The lady at the chinese takeaway place I go to on Saturdays asked me how my thanksgiving was. Did you spend it with family? No, I told her. I don't have family, well not around here anyway. I spent the day quietly by myself.
She looked crushed. "If I had known that I would have invited you!" she said, which made me smile, wondering what she had on turkey day. Bet it was better than the pancakes and sausages I had!
I tried to tell her, that working for a family business, I get quite enough togetherness during the week, and any downtime I get I spend as quietly as possible, trying to relax. A holiday surrounded by people and noise is not my idea of a good time. Had way too many of those growing up. House full of adults smoking like chimneys and no windows open, for fuck's sake, we kids must have inhaled a carton on that one day alone.
Not a lot of good memories from those days.
I decided not to get a third crab after all. The ones the pet shop had were really small, the size of a dime, and they were all either moulting or had just finished moulting. It would have been too stressful to take one and put it into a new environment at that time. In fact the crab tank looked like WW3 lol..little discarded pinchers and assorted shell bits all over the tank.
So..I settled for a visit to the bird room, where all the cockatiels whistled and nodded at me. They had a ton of parakeets and a very raucous sun conure. I got my birds some fresh seed, millet spray and treats. The crabs got a new tank heater, fresh substrate (sand for the tank) and some treats. I think I made the clerk's day, lol.
I'll go back in a couple weeks and see how the crabs are doing.
On another note, I got a web cam, so my crabs will be available for viewing soon!
Hey, Dr. Phil has a profile on here. And it's suspended.
When someone rates you and stamps you and their stamp is obviously messed up..I mean it's not even a stamp, it's just a stream of html you message them and tell them they have a problem? I just saw one on my ratings, the weirdest thing. Just wondering what the protocol is.
I am going to get a new crab on Saturday. According to the size of the tank I have, I should have at least 4, and with crabs it's the more the merrier. So while I stock up on bird treats I am going to pick out a new hermit crab.
You are supposed to get one that is not the same size as the others, so this one will have to be either smaller or a lot bigger. I am thinking of getting a smaller one, just because I enjoy seeing them change shells and grow.
Now, I will need a name. A unisex name preferably because it's really hard to sex crabs, so I'll never know if I have two boys, two girls, or one of each. I just call em "guys" lol. I think I will get the new one home and then see what sort of name fits.
A complete description will follow Saturday's pet shop expedition.
Brazilian Nut body butter is amazing.
*end of product endorsment*
While I was away at work today my littlest crab changed his shell. He recently moulted (grew out of his old skin) so he has been 'trying on' new shells for awhile now. He would put one on, then go back to his old shell.
I came home to find his old shell, which was painted to look like a Green Bay Packer helmet, lying face up on the bottom of the tank, and I thought oh no, he died..but then I looked in the corner and saw the biggest "new" shell I put in there moving around. Of all the shells I gave him, he chose the biggest one...also the one that looked the most like his old shell. Now he has some room to grow in. He will probably moult again in a few months time. little baby is growing up.
Well, that was strange. I tried to log in and was told my password wasn't valid anymore!
Oh well, it was time I made a new one anyway. I just got all worried for a sec that we were having another "episode". All is well.
I have discovered something. I have been trying different decaf coffees, as I love to have a cup or two in the evening. I tried Starbucks decaf and that kept me up. Next I tried Dunkin Donuts brand...and I slept like a baby.
The Starbucks must have more caffeine in's certainly darker, if that has anything to do with it. So I will have to save that stuff for the weekends.
There isn't a whole lot going on right now so I will update everyone on my pets. Right now I have 5, two birds, two crabs, and one fish.
The birds are a male parakeet named Buddy and a female cockatiel named Petiebird. I've had Petie about 10 years now, so she is middle aged as far as cockatiels go. Buddy is just over a year old. He is a 'hand me down" pet as I got him from my boss, whose daughters had him but lost interest so I took him. I'd already had 2 parakeets and loved them, and Buddy easily fit into my life.
The crabs were hand me down pets also. I was pet sitting them while my boss went on vacation this summer, and I got quite attached to the little guys. I'd never had a pet like them before. They don't need a whole lot of attention, are not fussy eaters, and have neat little personalities. My boss ended up letting me keep them.
I started handling them right away so they would get tamed. They do not bite or pinch, they do "dig in" just a little when they climb on you, but just so they get a grip, it's not to hurt you. I take them out and let them climb over my hands and up my arms, and even let them loose on the floor and watch them trundle around.
Petie comes out of her cage whenever I am home. Her favorite perch is my shoulder when I am standing up, or my knee when I am sitting down. She doesn't talk (neither does the parakeet) but they recognize words and react to them, and they both can imitiate my whistling and some other noises. Petie is a typical girly girl, she likes her baths and grooming. She particularly enjoys it when "Mom" scratches her head and carefully around her eyes and beak.
