CarnelianMyst's Journal

CarnelianMyst's Journal


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27 entries this month

Work and work and work

00:40 Oct 30 2008
Times Read: 906

By my calculations, when Saturday is finally done, I will have worked 87 hours this week.

No wonder my feet and back hurt. Oy!



08:55 Oct 30 2008

Wow....rest up woman.



02:19 Oct 29 2008
Times Read: 910

I was changing channels the other night when I came across this bit of dialogue on CBS.

Girfriend, to her boyfriend's mother: "why don't you take the plastic off your furniture?"

Mother, to son's girlfriend: "Why? so you and Howard can hump on it?"




Crab House News

23:27 Oct 26 2008
Times Read: 922

I was cleaning out the crab house last night and getting the food and water dishes ready when I noticed bits and pieces of...crab claws.

Noting my little crab very quiet inside the crab house and the big crab dozing peacefully outside, I thought the worst..that the big guy had turned on the little guy and pulled him to pieces.

Upon further inspection it turned out that the little guy is going through his growing pains...growing out of his old skin and shedding it, like a snake, along with his claws while new ones are being formed. He is curled way tight inside his shell, but he's still alive. Today he came out for a little walk but went right back in, he's in a sort of semi-dormant state until he's fully functional again.

Poor lil guy..growing is hard enough, but growing from the inside out, inside a shell..must be hell.



01:19 Oct 27 2008


09:46 Oct 27 2008

Poor kid...*sad* lol


Names from Hell

01:32 Oct 24 2008
Times Read: 935

We were clearing out the customer database today, deleting customers who haven't been here in a year or more. Imagine our amazement when we found the following names, and these are real people who have had orders at our store:

Claude Balls

Henry Schittplank

Ann Arbor

So this led to a "wierd name" game. My boss and I tried to come up with funny names. I can't remember all of them but the one he came up with that made me pee myself laffin....was....Hugh G. Rection.

Just a little fun at work, lol.



12:55 Oct 24 2008

Ann Aconda...lol


Sinister Stuff

01:31 Oct 23 2008
Times Read: 945

I was having a discussion with some people as to what they thought was the scariest movie line ever. Well, creepy. We tossed around some classics, like the scene in Frankenstein where Colin Clive sees Karloff move his hand..and he turns and raves "It's alive..it's alive!"

But my all time favorite line is from a movie hardly anyone knows about, unless you are from the UK or into 1960's Hammer Films. It is a line from the classic The Devil's Bride, aka The Devil Rides Out.

Charles Gray as Mocata the Satanist is about to leave a residence. He turns in the doorway and says in the most sinister, silky voice the following line:

"I won't be back. But something will".

O.o big time.



14:52 Oct 23 2008

For me, it was in The Ring when the little girl is told "you don't want to hurt people" and she replies:

...but I do...

and it took me a few seconds to realize what she meant by that. That freaked me out.


Crab House News

01:22 Oct 21 2008
Times Read: 964

I come home and find my big crab has totally dug up one side of the tank, there is stuff everywhere. The lovely sand I put in there is all trashed now and mixed up with wood shavings and food from the food dish.

And he is dozing peacefully in the corner, oblivious to the havoc.

Typical male.



02:01 Oct 21 2008

AWWWW little crabby fixing up his little place.:)

02:47 Oct 21 2008

Oooh... you have a crab... mmmm.....

02:55 Oct 21 2008

I have two crabs..a big guy and a little guy. Buster and Shelley. lol.

08:27 Oct 21 2008

lmao....." the hermit crab he lives alone, you can't even get him on the telephone"....he needs his space.



19:55 Oct 19 2008
Times Read: 966

I just had the most wild experience. A long long time ago, say, about 35 years back, I had a lot of pen pals, scattered all over the US and the UK. Little by little I lost touch with all of them, but I always wondered what happened with their lives.

I was on another website, and you know,sometimes people choose usernames other than their own, like on here, for privacy or whatever reason. I saw someone with the same name as a person I used to write to, and curiosity got the better of me, so I messaged him.

Lo and behold it was actually the same person....and he remembered me! He apologized profusely for stopping writing, but he had a number of unfortunate personal experiences at that time. I was so excited to reconnect, I mean what were the odds on that? He couldn't believe I had just now seen his name as he had been on that website for ages, as had I.

