I got the following message tonight from someone on my friends list that I don't really know.
"how are you and look at twilight for my bedroom at home"
Translation, please? *scratches head*
This...is FABULOUS. Anyone out there who is a fan of The Wizard of Oz, take note. Just released is the 70th anniversary deluxe boxed set, which arrived on my doorstep today. Got it out of the box and all I can say is WOW.
FIVE DVDs...yes, five..including a digital copy of the film. Three of the discs are bonus features, most of which I've never seen before (early silent Oz movies!), documentaries, lots of fun stuff. The set comes with a nice book, posters, a reproduction of the 1939 publicity campaign, and, the cherry on top as far as I am concerned, a limited edition watch.
I can't WAIT to get the movie going..this has long been my favorite fantasy movie, I done wore out my VHS, and since I got my new TV it ought to look really nice. I think I am going to save it for the weekend, when I have more time, to sit down and really enjoy it.
This is available on Amazon or ebay, it was only $50, which I thought was nice. Oh yes, if you want one, better hurry....it is a Limited Edition set....mine is numbered 193,558 of 243,000. Collectors will be hoarding these!
is that the version with Judy Garlan?
Yes. This is the 1939 classic, all spiffed up and with lots of extras. Tres magnifique!
I saw this on another site and just had to share it.
If I have sex with a homeless person, does that make me a hobosexual?
No, it would make you very itchy. :P
Trust me it's only a matter of time till hobosexual will be seen on newbe profiles lol
You meet people on here who are good, bad, indifferent...then once in awhile you find an extraordinary one.
I speak of Xzavier.
I used to read his journal and wonder what sort of person was attached to such a brilliant mind. Keeping my distance, shy, wondering if he would rip me to pieces for venturing to ask a question or two. I've had certain indivduals on here do that, so I'm wary.
He was nice, kind, compassionate and even managed to answer my question. After I made a comment about wanting a personal shopper, he actually took the time to search out some necklaces for me. They are brilliant; he got my taste very accurately.
So, to thank him, this little platitude...I know, it's not much, but he is one of those whom I consider "big guns" on here, and I am honored to call him my friend now.
Thank you, X-man.
Thanks love :D You're the type of person who makes VR and life worth dealing with the poo. As always, if you need anything you know where to find me :)
Geez, yesterday was my two year VR anniversary. I totally forgot about it till I was at work this morning.
Woo..two years. Actually more, since I deleted two accounts and re-started. I was gone a year due to a crazy work schedule that allowed no time here. But, it looks like this is the ID I am going to keep permanently. It seems to be working all right so far, lol.
I was following a little Honda civic home from work, and at the stop light the driver rolls down the window, sticks her arm out and flips me the bird. My window was down too so I stuck my head out and yelled up at her "well f*** you too!"
She looked back at me and made a face. "I thought you were Stephanie!" she shouted. "Sorry!"
Hey. Stephanie...I got your bird.
Congrats! I hit 4 years in just 5 weeks :P
Congrats hun. One day you'll be just as old as I am! lol
I was trading drive-through window horror stories with some folks on here. I got you beat! Although this wasn't particularly pleasant, it was memorable..I know I won't forget it.
A young lady had pulled up and started to honk her horn for service...despite the large button and the plaque over it which reads "PRESS BUZZER FOR SERVICE." I was waiting on another customer in the call office at the time, so I leaned over to the window and said "I'll be right with you. One moment please."
"I NEED SERVICE NOW! I AM LATE FOR WORK!!!" she screamed, as the customer I was waiting on said "what the hell is that?" And as I leaned over to the window again she flung her order through. She just happened to have a skirt with the belt left in, and it hit me in the face. The metal buckle caught the corner of my eye, scratched my eyeball, and made me bleed.
My boss came running over and gasped. The girl was just sitting there very impatiently banging her fist on the car door: "HELLOOOOOOOOOO.....HELLOOOOOO...I need service here!"
My boss grabbed me and pulled me out of the line of fire. He told the girl that he was calling the police to report what she had done, and the look on her face was classic. LIke she'd reached into her purse and found a fresh turd. "You can't do that! I gotta get to work!" she screamed.
