Cartomancer's Journal

Cartomancer's Journal


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32 entries this month

14:43 Mar 31 2020
Times Read: 641


Nine of Pentacles

When I journaled the other day about all the stuff I was doing around the house, and enjoying being able to sit back and be happy with what I’d done... that’s the Nine of Pentacles in short form. This usually applies to bigger things. But, the minor arcana is about day-to-day stuff, so it could be as simple as that. You’ve put a lot of time, effort, and work into something... now is your moment to kick back in the garden and relax.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.




11:15 Mar 30 2020
Times Read: 653


Eight of Pentacles

Steadily at the job... hard work and learning new things. Keep at it and be proud of your achievements.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.




15:41 Mar 29 2020
Times Read: 662


Seven of Pentacles

Working hard and staying the course is proving fruitful. Your efforts are apparent, and now you can decide if this is what you really want.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.




04:18 Mar 28 2020
Times Read: 684


Six of Pentacles

The Six of Pentacles is the light that the Five looks for. It’s charity, sharing, help being available. You could be doing the giving or the taking- but this card denotes it’s flowing.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.



05:18 Mar 28 2020


13:22 Mar 27 2020
Times Read: 695


Five of Pentacles

Times are tough and it looks like life in the bread lines... but all is not lost. In most every deck there’s a sign of hope that there are people who around who can assist. In the original Rider Waite and in this one are the lit stained glass windows showing there are people inside to talk to.

If things are bad, just look for the light- it’s there.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.




13:04 Mar 26 2020
Times Read: 725


Four of Pentacles

Think of Ebenezer Scrooge. Being frugal with what you have. Perhaps being a hoarding miser (we’re seeing a lot of that currently with the world’s state).

Here’s some good advice for this situation by the band .38 Special: “hold on loosely, but don’t let go- if you cling too tightly, you’re gonna lose control”... don’t be a wretched stinge- you can do that without hurting your own well-being, and will probably build yourself up in doing so where it matters most.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.




11:39 Mar 25 2020
Times Read: 739


Three of Pentacles

We’ve got teamwork, here. Getting things done together and manifesting goals. Working well with others has its benefits :)

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.



14:44 Mar 25 2020


18:29 Mar 24 2020
Times Read: 789

A couple times LordMogy has looked up cards I have posted to add other things he's learned from different interpretations on various websites out there. There are different ways to look at things, but at the root, there are the same truths. How we reconcile those truths with our questions and choose to look at the scenario can foster a very different reading depending on how one views things in general.

In the world of Tarot, personalities are just as vast as in any other circle. Just because a person reads and collects cards, it doesn't mean you can introduce them to another friend of yours who does the same and expect them to have much of anything else in common. Sometimes the differences aren't that wide, but I am just putting that out there so people realize it's a big old community with diverse thought.

In this community, there are people who hate certain decks, say certain decks shouldn't be used at all, or even fear of some. Many people despise the Rider Waite imagery because of it's deep Judeo-Christian influence and symbology. I don't mind that, but at times in my life certain cards just seemed too scary. Even though I know the Death card doesn't necessarily mean anyone is going to die- no one wants the Grim Reaper to pop up. I mean, not most people, lol...

With that card in mind, many deck creators have put out different cards that depict the end/change/new beginning in other ways that are less jarring to see pop up in a reading. While that is good for a lot of people, traditionalists can find it to be unhealthy to sugar-coat. Many people think you need to see hard things in order to get your shit together. Whereas anxiety-ridden type people want to use cards to get through their challenges without being triggered further. Like the good Libra I am, I fall in between these schools of thought. I have darker decks and lighter decks. I pick different ones depending on my mood.

Furthermore, people just view certain cards differently. It's not uncommon hear someone say, "I don't read it that way." I was just recently talking to a friend on Facebook about pulling The Tower card in a one card reading asking, "Is everything going to be okay" in regards to what's happening in the world right now. I mentioned how seeing that imagery freaked me out for a moment, until I remembered that it's just a shakeup and an opportunity for anew. A breaking down and a rebuilding- very much like the Death card. I mean, they can be interpreted the very same way depending on what the question is. The idea of The Tower for her gives no room for anything good to come of it, she stated, "I view the DEATH card as a shake up and a new beginning. The Tower is just... unmitigated screaming of no more wire hangers. While on fire. And falling into the bog of eternal stench. Lol" I personally refuse to read Tarot in that way. Not for me, and not for anyone else (If I were to read for other people, which I don't). I believe that we need to know we are all in control of our lives, that we can choose to make the changes necessary to turn the wheels of life in the direction we need them to go. So any perceived negative card is always going to show me what that challenge brings to my life in a positive sense. I can see it in Death, The Tower, the Ten of Swords, the Five of Pentacles, you name it. You shouldn't read your cards or have them read by someone else and feel at the end, "I'm fucked." We all know if our lives are going through a slump, and we may not want to hear that something we want isn't going to work out- but what we *need* to know is that we don't have to stay there... and that disappointment doesn't mean that's what life is period without change.