Anyways, all is well with him now, good job, family etc. A nice happily ever after story. I just think it was so amazing to re connect with someone from so long ago.




Food Fight!

23:49 Oct 18 2008
Times Read: 973

I swear, my boss is going to kill his parents one of these days. His parents live over the shop where I work, and they come down and help out when we need extra hands. They also like to come down when we are gone and go through our refrigerator, and help themselves to whatever we have in there. Never mind if your name is on it, or if it is in a Tupperware bowl securely sealed, if they take a liking to it, they will have it.

They come from the old country, Greece, and in their young day they had wealthy families and were waited on by servants. They were used to having whatever they wanted. And it is much the same today. If they are drinking a cup of coffee or a soda and they finish it, they will set the empty cup/can down and expect you to take it and deposit it where it needs to go. They are very nice people mostly, but some of their habits make us crazy.

Today, my two bosses and I were working very hard, we had two fire orders to get through, and that means two houses worth of clothes, bedding, towels, and what have you. Lunch time rolled around, so we ordered lunch from the restaurant across the street and I went to get it: three fish dinners, with rolls and cole slaw. I brought the food in and we set up the dinner table.

Just then an old friend of my boss' came into the shop, as well as a few customers. We were distracted for about ten minutes, and when we returned to our lunch...there was only one dinner there. My bosses looked at each other (they are brothers) and together shouted "Mom and Dad!"

Up the stairs they went, to find their parents enjoying two of our lunches. My bosses were livid. I could hear them shouting all the way down in the shop. "How COULD you! That was our lunch!"

"We saw food, we didn't know whose it was. There was plenty so we took some."

"That was OUR LUNCH and yoiu knew it! What's the matter with you? Three lunches, one for each of us and one for Patty. You have your own food up here!"

"It was there, there was plenty, it had no one's name on it."

My boss' dad was being stubborn about it. There followed a lot of swearing in Greek and finally a phone call to the restaurant to order more lunches. The whole thing about "we saw them, we took them" was so typical of their parents. If it is there, in their domain, then it belongs to them. So it was theirs to eat.

Well any way, we got our lunch finally, so all ended well.



02:24 Oct 21 2008

I think you should walk right into their room, open the fridge, and chow down on their food while they watch.


Just Wondering

02:57 Oct 18 2008
Times Read: 984

How do you go from a level 23 to Sire in 10 days? I mean it is possible, I know, but geez..did you live on here or what?

Half the fun is getting there. :)



04:32 Oct 18 2008

its called a auto refresher.......and good internet connection.....

and geeez, i live on vr.... and it took me months to do those levels. a month alone on 27.....lol



01:19 Oct 17 2008
Times Read: 995

Okay, this is a pet peeve. I HATE when sellers on ebay send you these messages.."I will rate you only after you rate me..and please leave 5 stars for me otherwise I will lose credibility."


I am hassling with one now, who sent me the invoice for the items I bought..and the invoice was $100 more than the stated price. The seller says ebay is at fault for not posting the correct price. Ebay says the seller is at fault, since the price on the invoice was the one the seller gave them. And I am caught in the middle of this wrangle.




01:26 Oct 17 2008

If they offer you good and fair service, 5 stars. They earn it. Don't let them guilt trip you.


Full Moon Behavior

01:41 Oct 16 2008
Times Read: 1,001

I saw something odd last night. I have two hermit crabs, and normally they are very well behaved little guys and get along together great. Last night, the big one suddenly grabbed the little one who withdrew immediately into his shell, and the big one was rolling the little one around and trying to poke at him with his pincers.

I was alarmed so I took the little guy out and spent some quiet time with him, letting him explore my sofa and rugs. He was very happy to explore the new territory and settled down into a corner for a snooze. After awhile I put him back in the tank and all was well.

I wondered later, could that have had something to do with the full moon? I've never seen them attack each other before. Usually the thing they attack is the food dish. :)



09:04 Oct 16 2008

Did the big one think the little one was food maybe ?....I would just like to let you know that you are the only person I have ever met in my life who would even consider spending 'quiet time' with a crab...awesome lmao

01:31 Oct 17 2008

They are wonderful little fellows, and they love attention. You put them down and they will trundle along all over the place, and if I pick them up they wave their claws around and try to touch my face. I love my little hermits!



