

Through the great Black Magic, and in ways that are special to the Children of the Night, we seek to further enhance and augment such powers. On a lesser level, these powers will be evidenced in social communications resulting in personal power as measured by social position, wealth and personal freedom. On a Greater Level, by achieving control of the lucid dreaming state these powers will be the direct experience of Vampyres in a World of their own creation, which can also be potentially shared.

Vampyres can be hideous by nature, as well Noble. Vampyres can also be—and are—glamorous. Those who are members of the Order of the Vampyre will learn to perfect such skills as the application of cosmetics, the use of the voice in subtle ways (including the embedding of commands in one's phrases), and the act of holding another's gaze to influence, to distract, to control. All of these are designed to enhance the creation of the Vampyric Posture such that power flows to the Vampyre for both lesser and Greater goals.

It is our desire that our School for Vampyres address the Vampyre at all levels, and that our teachings have a practical application in the world. Hence, all of these are steps towards the formation of a more compleat Setian, a more compleat Vampyre.

As such, powers of imagination and visualization are employed by members in this Order. Therefore art, music, and literature can and will be used as tools for our Order members. Within our School for Vampyres, will arise those who specialize in certain aspects of Vampyrism, and its proper application. These Schools within our School, as well as other directions and things yet to come to this Order are to be decided by its Masters and members.

There will be those who first learn more about the Arkte Element here, who then Become Warriors. There will be others who first learn of the MetaMind Element here, and who will then specialize in it. Each of these Schools within a School will either be an official Office or function of the Temple of Set, or will be informally controlled or helmed by a Master or senior member of the Order. Such Schools may be in the form of Elements; Elements that have their basis here, but may also reach our II ° membership, Temple-wide. Such Schools may also be in the form of our Bloodlines, which are Schools specializing in various aspects of Vampyric Initiation. These Schools are created by Masters of the Order, and are accessible by Order Members only. (See Internal Bloodlines Doc.)




The Nosferatu Rite: A Working Of Self-Creation

10:23 Aug 08 2007
Times Read: 3,494

From OtV of ToS. Introduced by Leon D. Wild.