"Well, you should have thought of that before you threw your clothes in my employee's face," boss told her. He took her personal info and phoned the police, who had to take pictures of me for the record. I went to the doctor shortly thereafter and had my eye looked at. It got flushed out and the cut was fixed up. I had a beaut of a shiner for awhile. And the drive thru ding dong got cited for misdemeanor assault and was prohibited from using our drive up window.
I still bear the scar to this day.
Thats horrible! People like that seriously need to be shot, maybe not killed, but shot.
When I was a manager at Hobby Lobby any time we had difficult customers I made sure to make them cry :) I really don't tolerate jerks like that.
Yeah you know, if you're late to work, that's on you. YOU made yourself late.
Does anyone else out there have a drive-up customer window on their job? Do your customers act like they've never used one before? I don't know what it is, but drive up windows bring out the asshat in people.
The following are some questions I get on a regular basis.
"Can I drop off here?"
"If I drop off here can I pick up my stuff here?"
"Can I pay here? Do you have a pen/pencil/piece of paper/kleenex/trash bin/phone book/ kotex?" (yes, I have been asked for a tampon.)
and my favorite query of all..."This is the drive up window, right?"
No, you moron, it's the Bronx Zoo. And why can't you pull closer to the damn window? I'm not Kobe Bryant ya know...I don't have a long reach. We put yellow lines and arrows on the drive up lane and along the side of the building so people know which way to go....yes, people actually pull in the wrong way and are surprised to see a car coming at them from the other direction.
Oh, and please..by all means..keep yapping on your cell phone while I stand at the open window waiting on you. I really love to hear you cuss your kids out, or tell your sister about your hemorrhoids.
one of the saving graces of working at my particular pharmacy location for 10 years was the decided LACK of drive up window. if they had ever put one in on me (the subject had come up more than once), i think i would have killed meself or others. or both.
i did have to work at another location for training purposes, and they did have one and it sucked ASS. other than the rudeness and overflow of stupidity, it is flat out depressing to see the brand new high-end SUVs being driven by the people you know are on welfare.
Living on the stateline, we sometimes get people passing through who live in Chicago or Madison or Milwaukee. They drop their clothes off then throw a complete shit fit when they pick up their order. You would not believe the language or the things they do, because they feel they are over charged, something isn't right, it isn't the way "their" cleaners do it.
Well, EXCUSE ME. We aren't your cleaners. We are not a discount cleaner. There is one a couple towns over, that everyone tries because they think they are going to save money. All items are $2.99 except shirts, which are $1.25. Sound good?
Ok. BUT...if you have a stain or spot that needs attention, forget it. They don't do stain removal. Just a quick run through the cleaning cycle, through a steam tunnel (not properly pressed or finished) then onto hangers and into bags. If you bring in 2 suits, they will not be grouped together, pants with the blazer. Sweaters aren't blocked and finished nicely. Silks and rayons don't get special attention, cuffs aren't pressed, collars aren't rolled.Missing buttons aren't replaced and small repairs aren't done for the customer at no charge. Our customers who have tried the discounter come back to us, saying they appreciate the little extras we do and find it well worth the prices we charge.
Anyway. This guy dropped off two suits this morning and wanted them back in the evening, which is fine. He came to pick them up...but AT THE WRONG STORE. Supposedly we were supposed to read his mind and "know" he wanted them sent to the other place. So we go get his suits and bring them back, and he proceeds to blow his top about the price. "Why don't you post your prices? The other cleaners do," he said.
The other cleaners do NOT post prices, except the discounter. Why do I know this? Because I have worked at all of them. A regular cleaner does not post prices because there are so many variables. If you phone us and say you have a shirt, and how much is it, we then have to ask you what kind of shirt it is....dress cotton shirt? silk? linen? t shirt? polo? special trim? does it have blood on it, or need special attention? All these need to be known in order to quote you a price. If you bring it in and we see it, then we can give you a price quote right then and there.
This guy did not ask for a price when he dropped them off, he was in a hurry so he dropped and left. I told him next time to be sure and ask for a receipt, which we would happily give, so he'd know how much his order would be.