02:06 Oct 15 2008
Times Read: 1,005

Wonder why it is that sometimes I can drink coffee and tea right up to bedtime and sleep like a log, then other nights I have a little caffeine hours before bedtime and toss and turn all night?

Saturday afternoon/evening I had a regular Mountain Dew, some coffee, and later I had a large iced coffee from McDonald's. I slept straight through the night.

Last night, I had a half can of diet coke and was wide awake most of the night!

Wonder if this is related to the "sit in soft chair and fall asleep early" phenomena I've been experiencing lately. Once I curl up in my most favorite chair to watch a movie, I end up stopping the movie midway through because I am falling asleep. When I sit on a harder chair I don't have that problem.

Could it be..nooo..*gasp*...old age creeping in?





00:51 Oct 14 2008
Times Read: 1,017

In regards to a previous entry, about the lawyer who is suing my friends for $1 million, even though he rammed their car and caused the death of their child.

We were all wondering, why, after almost a year, he decided to sue now. I mean, why wait so long? You would have thought if anyone was going to do anything, it would have been done already. Then someone pointed out that the non-profit group the bereaved parents founded, to promote organ donor awareness, was in the news here just recently, announcing that they were donating monies they had recieved in a recent fund-raiser to the hospital that took care of their daughter.

We wondered if the lawyer hadn't read that, smelled money, and decided to sue?

We think so.



00:54 Oct 14 2008

Use it. Milk that reason. If he has waited this long, there is a motive.

07:20 Oct 14 2008

I'd agree with Morry. Just hope that they don't get a biased hearing with this demon being a lawyer. I sincerely hope your justice system is more honourable than ours x


Truly Bad

16:54 Oct 12 2008
Times Read: 1,040

Now this is bad. I found something out that is just plain WRONG. Here's the backstory.

This involves some people who have been friends of mine since high school. They got married and had two children and were living happily ever after when this happened last winter.

Mom and daughter were driving home in a storm. They live out in the country on some winding roads and up a hill. Chugging up the hill the car started to stall. They got it to the top of the hill where it died entirely. Mom calls for help on the cell phone, then goes to get out of the car to push it over to the side of the road as it was partially blocking one lane.

Coming roaring up the hill behind them is a big old Lincoln town car belonging to a local lawyer. Going much too fast for conditions he can't get out of the way and plows into my friends' car. She gets out of the way, she isn't hurt.

Her daughter in the car was trying to get out to help her mom push the car. The collision threw her around the car, she banged her head on the windshield and broke her neck, dying almost at once.

She was 15 years old.

Yes, it was horrible. Very sad. But her parents did a very nice thing, they donated her organs and started a little group for organ donor awareness.

Now comes the truly horrible part.

The lawyer is SUING them for negligence in having their car blocking the road.

Million dollar lawsuit.

Isn't that just shit? Never mind that he was speeding, never mind that they were in the process of moving their car off the road so other people could get by.

A child died. And this guy is suing the grieving family.

How cold. How awful.



17:15 Oct 12 2008

Some people are beyond ignorant. A lot of times, I hate people.

18:07 Oct 12 2008

Evil, that is pure evil.

18:59 Oct 12 2008

Words fail.


Music of the Damned

01:30 Oct 12 2008
Times Read: 1,059

I heard a bit of a song earlier and can't get it out of my head. Had the oldies station on at work and heard this:

"I'm just a fool whose intentions are good

Oh lord please don't let me be misunderstood."

It's making me crazy. WHAT group is that?



05:46 Oct 12 2008

The Animals

06:24 Oct 12 2008



Twilight series

02:08 Oct 11 2008
Times Read: 1,062

While I await the movie that comes out soon, I am working my way throught the book series. I am totally captivated. Surprised at how good the books are. I know they are meant for young adults but hell, they pull you in and keep you turning pages.

I started New Moon and found myself bawling when Edward told Bella he was leaving..I could feel her pain and anguish. This one will keep me up late tonight I think.





02:10 Oct 09 2008
Times Read: 1,088

Why are the dates and times correct on my profile views part of the "Last 10"...but the journal views are all dated December 31 1969? lol is that just a glitch? Must have been a hell of a New Year's Eve party!