Shit's being disrupted here. Maybe it's downright falling apart. But people are resilient. We REBUILD.




18:32 Mar 24 2020

Different Tarot apps I have in that collage. I own all of them in regular deck form except for two, which I will get my grubby little hands on soon ;)

18:35 Mar 24 2020

I couldn't agree more. My readings have creeped people out so much some of them refuse to speak to me again. It is all about connecting with the deck that calls out to you.

20:31 Mar 24 2020


11:13 Mar 24 2020
Times Read: 809


Two of Pentacles

The Two of Pentacles is about balance. It’s pretty clear with the imagery in most every Tarot deck. You may have a lot going on and need to put it all in order of priority.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.



20:34 Mar 24 2020

Interesting how the fishing net resembles the Yin Yang symbol. ^_-


10:40 Mar 23 2020
Times Read: 823


Ace of Pentacles

The suit of Aces (also known as discs and coins) represent material things. Most of the time people think about money, and that is often what our questions surround… But it doesn’t have to be that, specifically. It could simply be your possessions. If you can remember the Aces are potential and new beginnings… then this is an easy read. This is an opportunity for some kind of abundance in your life.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.



14:27 Mar 23 2020

The possessions I care most for my loved ones and my friend and at this time, humanity in general. This is a good card during this time in our lives when we are going though this difficult time. Human life for all is a valued possession.


17:36 Mar 22 2020
Times Read: 860


King of Swords

Where the Queen represents these ideals in an emotional capacity- the King often represents the same but as a boss or mentor, not emotionally connected. This person supports you. The way I read these cards are not necessarily male or female, just these characteristics and roles played by people in your life. The Queen is more of a nurturing truth.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.



21:22 Mar 22 2020

From the web:
"In a general context, the King of Swords represents structure, routine, self-discipline, power authority.
It is a Minor Arcana card of being methodical, using your head, mind over matter and the head over the heart. This card signifies logic and reason, integrity, ethics and morals."

So one is for ruling with one's Emotions and the other with Logic?

Oh wait, let me compare the web's interpretation of the Queen.

"In a general context, the Queen of Swords can represent an older woman in your life who will step in when you are vulnerable and protect you or help you to overcome a problem. It represents being intelligent, sharp witted, witty, honest, truthful and candid."

Ok, Tarrot is like the Religion in that I wonder does every deck creator has their own interpretation?

23:39 Mar 22 2020

They are both influencers of wisdom and truth but from different kinds of supporters- one being a leader/boss/mentor - the other being those influences from a guiding light in your emotional life.

There are different interpretations for cards, but not too different. I mean, we all get varying feelings from them- but if the reader can back it up and it makes sense- it’s all good. The cards are just there to help you get through your ‘stuff’, get you thinking about the entire picture so you can turn the wheels of your life in the direction you need.

02:26 Mar 23 2020


15:19 Mar 21 2020
Times Read: 875


Queen of Swords

She’s the lady with the clear-minded advice. Wisdom and truth are paramount. This is my favorite card. So much so... I’ll be spotlighting this one in another deck later today.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.



15:31 Mar 21 2020

Challenge: Get it tattooed on yourself.


13:38 Mar 20 2020
Times Read: 886


Knight of Swords

Coming to the rescue by chance... or ready to put a plan into action. Knights always denote movement and Swords are thought, ideas, and reason. It’s pretty easy to put this together.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.



14:05 Mar 20 2020

The color combination make this card POP! I am really digging it:)


12:55 Mar 19 2020
Times Read: 903


Page of Swords

Curiosity and up for trying something new… you or the person you are querying may not be sure, but are definitely enthusiastic about it.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.



14:08 Mar 19 2020

I really like the illustration. Very nice.


10:48 Mar 18 2020
Times Read: 916


Ten of Swords

This can be a scary card for people to look at. This is defeat. But with every end there’s a chance to start anew. There’s an opportunity here to focus on what’s next.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.




12:49 Mar 17 2020
Times Read: 922


Nine of Swords

Here’s your lovely nightmare card. Being plagued by worry is never fun. But sometimes you just need to allow yourself to feel your feelings in order to breakthrough it all.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.



12:44 Mar 18 2020

OMG the artwork on this one is amazing!


13:19 Mar 16 2020
Times Read: 937


Eight of Swords

You may think there’s no way out of this mess- your view is obstructed, so you need to get a new perspective to find your way out.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.




19:17 Mar 15 2020
Times Read: 959


Seven of Swords

Deception and distrust- pay attention, yet don’t be so quick to judge what seems out of line. Scenarios are vast and what looks to be trickery and thievery might not be.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.