He was so pissed at what he thought was an over charge that he started to lecture me about giving good customer service ( i. e. he was angling for getting the order for free since he thought the price was too high and he was a first time customer.)
I asked him how old he was. He was in his early 20's. I said "Sir, I have been in customer service longer than you have been alive. I'm sorry the price was more than you anticipated, and I'm sorry you didn't know we were not a discount cleaner. All cleaners do not charge the same for the same garment, even in this local area there are 4 of us, and we all charge differently. It's up to the owner of the business to set a price which he thinks is fair. We stand behind our work 100%. Can you find a discounter that does that?"
He finally admitted he didn't. I told him I understood why he was upset, that it wasn't the first time and it wouldn't be the last that someone from out of the area came through and complained about the prices. We can't please everyone but we do give quality service, and that guy was a rare instance of total asshatery. My boss was out at the time and when he came back he said I kept my cool and did the right thing.
Grr...just had to blow off steam.
I am starving. Teach me to eat dinner way too early....grr. I need something to eat, or I won't get to sleep for my tummy growling. Wonder what I can have this late.
Just thinking about stuff. I see a lot of members who are not active in their societies, and that is a shame. That's a big part of VR. I guess they are just on to chat with their friends here, or play the games, or hang out in the vamp box.
Wondering...you can't force them to participate, much as we would like to! The bonus you get from participating in their societies evidently doesn't mean much.
How about, for every week you don't post at least one thing in your society forums, you drop a level...that ought to get them posting some more!
Nah, probably never happen.
Some people don't care. The site has to work for everyone in one way or another...
^-^ I post...
everyday even if I am simply replying to myself.
me too, I try to post a few times every day.
i was "force inducted" into a society. um, actually two. the first one dumped me when they noticed i wasn't "active" within it. then when i became "available" again, another one got me. i did not choose to join it. it was not something i was looking for. i don't have the time to log in regularly, and didn't want to have any sort of "expectations" made for me. i have never done anything within or for the society, but am still a member of it. i don't even know what it's called :-/
i'm only here for casual fun in my free-est of free time. i personally do not care about what "rank" i have, except for the fact that if it gets TOO low i can't post to the forums. i understand that for some people their rank is a big deal, but not for me.
I ordered something from Amazon. com. They said it was in stock for immediate delivery. It was that Beatles box set, their re mastered collection. I ordered it last Thursday. I opted for two-day shipping and paid for it.
Today I get an email: estimated delivery date: September 29- October 7.
WTF? Where is my two day shipping? I want a damn refund on the shipping charges then. If you can't ship it when you say you can, don't charge for it.
I love and hate Amazon for reason's that I purchase most of my movie's and music, but wonder about why the false advertisement of delivery service time.
Parents of teenagers, or any children really, give me an opinion on this. I don't have any kids, so I don't know if this is a common thing or something that varies from child to child.
Do they go through "food moods" a lot...I mean refusing to eat, refusing to eat certain foods, only wanting green things, or whatever? I ask because my boss is going crazy with his 3, and I told him I'd put this out and see what people say.
His 3 teenagers are 17, 16, and 14. One won't eat chicken, the other basically won't eat anything her mother makes (she wants fast food all the time) and the last one just picks at various things. None of them take vitamins and are clueless about nutrition. They all suffer from migraines and various other ailments quite a bit of the time.
They were sent out to California for a 10 day visit this summer, my boss' sister lives out there. She sent them back 5 days early because they refused to eat anything she cooked for them (she made healthy nutritious meals with varying types of foods, proteins, veggies, fruits etc.) and they wanted to eat out at restaurants all the time. She could not afford this, so when they refused to eat, she sent them back home and called her brother to tell him what a bunch of fussy eaters they were.
If your kids are like this, what do you do? Make them a meal of something they like? The three girls got taken out to a nice restaurant recently, and the oldest one ordered the most expensive cut of steak on the menu. When it came, she cut into it, pouted because it was "too pink" and refused to eat any of it. She just ate her salad, and her dad had to stop at McDonalds on the way home for a hamburger for her!