02:14 Oct 09 2008

most likely it is because the members who viewed your journal have deleted their profiles.

02:51 Oct 09 2008

Mine are from september 23 hee hee

03:21 Oct 09 2008

Mine are the same. Cancer is probably still working on it.

06:45 Oct 09 2008

Mine too lol


Hey You

01:12 Oct 09 2008
Times Read: 1,091

Yes, you. C'mere and sit down. We need to talk. Well ok, I will talk and you will listen ok?

Now then. When you first came here you were a very nice person. Your profile was very well done, very well written with a lot of interesting info. I go to check it yesterday, just for the hell of it y'know..and what do I find there now?


Ahem. What the hell is that all about? Is that REALLY how you want all of VR, and anyone else who reads your profile, to know you? It makes you sound like such a hardass.

Well, maybe it's due to the people you hang out with now. I think some of them just learned to walk upright and eat solid foods recently. A LOT of the people you list as friends are blog fodder for many here, maybe you didn't know that.

Well, so, things change, people certainly do, and you move on. There's a lot of stuff going on right now that you don't know anything about, my friend. You think you do, but you really don't.

And it's sad, because you won't be told or warned.

Still there? Okay. I'm almost done. I just want to finish by saying it's very naughty what you're doing now, But, it's not up to me to dole out punishment for stuff like that. Your profile says you're a bitch, right? Well, did you ever hear the expression "Karma's a bitch?" she is, baby. The biggest one there is.

It will come around. Count on it.

Okay, I'm done. bye bye.




Crab House News

00:51 Oct 07 2008
Times Read: 1,094

I changed the bedding in the crab tank over a week ago. All the new clean smells must have shook up my two little guys, as they are just now getting down to burying themselves again. For a week they've been roaming around, checking everything out and burying themselves under the food dish and water bowl, which usually results in food and water all over the place, lol.

Big crab enjoyed his walkabout yesterday. I think I will get a playpen or something so they can have more "out" time. I found they love climbing too...anything they can grab onto, they will climb it. The pet store had a supply of little ladders and things, but I just let them go at it on the furniture. They don't mess like a dog or cat would in case they have to "go", so it's safe for them to play on furniture.The little crab claws dig in but don't leave "pulls", they are actually quite gentle. Or maybe I got lucky and got two nice ones.




Crab Mommy

01:37 Oct 06 2008
Times Read: 1,099

I took my big crab out of the tank today and let him wander around the front room. I thought he would sit for a bit and just look around but he took off like he owned the place. Speedy little guy.

I found by putting my shoe in front of a place I didn't want him to go into/under was very effective. He just trundled along like he knew where he was going! He had a good little jog for an hour or so then I put him back in his home.

He went straight for the other crab, who was having a nap, and tipped him over like he was telling him all about the little adventure, lol.

When I first got them I was a little afraid of handling them, thinking they would nip me, but they don't. They are so easy to take care of, and have such personalities. When I pick them up they wave their claws around and I nudge them with my nose to get them used to physical contact. I think they can be affectionate once they get used to being handled more.





00:37 Oct 06 2008
Times Read: 1,101

I was trying to do a bit of rating today. I noticed that people's profiles (some, not all, seemingly the more complicated and lengthy ones) just load and load and never fully appear.

Wondering if other people have this problem or is it just my computer being cranky? I usually have to click off that profile and go on to something else.




Designer Chocolates

01:23 Oct 05 2008
Times Read: 1,110

Okay, I was TRYING to be good and not eat chocie for awhile..at least till the holidays. But I was strolling down the aisle getting groceries and I saw a display of what was termed "designer chocolates."

There were only 6 pieces in a box and I thought gee, what must these be like? Espresso truffle, Key lime, Sea salt soft caramel, grapefruit ganache, and a hunk of 60% cacao dark from Ghana. Intrigued, I bought a box.

They were/are decadent and lovely. Now I know why there were only 6 in a box..a whole box would have been way too much! This way I just got a little sample, which will tide me over nicely. The caramel one was delicious, very sweet and smooth, "sea salt", I wasn't sure what that would be like but it isn't salty at all.