20:18 Mar 15 2020

I love the art work on that deck you are using.

20:42 Mar 15 2020

The border art is pretty awesome on that deck. I have to second what he said:)


13:16 Mar 14 2020
Times Read: 984


Six of Swords

This is a card of moving on. It oftentimes stands for travel across water... you know, the kind we’re pretty much banned from doing right now? And so- here we have either an inner journey or a physical one.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.



20:37 Mar 14 2020

Yes, and from the internet it says the following:

"In a general context, the Six of Swords represents progress, moving into calmer waters, moving on or moving forward. It is a Minor Arcana card of overcoming hardship, healing, relief and stability so you can expect problems in your life to settle down and things to be much easier to deal with."

20:42 Mar 14 2020

And we all want to get into calmer waters now, that's for sure.

20:57 Mar 14 2020


13:38 Mar 13 2020
Times Read: 1,002


Five of Swords

Five is that conflict number in Tarot- here we have sneakiness, chaos, trickery, and “win at all costs” mode.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.



17:35 Mar 13 2020


12:41 Mar 12 2020
Times Read: 1,005


Four of Swords This card usually depicts a person lying down asleep, almost as they’re in a Sleeping Beauty type of coma (sometimes it looks like they’re funeral-posed dead)- it’s to signify a respite or necessary restful renewal. The way they’ve chosen to represent this card in this particular deck only shows me someone who looks to be spent and tired. I think the act of actually getting that rest is important to depict on the card… But not every deck can be perfect ;)

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.




12:40 Mar 11 2020
Times Read: 1,022


Three of Swords

This is the heartbreak card. Emotional disappointment. Usually in decks it’s just a heart with 3 swords going through it- but I dig how this one is a locket with a lock of hair in it.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.



20:05 Mar 11 2020

I love the blue-grey background and of course the swords. ^_^


12:25 Mar 10 2020
Times Read: 1,029


Two of Swords

Decisions are at hand. Indecision maybe, an uneasy choice perhaps. Sometimes choices are hard because you know exactly what you have to do but you don’t want to.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.




12:52 Mar 09 2020
Times Read: 1,044


Ace of Swords

The suit of Swords are that of thought and reason. With the Ace here, maybe it’s one hell of an idea that’s come to you. Maybe it’s a suggestion that you need to consider.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.




10:39 Mar 08 2020
Times Read: 1,067


King of Cups

That patriarchal figure who is supportive yet maybe not the kind to say “I love you.” Doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel deeply.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.




13:08 Mar 07 2020
Times Read: 1,073


Queen of Cups

The maternal comfort- doesn’t have to be your mom or even ‘a’ mom... just that kind of compassionate support. Nurturing.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.




16:30 Mar 06 2020
Times Read: 1,094


Knight of Cups

The most basic of meanings for this card is someone putting their emotions into action. Could be someone asking you on a date- or you them. If it represents you, it could be that nudge to go for it.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.



17:33 Mar 06 2020

I love artwork that depicts water.

17:42 Mar 06 2020

Yep- The elemental coordinate of Cups is Water. Cups are emotions and emotions flow!

01:08 Mar 07 2020


18:30 Mar 05 2020
Times Read: 1,107


Page of Cups

A surprise- something new! In the original Rider Waite deck there’s a fish popping out of the cup. Yeah, that’d be a surprise to me, heh. Time to embrace this latest thing.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.




18:19 Mar 04 2020
Times Read: 1,124


Ten of Cups

This is a card that usually depicts a happy family. This is contentedness in your home life. This could be a home with friends. An emotionally rich personal life.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.




17:19 Mar 03 2020
Times Read: 1,135


Nine of Cups

It’s looking like success, here! Goals achieved and ducks are in a row, just don’t get complacent and rest on those laurels :)

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.



17:28 Mar 03 2020

Never stop setting goals to achieve.


19:52 Mar 02 2020
Times Read: 1,149


Eight of Cups

Leaving stuff behind and walking away- no doubt with this visual. When you’re disappointed, sometimes you just have to get yourself away from it. This could be a dramatic exit or change. What you’re leaving behind might not be material. Maybe this is a sign to make that change.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.



22:09 Mar 02 2020

Thanks for pointing out the typos, LordMogy :) My brain and fingers work at a different speed! lol

01:02 Mar 03 2020

01:04 Mar 03 2020

I love the art work in this card.


14:53 Mar 01 2020
Times Read: 1,172


Seven of Cups

This is the card of choices- whenever I see it I always think, “the world is your oyster”. Some books describe it also as having your head in the clouds with fantasy and illusions. It depends on context and placement, but I have always ever seen this as choices/making a decision. Everything is laid out before you and you need to decide.

Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” - https://www.taroteca-studio.com
Based on the Rider Waite system.



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