Clawde changed back into his newer shell sometime last night. When I woke up this morning he was back in it. I guess he just wanted a little change.
I held some of his favorite fruit bits to give him a treat, but he wanted me to put them down so he could enjoy them the way he wanted, so I set them down in front of him. He promptly straddled this delicious treat, blocking all the little crabs who came to see what I was giving him ( I always have to give the little guys their own separate treat in the food dish).
Clawde loves that fruit so much he just horded it all to himself. When he finally toddled away there was nothing left. I herded the little ones to the food dish so they could have some too, and I stood watch so they would get their share and not be bothered.
Fruit treats..big time fun in the crab tank. hardly ever see a crab change its shell. It's something they do in private, usually under cover of darkness. I've seen the little ones poke into the spare shells, checking them out, but my big guy, I've never seen him change. Till just now.
I put his old shell in there, thinking one of the other smaller crabs would try it out....and he comes along, rolls it around, pokes into it to make sure no one else owns it...and in a matter of seconds he hoists himself out of his present shell and goes back into his old one. Wow!
Fully grown hermit crabs look kinda like shrimps, that same color and shape. He didn't seem to care that I was watching, he just dove right in. Guess he really wanted his old shell back! A couple little crabs were out while this was going on and they just watched. Probably in awe.
That was a fun wrap up to my day. :)
Stopped at the pet store yesterday to get some seed for my cockatiel, and I wandered into the crab/reptile section to see what was new. I found an extra-large crab hut and I pounced on it.
It's a hollowed-out cocoanut shell, and it's actually big enough for all my little guys to fit in there together. They love to snuggle together for naps! I bought it, got it home and set it over a group of them in the corner. This will keep them warm and secure while they nap.
A little while later, one or two of them woke up and decided to move. I could hear "clunk clunk" under the shell as they sorted themselves out...then the whole shell started to move across the sand! They couldn't find the doorway opening, so they just started to push from inside. Very funny to see that cocoanut sliding across the tank!
I showed them the doorway, they are very smart little guys so it only took them a minute to learn to go in and out. Two of them went out, got something to eat and drink, then toddled on back. They both paused in the doorway at the same time, and then one climbed up over the other one and went on in. His partner followed suit.
I could hear happy crab noises from inside, so I think they are going to like this.
Went out Halloween afternoon to the pet shop with crab carrier in tow, to get some new pincer people. Two of my little brood unexpectedly died in the same big one while moulting and the teeniest one, I don't know what happened there. Anyways, my other big crab was looking lonely, so I went to see what I could do about that.
Came home with one big one, a medium sized one and a little one. As it was Halloween, what else could I name them, but Boris, Bela and Lon? (and if you wonder who THEY are you are a youngwhippersnapper with no taste, lol.)
Into the tank they went when I got them home, and immediate commotion erupted. Of course the new ones had to scramble around and see their new home, but my big crab, Clawde, immediately discovered the new people and came out to see them.
Bela, the littlest one and most feisty, scooted right up to Clawde and they checked each other out. Bela looked at each shell in the tank to see if there was a crab in there, and to my amazement he changed shells three times in about an hour, so excited to see different shells to change into. (There weren't any spare shells in the tank at the pet shop).
The new ones found the food and water dishes, and had a good feed. Round and round they all went, chasing each other and toddling over all the little sand hills I make for them. It was very funny to see all 7 try to smoosh into the little hermit house, of course they didn't all fit! Some ended up in the corner in a little pile.
They are getting used to being handled. Boris is huge and clunks all over the tank, but is the most shy, he curls up when I pick him up and it takes him a long time to come out. Bela toddles all over my hand and arm, and Lon does the same. They already take food from my hand.
Having 7 means a bit more clean up, so I bought some fresh sand. The new ones have learned how to climb on the climbing log and over the crab house, and it's fun to watch the littlest one go up to the bigger ones, poke them, and run off!
02:34 Nov 28 2009
Aww, that's so cute. When i think hermit crabs, i don't think fruit right away. It's really interesting to me that they like that. Nifty.