So let's see if I got this right. You claim to be "new to VR", but if anyone checked your profile ratings/comments, they would see you have been here since 2009. Then, you go straight through the top rated people on all the lists and rate them 1s, just because. Then, when they return the rate and block you so they don't have to contend with any messages/comments from you, you go into other people's journals and complain mightily about how people here do "revenge rating and blocking."
Obviously other people see these comments, so why are you surprised that you are getting blocked by complete strangers? They don't want to hear you bitch in their journals, either. Snarky remarks about how "Admins should know better" and how you KNOW your profile is worth better rates than it gets only tips people off to your true self. You don't want to interact positively. You don't want to contribute to the site positively. You just get off on drama.
And how do you manage to be here two years and only get to level 11?
On to you, sis. Got your number.
Actually had a young guy come in with three shirts and a pair of pants around noon, wanting all of them cleaned and pressed before one o clock. Reason? He was getting married at one.
Honestly, I was struck dumb for a few seconds. Who DOES that? This isn't the first time this has happened, either. So I asked him what was going on, and he said he just forgot to get his shirt and pants cleaned. Well. At that late date, there wasn't anything we, or any other cleaner around the area could do for him....I actually called two other places just to see, if there was an odd chance they had their steam up and could at least press the clothes for him.
The first store I called, the people laughed hysterically at me and thought I was pulling a prank. When they found out I wasn't, they said there was a cleaner about two towns over that was cleaning a fire order and had steam going, but by the time the guy would get there it would be time for the wedding to start. This guy actually phoned his fiancee and told her what was going on....I could hear her screech right over his cell phone. I heard her say "Get your ass over here! Mom will press your stuff!"
Honestly. Some things you just wonder about. This was one.
It's all I can find to say.
I'h hate to be the woman who was marrying the moron.
LOL that guy needs a mom and not a wife.
If it's drama, it has to be Friday...right near closing time on a holiday weekend. About a quarter to six, our seamstress was getting ready to go, having had a family weekend planned for ages, and had cleared out all her alterations and repairs. Everything was up to date and ready to be picked up.
In comes a mother, trying (and failing) to control 3 little girls, all under the age of 10, and three various sized riding uniforms. Our seamstress had had all three of these girls in for alterations a couple weeks before as there is some kind of horse show this weekend, and the girls were in it on their horses. All their outfits fitted perfectly.
The mother starts screeching even before the door closes after her. "I picked these up and they were supposed to be ready! They were supposed to fit my girls! THEY DON'T FIT! EVERYTHING IS WAY TOO TIGHT AND WE HAVE A SHOW TO GO TO!!"
Okay, first of all, shouting is not going to solve the problem. We are not deaf, neither are the people who work in the bar next door, who I am sure heard your shrill yelps. The seamstress takes the girls back to the dressing rooms and gets them into their costumes. Everything had been sewn exactly to the mother's specifications....she made her girls try everything on before she accepted the seamstress' work, to make sure the outfits were just the way she wanted them to be.
Now, what I know about children you can put in a dixie cup, but when those kids came out and their sleeves were too short and the hems of the pants were too short....I knew what had happened. The kids had had a growth spurt and now the clothes were too tight. Those kids looked like if they would cough too hard they would split right out of their outfits.
The thing was, the mother had specified how the costumes were to fit, and the seamstress had fitted the costumes just as the mother there wasn't a great deal of material left to let back out. I guess mom hadn't counted on her kids growing over a two week period.
The seamstress looked at me. She obviously wasn't going to get away for the weekend as she wanted....mommie dearest was insisting on coming back in the morning "and these things better be done by then!" That wasn't very nice. We told her we closed at 6 pm, and there wasn't any way we could get the clothes done by morning, since we would have to have the kids re-fit and they were squirming like they had to pee big time. We finally arranged for mom and kids to come back first thing in the morning. Between the two of us, we would somehow get the outfits let out..but we showed mom what had happened and she just looked at us. My kids? Grow? What are you talking about? Geez.
She wanted the chaps let out. Horse people will tell don't let out chaps, for pete's sake. There was just enough material so that the kids' outfits will fit better...the hems will be a bit short, but with their boots, hopefully it won't be too much of a big deal.
Fridays and drama just go hand in hand around here.
The people at the horse show I am sure will be shocked to see the girls in ill fitting uniforms. NOT!!! I've done shows like that. Sometimes you're stuck with things that don't work right, but I'll lay money on the fact they don't get points taken off for bad fitting clothing.
What a Witch! I feel sorry for her kids.
I have people on my friends list who I don't even recognize. They must have changed names you message such people and ask who they were, or just bump them off? Some of the avatars are creepy now....eeek!
If I see a name change what I typically do is check the profile- if it says new owner I try speaking to the person. If not friendly or anyone I know I drop them.
Ditto...what have you done about it? I'm stumped as well.
Had one of those days that might have been imoproved had I had a whip, blowtorch and/ or machete. I seriously wanted to rip this guy apart.
He's a colleague of my boss, he has a drycleaning plant out east, and he comes through here a couple times a year to visit his family. He always stops in our store to shoot the breeze with my boss, and always makes a point of being as insulting and obnoxious to me as it is possible to be.
Today he started right in. He says to my boss, "You've still got HER? (jerks a thumb in my direction) I would have got rid of her way back. Why do you have such an unattractive person waiting on your customers? Don't you want a young pretty face greeting people when they come into your shop?"