Personally, I would bitchslap the crap out of someone who did that. Sure, there were lots of things my mom made that I didn't care for, and when I got old enough, I simply made my own dinner if what she made wasn't something I liked. As long as I cleaned up after myself, she didn't mind.
Fussy eaters? Any comments or suggestions? Much appreciated.
Yes - kids go through food moods - when they are toddlers. I apoligize for this comment but when they are this picky at their ages it really is their parents fault.
Here is what I mean. I have a rule that you have to try the food at least once and if you do not like you do not have to eat it. However if it is prepared a different way another time you have to try it again.
If I make something and you do not want to eat it you go to be hungry. Note I do not make foods that I know everyone does not like. For example I LOVE carrots but my husband and daughter do not. If I make a salad for dinner I leave the carrots out.
Why are these kids even allowed to eat fast food all the time? Again this falls back to the parents and what they will tolerate.
At this point they have let the kids take control. I would have told them you eat what is on the table or you simply don't eat. When they get hungry enough they will eat. I see family therapy in their future because they have turned the tables and the parents have allowed themselves to become victims of their kids whims. There is a program called Tough Love. Seems to me that might be the ticket. Teenagers can be really difficult. I have always said I would trade a teen for a toddler any time. LOL I wish them luck but I fear the parent's have set the precedent for the behavior by giving in. On the other hand when living with the children on a day to day basis, it can get debilitating to the parents to be badgered about food. When I did respite and these issues existed the psychologists stated parents were doing well if they could cope with misbehavior in a positive way and not give in 50 percent of the time. It is my opinion they need to go to family counselling and soon.
Can I get a HELLYEAH from all the Packer fans out there...we beat the Bears in the season opener. To all you Bears fans....heh heh. Bitchslap!
Seeing so many spelling and grammar errors on here reminds me of the time the business I was working for was bought out by another, larger business.
At the time, we had an Operations Manager who was totally clueless. She spent her days in the main office, answering mail, instead of in the various stores seeing what was going on. Her employee memos were classic. They always started off with "Attention All Employees'". Yes that's right...she put an apostrophe s on just about every word that ended in s.
"This is to let all employee's know that there anal review's will be conducted shirtly. I will be coming to the store's to do the interview's. Just to let you all know."
The preceding is a copy of an actual employee memo, yes, "anal" was the word she used, instead of "annual'. I was seriously considering saying "No thanks, I don't want or need an anal review."
Anyway. The new owners came in and were looking at this memo which was tacked up on the bulletin board. "WHO WROTE THIS?" they wanted to know. "Your Operations Manager", I told them. "Not for long," they said.
Within two weeks she was gone. We got a memo that I kept, and gloated over for a long time afterwards.
"Attention all employees. This is to let you know that any memos you recieve from here on out will be spelled correctly and have the correct grammar and punctuation, and we promise, no more anal reviews."
LMAO! See, kids, it DOES matter how you spell. It might cost you a job someday. Stay in school and stay awake during English class, mkay?
Yes, it does matter.
I have received poorly typed cover letters and resumes (being lazy with the accent marks, sorry) before. I won't even consider them a candidate. If they put that little of attention to detail into trying to get a job, what will they do once they have it?
Ahhhh! i love you!
There's nothing at all wrong with making an effort to spell properly. It takes just as long to do it right as it duz 2 do it liek diz yo.
Actually--that took me longer. lmao.
Amen! The dumbing down of America is no laughing matter...
I know a few who'd actually relish the anal review though.
HORRIBLE accident today right up the street from where I work. Kids were getting out of school, the high school, and cars were everywhere. Two students in one car, both texting, ran a stop light and smashed right into a delivery truck. Glass and car bits everywhere...and the damn kids bailed out of the car and ran! People had seen them texting before the accident, so it will only be a matter of time before they are found.
PLEASE PEOPLE.....NOTHING is that important, NOTHING, that you need to text and drive. You can't do both, and you SHOULDN'T. Pull over and text if you must, but don't do it while you drive. It's not only stupid, it's dangerous. The car belonging to the two students rammed into the driver's side of the delivery truck and the guy was badly hurt. So, in addition to the charges they will be dealing with a possible lawsuit.
