13 entries this month
17:01 Jan 31 2020
Times Read: 603
The Hanged Man
This is a pretty great image for Vampire Rave :P The Hanged Man hangs by his foot, not his neck. This is the time to let go and decompress. It’s easy to remember because when I look at this it makes me think of inversion therapy machines. Although some people view this card is being stuck (to only see the literal in the image), I view this card as being willing to surrender and just feel loose in the moment.
Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” -
Based on the Rider Waite system.
20:13 Jan 30 2020
Times Read: 636
Although usually depicted in a scene clearly as “law” with a judge even in many, this can be merely cause and effect. Finding the truth. Oftentimes you’ll see those Libra scales in the card- so you can focus on balance. If you put too much here, and not enough there,
this is going to happen. Whatever
this is, there’s your cause and effect. Balance is equality and the key to everything.
Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” -
Based on the Rider Waite system.
16:31 Jan 29 2020
Times Read: 665
Wheel of Fortune
Construed as inevitable fate, the Wheel of Fortune is always helmed by you. The wheel will keep spinning and land just ‘wherever’ unless you make a conscious decision for yourself. If this shows up as an unforeseen cycle of change- be prepared and ready to adapt and overcome. In either scenario, it’s you who decides to evolve or act like you’ve never had control.
Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” -
Based on the Rider Waite system.
18:43 Jan 28 2020
Times Read: 689
The Hermit
This is the time to take a moment for yourself to contemplate. Search within yourself- introspection. Definitely one of my favorites.
Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” -
Based on the Rider Waite system.
21:07 Jan 27 2020
Times Read: 712
This is card usually depicts a woman and a lion, showing how the lion is submissive to her, basically displaying the strength to conquer the toughest of things. Bravery and courage- love and spiritual above hate and material.
Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” -
Based on the Rider Waite system.
19:26 Jan 26 2020
Times Read: 737
The Chariot
This is control and forward movement. You have the direction to make it happen.
Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” -
Based on the Rider Waite system.
17:25 Jan 25 2020
Times Read: 765
The Lovers
This card can literally mean love and attraction, but it can mean a partnership in general. This is also a decision making card that inspires you to look inward and being happy with that choice.
Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” -
Based on the Rider Waite system.
01:01 Jan 25 2020
Times Read: 781
The Hierophant
In some decks, The Hierophant is titled
The Pope. This is a card to describe things such as structure, morality, rules, and conformity. Although this can describe religion- think outside of the box. This can be a teacher, or one with ritual advice.
Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” -
Based on the Rider Waite system.
20:34 Jan 23 2020
Times Read: 820
The Emperor
This is a card usually pertaining to a strong male figure - could be a father, a boss, a strong leader. This is a person you regard in high esteem and with power. This power can be subjective. It’s your reading, so don’t let the confines of other people’s definitions bind you.
Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” -
Based on the Rider Waite system.
20:04 Jan 22 2020
Times Read: 832
The Empress
This is a card of motherly nurturing, but that doesn’t have to mean it represents your own mother. The imagery usually depicts a pregnant woman to display those traits. It could be a “yes” card for pregnancy, it could also be about nature- the usual backdrop of grain gives us that.
With the pregnancy metaphor, you can interpret this card as bringing something into the world in general- an idea made manifest.
Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” -
Based on the Rider Waite system.
18:23 Jan 21 2020
Times Read: 862
The High Priestess
Think of that lady who you go to for the big stuff. Wisdom above all else. Intuition and inner voice here reign supreme. But, this card doesn’t
have to be a woman and it also doesn’t have to be someone else. It can represent you- depending on the question, spread, and context. This card dives beneath our surface to our subconscious.
In some decks this card is called “The Popess”. She holds divine law in her hands representing what she knows. This book in many decks says “Tora” on it- yes, no h... and flanked by two pillars of black and white. The black has a J for Jachin with B on the white for Boaz, representing the Temple of Solomon. Needless to say, this is one of those cards very rich in religious symbology. There are many other things to gaze upon in this card to alight your intuition in reading it- so be sure let it spark your curiosity.
Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” -
Based on the Rider Waite system.
16:08 Jan 20 2020
Times Read: 882
The Magician
The Magician card tells you that you have everything you need to make things happen. This is a manifestation card. On it you will find (in most decks) every suit present- swords, wands, pentacles, and cups. That is just one way of explaining in the imagery that you’ve got everything you need to get things done.
Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” -
Based on the Rider Waite system.
Tarot Card of the Day - Day 123:54 Jan 19 2020
Times Read: 915
The Fool
This card represents a new journey. Taking that leap (many times this card in various deck variations depicts a person at the edge of a cliff, and happily so). The ‘fool’ descriptor is used in the sense of who you are before wisdom in this journey is acquired. You have yet to experience what’s to come. There is potential here and opportunity for moving into something new to you.
In this deck, the dog is trying to keep The Fool from stepping off... that opens this card to be read in different ways. Always keep in mind the context of your question along with the position it falls within your spread.
Deck used: “The Dark Mansion Tarot” -
Based on the Rider Waite system.
Today I’m beginning a 78 day series through the Tarot. I realize many people don’t care, but there are a few people who’ve asked for something like this. I’m sharing basic knowledge in my own words. I decided to use this deck because it photographs well with its matte finish and vibrant colors- plus, I’d already taken pics of the whole deck for my Instagram page.
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18:05 Jan 31 2020
The hanged man, for me, is about suspension between all directions and possibilities as well as a chance to see life from a different perspective. To get stuck as the hanged man is a problem, but I think we must all hang at different points in our lives :)
20:19 Jan 31 2020
That’s a good way to view it.