Last but not least, my fish. Max is a Betta, or Japanese fighting fish. These little guys are kept in really teeny containers, as their natural habitat in Japan are small puddles! They are kept in regular water and breathe air from the surface. Max is a nice sweet fish, he loves attention and will hang around the side of the bowl as long as you are there and talking to him. These fish come in beautiful colors, Max is dark maroon with iridescent pink and pale blue markings. I have taught him to come to my finger when I feed him, he will come to the surface and bump my fingertip.
That's the pet round up for now.
There has got to be something wrong with my left foot. It feels like I'm walking on some hard round ball. It's on the underside of my foot, right under the toes in the middle of the foot.
I felt around with my fingers and couldn't feel anything, like swelling. It feels like a normal underside of a foot. Yet when I walk it feels like I'm walking on a marble.
Maybe some new insoles would help. I take my shoes and socks off as soon as I get home and thus far in my life I've never had so much as a corn or callus, and I've worked on my feet nearly all my working life. This new development is puzzling. It came out of nowhere.
A woman on the 3rd floor had her 2 grandsons, aged 5 and 6, living with her for a few months. They ran riot in the building and made a huge mess because she would not keep track of them. They got into the trash rooms and dumped things out, and they wrote some stupid stuff on the walls.
When confronted with the evidence, she got all huffy and said "well, why would you think my grandsons wrote on the walls?"
My landlord replied "Because, generally, adults do not write "shit" and "fuck" 3 1/2 feet off the floor."
Case closed. Busted!
Watching "Supernanny" makes me damn glad I never reproduced.
COMMENTS are cool if you do it right :P
Meh > just wait til the crabs hit adolescence lol
I was sitting watching TV last night when I heard the most awful creaking noise coming from the a really old door being opened slowly...from some really bad old horror movie. Then the dripping sounds started. I ran into my bathroom, only to hear the people upstairs pounding around and giggling..they were taking a shower together.
Either a pipe had broke or they did something because there was water cascading down my bathroom ceiling into my tub..the creaking sound was the soaked floorboards warping over my bathtub.
I ran upstairs and pounded on their door, of course they didn't answer (their shower sessions last hours sometimes and the landlord has warned them repeatedly to stop using so much water). I got the maintenance man and he opened their door and shouted in at them "Turn the water offf NOW and get out of the bathroom!" They came out rather sheepishly and were none too pleased at having their little playtime interrupted. Well, tough titty. Their water had to be shut off while the problem was investigated.
Turns out a pipe had cracked...after some examinations the maintenace man said it looked like a whole lot of water had been run very hard thru their pipes for a long period of time. Some other joints were loose and their bathtub was a mess. (He told me it looked like they were using the bathtub for a toilet.)
So I got a new ceiling in my bathroom, they got a new water pipe and some kind of gadget that cuts their water flow way down. AND they got a citation for being complete pigs about their cleanliness.
Ok, I am REALLY tired of seeing you, Mister Man, whining all over the place about the one that "got away". For pete's sake, she wanted a commitment, you just wanted sex, OF COURSE she left you for someone else. So stop bawling about how your feelings got hurt.
Oh and brushed aside a perfectly charming lady who was interested in getting to know you. Of course she now sees the error of her ways and it won't happen again.
Have a nice day. :)
Wow, I just wandered over to Cancer's newest creation..and it's great! Here I thought it would be all dry and boring...but it's anything but. I already got invited to join a group, thanks Pantervamp! It's a fun place and I am enjoying it immensely.
This stuff ONLY happens to me. My boss brought his dog to work today. A little rat terrier who ran all over the place sniffing everything and greeting everyone who came in the shop with enthusiastic barks and licks.
Anyway, after awhile, nature called and I excused myself to the bathroom. The dog slipped in with me, and when I went to drop my trousers and answer nature's call she jumped up and grabbed my underpants and gave a good yank.
Down I went onto the floor with a crash, and the dog is growling and tugging on my pants and underwear and I'm laughing so hard I can't get up. My boss is rattling the door knob saying "what the hell is going on in there?" and hearing the dog making noise and me laughing.
I finally extricated the dog from my clothes and shoved her out the door so I could finish what I started. Now I have a pair of undies that are stretched waaaay out, and the dog gave me a funny look when I came out.
Only happens to me.
The little guy was dozing peacefully in my cupped hand when all of a sudden he hooks one leg around my index finger..and just holds it. Just like a baby does when his momma holds him.
I just found out I have to work every Saturday this month. I have already worked 5 in a row. This is so my boss can go hunting.
I wasn't planning on doing anything those days anyway..but still...that many in a row is a bit much. When I took the job I was promised one to two Saturdays off. Now I barely get the one.
I just had the fellas out for a bit of bonding time with me. I'm trying to get them used to being handled so they can be out more. The little guy just snuggled into my cupped hands and relaxed, while the big guy was all over the place. Crawled up my arm to my shoulder and was trying to crawl up onto my head.