It's really not that important. There's no reason why the driver couldn't even hand the phone to the passenger and say "text such-and-such to so-and-so, would you?"
It's just carelessness, and really too bad that someone else was hurt by it.
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, of TLC's 18 Kids and Counting...are expecting again. Yes, that's right..this will be baby 19. Holy crap. Isn't her uterus about ready to fall out by now? That can't be good to keep having kids like that. Give that woman a rest, mister.
And their oldest child is having a baby, too, which will make them grandparents. Dayum.
Humans aren't supposed to have litters. . . . If you want 19 kids, why not adopt unfortunate, parentless children, and give them a chance at a decent life?
She must have the most elastic vagina ever--or the biggest, by now. And must have missed the contraception classes in sex ed. . . . it's only too easy. . . .
They don't believe in birth control...
I phoned my boss' wife today. I asked her what she fed him for dinner last night, and she asked why I wanted to know that.
"Because he has farted non-stop since he got here today, and the fumes are toxic!" I told her.
"Um, we had sauerkraut and brats," she said.
Holy cow. That is one lethal combination.
The funny part is, she came to the store awhile later...with a can of air freshener, and a cork plug. She got two steps in the back door and said "OH MY GOD!"
"Told ya," I said.
She sprayed the freshener around, then walked up to her husband and held out the cork. "Put this in your ass before you kill us all," she told him.
I went around the corner and laughed till I cried.
What is up with peeps who look at your profile but don't rate? Or just add you but don't rate you?
I wanna smack em!
I know the feeling...happens to me all the time
Yes, but you're a studly guy...me? Nuffin! lol
I occasionally look just to see if there are any updates. Otherwise, I don't even bother with profile rating anymore. ;P
Oh yes. The Fab Four are back, digitally re-mastered, and with a game as well! Those of us who aren't gamers can be content with enjoying their music anew, hearing it in pristine condition, almost as though we were there in the studio with them ( I just heard a bit and it's wonderful).
I was a bit young for the first surge of Beatlemania, but I do remember when Sgt. Pepper came out, stealing my brother's album so I could play it backward and hear "I buried Paul" and all the other "hidden messages". Scared myself so bad I couldn't sleep.
At one point, through diligent search methods, I had a copy of every Beatles album, (even the UK versions) plus the individual solo offerings. This was before internet, kids, and it involved writing away to obscure places to buy foreign albums, and bugging the crap out of the guy at the record store so he could order some for me. I wish I still had all those! When we sold our house and moved, all my Beatles albums went into boxes.....and guess which box never made it to the new place? Yep. You betcha.
So, this time I can replace all those scratchy albums with some really nice CDs. Rock on, boys.
That Acolyte Test is HARD. Damn! I thought I was fairly well versed on this site, and it was shown to me that I wasn't. Geez, lol. Well, I can and will take it again, and next time I will have a little better idea of what it is.
Math questions! GAH!
I'm surprised that you didn't pass...I'm sure that you will the next time though!
They are worded specifically to be tricky. Cancer said so himself. It's not entirely WHAT you know.... it's how you read the questions. Try again!! I know you can do it.
Math ? Now ya done scared me !
That's what it's all about. I didn't pass the first few times I took it. gah
A few entries ago, I wrote about the Mercury Marine plant in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, whose union voted down a multi-year contract, and the company responded by saying "ok, we'll just move everything to a non union facility we have in Oklahoma, and you all can kiss your jobs goodbye."
Somehow this all got turned around, there was a third (secret!) vote, and the union ratified the contract. This morning's State Journal had an article about it. I'm telling you, I wanna bitch slap the lot of them up there. You'd think they were going to be running naked in the streets with nothing to eat. These people were asked to give up a 2% (yes that's correct, TWO PER CENT) pay raise in the last two years of their contract, and face some health care cost boosts. They make good money up there. The way they are carrying on, you'd think they were working at a gas station for minimum wage.
Um...people? Don't you understand the state of the economy lately? Did you know that if your pant closed down and moved away, a lot of other incendiary jobs would go also, those related to your industry? Oh, you said, you were wanting some wording in the contract that stated no jobs would be moved elsewhere, even overseas.