Introduction:This ritual is based on certain Romanian traditions of Black Magic which were in legend handed down to the followers of Vlad Dracul [ie the Impaler] by the great man himself, who in turn received them from the Prince of Darkness. The legend follows that Vlad, once a Christian rebelled against the confines and lies of the Church and chose to identify himself with the Devil. The working draws heavily upon the connections of Vampyres with the Powers of Darkness. Self-Lore in the Vampyre tradition.Concepts of the Self in the vampyre traditions are generally that of the *Undead*. This may be interpreted as *not dead* with its implications of immortality and of the Secrets of life and death. Vampyres frequently possess supra-normal physical and mental powers,and possibly a few limitations for flavour or eccentricity [see Andy Warhol's 'Blood for Dracula' for example - his dietary habits are distinctly amusing] although these are not compulsory. Immortality, or the refusal of death is a frequently misunderstood concept. The Vampyre / Magician chooses to live fully in this life, and to not allow her or his consciousness to disintegrate after physical death. This survival of consciousness is not dependent upon adoption of "magical" symbols, names etc or participation in this or other magical rituals. It is dependent only upon the recognition ofones own *Self* and the will to continue existence, whatever it maybe... and wherever. Blood is very important in the Vampyre traditions. In the modern Vampyre traditions this is seen as symbolic: for example the Temple ofSet's Order of the Vampyre sees no significance in blood consumption or blood letting. Blood symbolises *Life*. The Black Magical Vampyre is thus seen as a magician who desires and practices the highest Life, whilst recognising the energies of the Beast within - the primal energies of Lycanthropy and shape-shifting which form another aspect of Vampyre magic. The following rite symbolises a solitary, isolated awakening to a Vampyric state, and the self-initiation of the journey along the left-hand path. The trappings of the rite may be altered to suit your circumstancesand personal inspiration. This ritual, as all magical rituals, is at your own risk, and not suitable for unstable or immature individuals. Setting: Somewhere you will not be disturbed. A dark chamber, either painted or hung in black or similar. Or a starry lit forest glade. It is your choice. Dress: Black robe is ideal. The idea is to become your own vision of a vampyre - magician. Pay attention to each of your senses. For example: perfumes, clothing, music, offerings. Ring bell Nine times. Nine is a sacred number in Black Magical traditions and symbolises dynamic evolution towards perfection. Light the Black Flame. This may be an ornate black candle or a chemical / electrical mechanism that ideally produces a purple - black flame, symbolis ingisolate consciousness. Invocation. "This black night I become my Vampyre: a master of life and death." "I light the Black Flame in honour of the Prince of Darkness, and become the Vampyre that my mind creates; burning with passions in pursuit of all that I desire." "I cast off the constraints of the Right Hand Paths and with a Will, dedicate myself to the control of my own destiny. I now face thetrials and tribulations of the Left-Hand Path." "I empower myself with the Essence of the Vampyre: To be invisible even in the scorching day, To know when to be silent, and when to prey. To know and explore my whole psyche." "I cast forth this doom: I, the Vampyre NN (your name) walk on the Left Hand Path, and my Will is impenetrable!""I Honour the Blood, which is my Life, and become more than smoke and shadows." "Open wide the Gates of Hell!" "In the noble presence of the Dark Lord I swear an oath to become a Vampyre, to be true to my Self and my chosen Path." "Hail the Vampyre! Hail the Dark Lord! " The Chalice. The Chalice is the Dark Graal, or Unholy Grail: that which is often sought but seldom found. The Graal in this case is filled with a reddish liquid symbolizing blood (but NOT blood). Some suggestions are tomato juice, fruit (particularly berry) juices or wine - sangriamakes a fitting elixir! As you drink the elixir, visualize yourself becoming empowered with the Powers of Darkness. You are partaking of the essence of yourself, and the Vampyre that is a part of the divinity inside you. Closing the Gates of Hell: Close the ritual by again ringing the bell Nine times. The Awakening.Now as an budding initiate of Vampyre mysteries, you may see the world with different eyes. With this first ritual you may have some insights into the nature of magic and your control of it, and how to shape your destiny. This probably will take some practice, however. Others may only feel slightly silly at having undertaken such a task: or even at bothering to read these pages. To these, I wish a happy life, and am sure they will get the life they deserve. ____________________________________________________Acknowledgments Daimon Egan for the Nuit. Vampyre net "Vampyre Working". Nuit. Vampyre is a computer forum on the Fidonet system. Moderated by the Order of the Vampyre. (Thanks to BlackWulf & Darkstar). ============================================== excerpted from THE NINTH NIGHT: A JOURNAL OF BLACK MAGIC & THE LEFT-HAND PATH Vol. 1, Issue 1, May 1996 ce (e-Version August 1996 ce)Leon D. Wild (wildl@fisher.biz.usyd.edu.au)P.O. Box 666Northbridge NSW 2063 AUSTRALIA

[from http://www.dnaco.net/~raensept/lhpzin.htm (reformatted by tn)]




An Anger Hex

11:35 Aug 02 2007
Times Read: 3,512

Gather bones of chickens and dry them in the sun for a few days.

Then when you are ready to do this hex make sure you are worked up into a frenzy of anger and hatred.

This will add to the potency of your hex! Be thinking of all this while doing this hex and when it says

'With these bones I now do crush"

take a hammer or use your feet to stomp and crush these bones as if they were your enemy before you!

When you are done sweep them up and place them in a bag.

You will then want to sprinkle the dust and remains of the bones on your enemies property around his house.

If you have a bell ring it 3 times and say...

I call upon the Ancient Ones from the great abyss to do my bidding

I invoke Cuthalu, God of Anger and the creatures of the underworld hear me now.

"Bones of anger, bones to dust

full of fury, revenge is just

I scatter these bones, these bones of rage

take thine enemy, bring him pain

I see thine enemy before me now

I bind him, crush him, bring him down

With these bones I now do crush

Make thine enemy turn to dust

torment, fire, out of control

With this hex I curse your soul"

So mote it be!

spell from TAG





08:18 Aug 01 2007
Times Read: 3,517

1 skull of eagle

2 bat wings

1/2 a teaspoon of hawk blood

Put them all in a bowl, then crush the eagle skull into a powder. Take the bat wings and put them in to seperate bowls. Then put the hawks blood and mix with the eagle skull powder. Then tear the bat wings to pieces and and even them out then mix it into a tube simmer til boiling water. Leave for 2 days and 2 nights then its ready to drink.

spell from countcracula



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