Must have stirred the big one up. He's back in the tank re-arranging everything. The little guy is having a snooze in the corner.
I wuvs my lil crabs. :)
Actual reasons people gave recently for turning down employment with my company.
"It's too far from my house." (the person lived 6 blocks away.)
"You guys don't provide lunch."
"I just got out of prison and I don't want to go right to work."
" I can't work all morning..I need to be available to take phone calls from my boyfriend."
"You talked too fast and I couldn't understand the instructions."
It's way too hard to do."
"I'm not doing anything that doesn't pay at least 12 dollars an hour to start."
OY! Whatever happened to initiative? Where did all the good workers go? They aren't around here, that's for sure.
A male customer, new to us, brought in 13 shirts for us to clean and press. My boss was waiting on him, and when the guy set his shirts down we could see that the collars were filthy. I mean it looked like someone had taken a handful of grease and wiped it across each of his collars. His white shirts were BROWN across the collars. And the guy was young, maybe early 30's.
Jokingly, my boss asked him, "How many times did you wear these before you brought them here?"
The guy thought a few moments and said "Umm...3 or 4."
Yes, it is true, more and more these days, guys are wearing their shirts more than one time. And that is just plain nasty and dirty. Business people are doing this! Stock brokers, doctors, lawyers. Filthy. Ack. If I had a man and he did that, his nasty shirts and him would go flying out the door.
The little crab is done with his "moult" and has been strolling around the tank stretching his legs. I picked him up tonight and as soon as he felt the warmth of the palm of my hand all his legs started waving, and he excitedly touched my hand with his feelers. Normally he would just crawl right on out but he let me hold him while he just checked things out.
Contrary to belief they do not bite, at least with me they don't. They will "grab" onto you to get a secure hold, just like birds will do with their beaks when they are climbing. But I've never been pinched or bitten. They are truly sweet natured little guys.
Spent a blissful Sunday recovering from my almost 90-hour work week. Slept late, had some lovely coffee and pastry, put on my comfy cuddle clothes and settled in for an afternoon of movie watching.
I had just bought 2 sets of movies from Hammer Films, and was saving them for today. First up was The Pirates of Blood River, which the commentary called "Pirates of the Caribbean meets Hammer Films". Can't imagine who the Johnny Depp character was, but anyway.
Was interested to see the male lead was Kerwin Mathews. He attended, and I believe graduated from, Beloit College here, with a theatre arts degree. A very handsome charming leading man who played the hero, with plenty of bare chest and bare knuckles. Romance, swashbuckling, and Christopher Lee playing the baddie. Bliss!
Next up was Scream of Fear. I LOVE this movie. The first time I saw it, was on TV at someone's house. I was so engrossed I didn't know everyone else left and went out for pizza, leaving me alone with a suspenseful movie about a girl slowly being driven mad by an evil stepmother and her hunky chauffeur/boyfriend. Watching it again, it was still creepy. And Christopher Lee was in this one too.
Took a little nap and am currently scrounging up supper. A lovely day all round.
There was an article in our local paper yesterday about gourmet chocolate shops. Turns out there are 4 in the region which I did not know about. The article listed their websites, and here I was planning on spending a relaxing hour or two perusing the selection of decadent delights and ordering a sampling from each place.
Each website...each damn one! had the following statement: "Our online store is not yet open".
What the ****!!!!!
Crap. Crap. Crap.
I feel your pain ...lmao
you said you cook..
truffles arent hard to make, and you can make anything you want.
Ya must have some extreme self esteem issues if you use your journal to constantly post messages from people stating how hot you are. Most people don't need to do that. Get over yourself. You are blog fodder for a lot of peeps on here and you don't even realize it.
Just sayin'.
I had the dubious pleasure of working with my boss' 16 year old daughter the past 2 days. We were short handed, and she wanted spending money, so he picked her up after school and put her to work with me.
Little Miss Princess would work about 10 minutes, then throw herself into a chair and exclaim "I'm bored/tired/hungry/thirsty". Then she'd pull out her cell phone and start texting people. Her dad would walk in and say "why aren't you working?" and she would whine "I'm tired/bored/hungry/thirsty". He would make her get up and work, but 10 minutes later down she'd sit again.
Eventually he realized she was sitting and I was doing all the work, and all hell broke loose. All her weekend plans were cancelled, no car, no sleepover, no soccer game, no Halloween party.
O.o that brought on what I would consider a shit fit of the first order. I never saw such a temper tantrum on a person older than 5. Geez. Stamping feet, screaming, crying, slamming things around. Finally I told her to cut it out, people could see and hear her, and if she didn't give a damn I did.
Her dad finally put her in his office where she texted her little heart out till we closed. Phew. Agh. I went home with a scorcher of a tension headache. Ah well. Just a few hours tomorrow and I am free!