Not gonna happen. No boss in his right mind would keep a losing business going endlessly, when he could move it some where else for a lot less money and make it profitable. That's just the way things work. THERE ARE NO PROMISES IN BUSINESS. No one can say their job is secure anymore, except perhaps doctors and nurses.
Be grateful, you Mercury Mariners. When you go to bed at night, say some prayers for those who do NOT have $20 an hour jobs, families to feed, house payments and car payments to make. Thank God you have good jobs....for now.
According to the "Eat This, Not That!" books..the FDA allows little "bonus" ingredients in our food. A partial list follows:
Canned pineapple...can contain up to 20% moldy fruit
Canned tomatoes....can contain up to 5 fly eggs or 2 maggots per 500 grams
Frozen broccoli... can contain up to 60 mites per 100 grams
Ground cinnamon...can contain up to 400 insect fragments and 11 rodent hairs per 100 grams
Peanut butter...can contain up to 30 insect fragments or 1 rodent hair per 100 grams
Popcorn....can contain up to 1 rodent pellet in one sample or 2 rodent hairs per pound
Potato chips...can contain up to 6 percent rotten potatoes
Happy eating, folks.
You forgot tuna fish. It can contain quite a few (I'm unsure how many precisely) rodent hairs. I'm sure there are many more that could be added to the list.
Yup it's true...I should know! lol But as awful as it may *sound* it's actually uber good compared to other countries and in many cases would contain less contaminants than a selection of natural foodstuffs. It's also nearly impossible to actually keep things like this totally clean without us having to pay $50 per loaf of bread.
The FDA is involved in far worse things I assure you :)
Yep, I remember learning about this in school. It's pretty freakin' wild.
Ehh... a few rodent hairs and bug legs never killed anyone...
*looks around* so nothing about chocolate then .. phew!
I recall reading a similar gov't guidelines thingy years ago. Maybe we can build up a tolerance for rats...literally.
It happened AGAIN! Must be the full moon. There can be no other explanation for this weird behavior going on around here.
My boss is desperate to get me paired off. He believes people aren't truly happy unless they have a significant other. Me...bah. Been single a very, very long time (longer than most VR members have been alive!) and am quite content with it. But the boss carries on matchmaking.
He was so disgusted with the guy who wanted me to go bowling....so he schemed to get another man to ask me out. This one is a regular customer, who I have had many chats with over the years.
He came in today and said "So..you going to the blues festival at the college this weekend?"
I looked at him. "Apart from eating my mother's cooking again, I can't think of anything else I'd rather NOT do," I told him. "I hate blues with a passion. Just never liked it at all."
"Oh...OK," he said quickly. Suddenly the light bulb went off and I said "Wait a minute..are you asking me out?" "Well, yeah," he said . "Then why don't we go out for a coke, or coffee, or something first, then find something to do that we BOTH like?" I suggested. "I'm sorry, but I am not starting any relationship on a lie. If I'm not interested in something, I'm not going to pretend to like it just to go out."
"Um...that's ok," he said and quickly left.
Sheesh. My boss came to see what happened and after I told him, he shook his head. "You ran off another one!" he teased me.
Well, too bad. If you can't find something that we both like to do, then skip it entirely. I'm not about to act all phoney about something that does not appeal to me.
And I told my boss to get the hell out of my personal life.
Heh, next time just tell them you have crabs!
Okay, I'm kidding. ;P
Some people really are happy being single. Not many. But some. My grandmother is 54, and quite content living alone.
i don't know how you do it. But it can be done. . . .
I agree. (I like blues)!
Anyway, we all know those women who go out on a dinner date, then don't eat? I'm not one of them.
I will eat my food, and the guy's too, if I feel like it.
(Hmmm...maybe that is the wrong thing to do - LOL)!
Here's a little question for everyone who reads this. If you found $5,000 and a bag of rock (crack cocaine) in someone'e trouser pocket, would you....
A. Keep the money and toss out the crack
B. Toss out the crack and the money
C. Call the person and tell him what you found
D. Call the police and turn everything over to them
I'd be interested to see what everyone has to say, then I will post what actually happened at work recently, and what we did.
