Catalunah's Journal

Catalunah's Journal


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7 entries this month

My lives...

11:47 Apr 07 2007
Times Read: 688

Ah, the lives that I've been through,

The lofty and the mean.

A slave girl made to dance... Then too,

A gem-laden queen.

The aches of passion and duty,

The grand processions, the wars.

It's all there if you look, the beauty

Of course, and the scars.




My Greatest Gift

11:31 Apr 07 2007
Times Read: 689

I stand before my greatest gift

before the soul entwined within mine

the one that I hand my heart and soul to

I have awaited for you over a long time

We are not strangers nor were we ever

Over the centuries our bond stronger grew

Both of us first unsure of how to speak

the words we have for so long knew

Taken a little by suprise that again

each other we have once again found

No other can take your place in my heart

Really forever to you I am bound

When I am lost and no one can find me

I know that you will go wherever I am

never will I be able to hide from you

You are my greatest gift & I'll always accept your hand

No one can even try to compare

Nor shall anyone dare to be what you already are

Love is by no means a strong enough word

For it seems to fade into a scar

Where as what we have is so very far beyond

Nightly our memories flow into a star

It shines down for all to remember

That no matter the time we forever are

What true love is supposed to be

Eternally written upon a star

© August 2006





10:40 Apr 07 2007
Times Read: 695

Bang goes the gun

That you aim at me

Blood goes everywhere

Death slowly becomes me

Cold I begin to feel

Freezing it is to me

Stiffness overtakes

No movement from me

My soul wants to fly

But it can't leave me

Slowly I begin to rise

Death cannot take me




Soul Reaper

10:32 Apr 07 2007
Times Read: 696

In a bleak oblivion I do dwell

to catch the souls lost in despair

Enslave them I do thoughtlessly

No remorse do I have for I do not care

They know not where to go nor where they are

Hope in me they do find for I am the way

Trapped by their bonds I set them free

but in reality,

they must obey what I say

I am doing no wrong, it is all just

Without me there would be

nowhere for them to turn

They shy away when they think of eternity

Afraid in hell's fires they will burn

Lost & afraid, so they stay with me

So no need in calling me wrong in what I do

I am no fool in what I am about

Be careful, however, what you say

for the next just might be you.




I Love You by Danaxii

10:22 Apr 07 2007
Times Read: 697

I have courters

i have mistresses

I am cold

I am official

I act stern

and uncaring

But I know

I'll be ok

because I love you

I know because

when its dark

and the weight of my life

comes crashing in

Its your name

Your face

That I call out

Tha I see

that brings me back to Life

free's me from my prison

and gives me wings

I love you Scelendia

Though I know I don't deserve it

I'm glad you chose me

In this life of nothing

You gave me something

To keep me going

And a fire

to fuel my soul

*written for me a couple weeks ago




The howl

10:16 Apr 07 2007
Times Read: 698

A howl in the distance

I try to locate where from

my eyes searching, hoping

Another howl, I start to run

Could this be a call to me

I think as I near

anxious to see if this is my wolf

Its not him I fera

but maybe, just maybe

I can be very wrong

another howl, closer now

Is it the one to whom I belong

I climb the tallest tree

I just have to be sure

I look to the wolf who calls

another heartbreak I endure

A howl comes from where I left

It has to be him, only he

only he would know where I wait

Faster than the wind I run

oh it aches me so at this rate

As I get near my waiting spot

a quiver through me runs

No more howls do I hear

Curse the damn sun

not a one in sight

as day takes over night

Once again I place myself

where I patiently wait

wishing the sun will go away

So my wolf returns while... I wait




10:01 Apr 07 2007
Times Read: 700

In the dark one can see

Theres not a difference tween you and me

You may not drink anothers blood

But spill it in anyway you could

You look for your own self being

I'm not quite as deceiving

In the end we want the same

Immortality to continue are game

I may be a murderer to live again

But you do it for fun as will your death be in the end

I shall show you my world and delights

Then feast upon you in the moonlight



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