Oh I almost forgot one..pistachio nougat.




05:14 Oct 05 2008

Lucky the box ran out. Those type of chockys you can't but finish what you have.

13:04 Oct 05 2008

Yes....they lure you in don't they ? lol



03:17 Oct 04 2008
Times Read: 1,113

I LOVE coffee...the smell, the taste..mmm. Now that winter is a cummin in, bring on the coffee.

I was just wondering. I'm not really that knowledgeable on decaf, is there a brand that is better than others? I'd like to be able to drink it at night without walking the floor till 2 am.





01:09 Oct 03 2008
Times Read: 1,118

I had a few spare minutes today and I was thinking. The last few jobs I've had, all the promotions and raises went to the young, pretty girls who took a lot of time off, flirted with every male in sight, and generally got what they wanted.

I worked for a company that had a chain of stores. One day the Customer Service Supervisor came to me and said "Cindy (worker at another of our stores across town) just called me and said you told her you had a naked picture of her. She's very upset."

I remember looking at her and saying "this is a joke, right? you don't believe her?"

She came right back with "Of course I believe her. This is very serious and you could do jail time. That is sexual harassment."

Need I mention that Cindy was young, blonde, and coveted the shift I was working at my store since it was closer to her house?

I actually got wrote up over this. I could not prove that I did not make the phone call, and she could not prove I had a photo, so it ended in a stalemate, but that write up remained in my personnel file.

Isn't that shitty? That kind of stuff happens all the time. Don't employers value their help who show up every day, work hard, rarely take sick days, and do everything they can to make the job go smoothly? Why the hell do they kowtow to these people who stir up shit? I've never been able to figure that out.

One place I worked, a really nice crafts manufacturer, had me in the shipping department. I worked there a couple of years and was making what I thought was good money. Then a young girl was hired, and she was hired in at the same rate those of us who had been there a long time were making, which we thought was wrong, since we had to train her, she knew nothing about the job. And she proceeded to come in late, forget how to do things, do things wrong, and the boss just said "oh give her a chance. she's young and she will get better soon."

Oy. Of course, this person did not last long.

Grr. I shouldn't even think of past stuff, it is dead and buried, right? And that's where it should stay.



05:25 Oct 05 2008

Dead and buried? Yes. There are people you try to avoid but you can't. People you would be better off never knowing. I try hard to never let them my thoughts.


Dreaming again

02:52 Oct 02 2008
Times Read: 1,127

I meant to write this yesterday and forgot. I had another dream about Morrigon and Birra. This time I dreamt that I was invited to their home/apartment. I remember it as having very nice dark wood floors, antique looking table and chairs that we sat on, with carved scrollwork on the backs. The room was lit with lamps (it was evening and we were eating dinner). I don't really remember much else, just that we sat at this very nice table and Morrigon had on a very nice long black dress.

Why am I dreaming about them?




Dark Days

01:04 Oct 02 2008
Times Read: 1,132

The days are getting shorter, and colder, and darker..normally I love this time of year. Maybe it's a passing thing I am going through but everything feels kind of gray.

I know I was feeling kind of down over the pic debacle recently, now my boss is climbing all over me for supposedly pressing shirts "wrong"..20 years doing them and all of a sudden I am doing them wrong? And I had an allergy attack at work today and went to get some kleenex to wipe my eyes, which were watering, and he (boss)shouts at me "are you crying? AGAIN?"

I wasn't crying.

Not then.

I just wish I could do ONE thing right every now and then, so he would get off my back. Bosses sure like to point out when you make mistakes/do things wrong, but they hardly ever hand you some praise.





00:54 Oct 01 2008
Times Read: 932

Funny thing. After my last entry, a lot of people read my journal. The ladies sent messages and comments of encouragement, which I thought was wonderful and very heartwarming.

The guys?


Not one word.




00:56 Oct 01 2008

You've got boobs! Of course you're beautiful.

01:01 Oct 01 2008

Guys, other than borked, get off your asses and stop being shallow. She is a beautiful person no matter how she looks and if you can't see it then all of you aren't worth the time it takes to tell you to piss off!

04:18 Oct 02 2008

Well you are wonderful, intelligent and a joy to talk to - so to hell with them if they cannot appreciate you for who you are..

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