D. Because it all comes out in the wash (pun intended) and you're bound to get caught if you don't. If not by the police, by the person who owns the trousers.
It really depends on where you found the trousers.
How many people are going to turn in bad money just because it's accompanied with drugs? And tossing the crack, the trousers owner doesn't know who has it, unless you start talking. $5,000.00 is a lot of cash when you didn't previously have it.
OK, for those of you who don't know, I manage a dry cleaners. The customer brought his trousers in for cleaning. The money was in the pockets, as were the drugs. We do find this sort of thing quite a bit, but not as big a stash as we found recently.
As this was a long-time customer, we called him and advised him what we found. He came down at once to collect his stuff, and was very grateful that we gave it all back. He promised to clean his pockets out better after this. My boss said if it happens again, the drugs get flushed down the john and we donate the money to a local food bank!
...and finshed with.. "One suit, three slacks and three shirts, that will $5000.00. Thank you for your business sir..." after having visibly dialed 9-1-....
Your boss is a smart man. Although, the customer may be a bit paranoid in the future when he comes in.
E) Keep the money, sell the crack.
Or you know, the right and responsible thing. . . . but, being financially challenged suuuucks.
I think my answer came as a typical Marine afraid of the law and the 'man' in general :P
I'm keeping the money and flushing the crack. I may feel guilty about keeping the drug money later on down the line, but not right now.
How to make a 6 pack of Coke disappear in five minutes, if you work at my job.
I brought in a 6 pack of coke, which is my boss' favorite thing in the world. I do believe he'd knock over his child to get at a cold coke. So, I thought I'd bring a treat and we could have it with our lunch.
He saw me bring it in, and right away he wanted a can. So there was one gone. His parents, who live upstairs over the business, but aren't supposed to have caffeine (doctor's orders!) each took a can. They were spotted by my boss after they'd each drunk about half a can. He took their cans away, gave them a lecture, and poured the rest out. They waited craftily until he was busy elsewhere, and helped themselves to two more cans. In the process of doing this, the last can got yanked out of the plastic rings, fell on the floor, and exploded.
My boss exploded too, after he saw what happened. I tell you, it was amazing.
Maybe I should bring in something nobody but me likes, that way it would last longer!
I have ROTTEN luck in the romance department. I am actually throwing in the towel after today. It was so bad, it was funny.
I work across the street from a pizza place, and the guy who owns it used to go to school with me. We didn't know each other then, just knew we were in the same school. One day I go in there to get a pizza and he sees me, wonders who I am, we get to talking, and discover we went to the same school.
One day he says to me, :"would you like to do something sometime?"
That covers a lot of ground. I said I would, but wanted to know details first. Today he comes over to the cleaners...and asks me to join his bowling team.
For fuck's sake. I do NOT bowl! And the last thing I would want, after being on my feet for 10 or 11 hours straight, is to stay on my feet some more, and throw a ball down an alley. Sheesh. Mind you, he didn't want a date..he wanted an addtion to his bowling team.
I said no.
I totally give up.
Awww he's nervous. He doesn't have the confidence to outright ask you.
What guy asks a girl, who he doesn't even know if they're a bowler, to be on his bowling team? He's sharing something he enjoys with you in the hopes of getting a little closer.
If you don't want to bowl, then don't, but don't give up.
I agree with Morri. This is almost how my ex hubby got me to talk to him and got to know me
I had to laugh at this...plus, I know what you mean.
I threw in the towel a long time ago.
OK ladies, lol...I stated above that he didn't want a date. To clarify...when I turned down the bowling team thing, I said "but if you ever want to go out, let me know." He said "that's ok..I needed to fill a slot on my bowling team." No date.
Men. Bah!
08:12 Sep 30 2009
Who sent that? I think it means they want to shag you but I could be wrong lol
14:24 Sep 30 2009
Maybe they want you to find Twilight decor for their bedroom (at home)?
01:29 Oct 01 2009
They BETTER not want to shag me. This is a 15 year old girl!
Upon closer questioning, I find she meant to say "how are you? I'm looking at Twilight from my bedroom at home."
Sheesh. Kids!