Okay. Those of us who have been born with, let us say, less than stellar features tend to know this, and don't need reminding that we don't look like Angelina Jolie or whoever your female beauty standard is. Usually people don't tell you to your face that you are unattractive, but this guy was a real jerk.
My boss just said "I have the exact person I want waiting on my customers."
Isn't that great? I thought that would shut up Mister Wonderful, but he just went right on.
"Oh no, you gotta have someone pretty. The men love it, and the ladies see a young person and they think, fast and efficient. Someone older is slow. They can't do as much."
My boss got out his cell phone and phoned this guys shop out east. He held out his phone so we could all hear, and he asked the girl who answered some general questions we get asked every day. "I just spilled some soup on my pants. What should I do about this?"
"Um, gee, I dunno, I don't do any cleaning around here." a little giggle. "Maybe you can call back later and one of the other girls here can help you, okay?" and she hung up.
I almost peed myself laughing. THAT was a real professional response. My boss just looked at this other guy, who was cringing with embarrassment, and said "I will stick with what I have here. You can keep your barbie girl".
The guy stayed awhile longer. He didn't speak to me, but every time I had to pass by where he was, he would shake his head and tsk at me. I know it was very very wrong of me, dear reader, but at one point I paused on my way past him and pootled out an SBD. I stood there for a second then went on.
About four seconds later he exploded. "SHE FARTED ON ME!"
Yeah, baby. Heh.
Wow I say I would have done more but I don't know what I would do in that type of situation. What a pigman!! Holy stupid ass Batman.
You know... Morri has a machete now.
Just saying.
Hahahahaha you farted on him.
I love you! Good on you for expressing your exact opinion of the farthead.
Yeah! He deserved it! :D
Good for you!
I feel the same way when people object to "someone of my advanced years" being a bartender, because I'm not pretty enough, fast enough, etc.
Then I run circles around the 20 somethings who couldn't get out of their own way if they had a flashlight and a map.
So more power to ya- brains AND beauty you gots I say....
I heart you.
: )
You know, I wish the boss had said something like, "We're all born without any choice in our looks but we do have some choice in our personality. What's your excuse for having such a crappy one?"
LMAO! OMG! What a rude judge someone on their looks and not their merits. (And by the way - if that's you in the avatar, you rock, so fuck him)...
And what - pray tell - does this dickwad look like? Is he Ken?
And lastly - kudos to you for farting on the were just adding a lil' texture to the pile of shit that was already there.
Boo hoo.
Poor you.
Someone rated you a 1?
That's SO not fun!
Your profile is the bomb?
Or maybe a dud.
You think you're a hot potato...
But you're just a little spud.
Go on. Cry some more.
Can we say....
....attention whore?
LMAO!! OMG!! I love it
Hah! Now THATS what I call poetry!
LOVE it!
You deserve bacon. AND chocolate. ♥
Way to go girl!
It has that Dr Suess vibe about it - love it!
Items found in pockets today:
Bag of sand (!)
Russell Brand cd
black thong and black silk stockings (these came from a man's pants pocket)
half-eaten Milky Way
ear plugs
grocery list with "MEAT" at the top in bold caps
directions to a motel in Taos
wad of damp kleenex
ten packets of taco sauce, hot variety
tube of Blistex
photo of someone's kid at a party
marker with "stolen from The Last Tap" printed on it
Not too much excitement today, although the thong in the pants was interesting. :P
This is what caused yesterday's journal entry about customers sucking my dick. If I had had one at the time, even a dildo, I sure would have rammed it right down this guy's throat.
Some guys just do not like women. They think we are entirely incapable of doing our jobs right. They come in, look right past me and speak to my boss. He will direct them right back to me as he is usually involved with something else, but these guys act like I'm invisible and want "The Boss" and no one else to wait on them.
So I get this doorknob yesterday. First thing he does when he comes in is ask for the owner. It's 10 minutes to closing, the owner has left, how can I help you? He sighs this HUGE sigh, rolls his eyes, and with a tone of voice that suggests I just MIGHT do what he needs if I work very very hard....he tells me he wants his pants re-lined. Somehow his ass managed to rub a huge hole in the back, and he wants that repaired. Right now.
Well. Lining repairs are not five minute jobs. I tell him how long it will take and how much it will cost, as we usually do up front so if they want to take it and try to find another cheaper place, they can. (They won't. We're the least expensive tailor in the area, which is why our seamstress is so busy.)
He rolls his eyes again. "Did I ASK you how much it cost? Did I ASK you how long it would take? No, I did not. That is NOT what I wanted to know."
Well, you piece of dried cowpoop, what DID you want to know?
Turns out he was most concerned with the lining material. He wanted silk. Soft silk to rub his little tushie on. Well, unfortunatley, we do not use silk to line trousers with. This guy started to throw a temper tantrum, wanting me to get the seamstress back here so he could check her supply of lining material (like that's going to happen) or, better yet, summon my boss. "HE will know how to handle this," the moron sniffed.
Ok. It's now time to lock up. I've had a long hot 11 hour day. I want to get off my feet, into my comfy snuggies, and inhale some dinner. NOT listen to you bitch about not being able to get silk lining and how incompetent I am.
"Are you going to phone your boss or do I have to?" mr fussy says.
"You go right ahead," I told him. "I can already tell you what he will say. He will say it's past closing time, we are going to take care of this in the morning."
Mr Fussy gasped in horror. "Oh, NO! I don't care if you are closed! I want to know about my lining! I AM A CUSTOMER!"
That did it. "And I am a clerk who is going to call the police and have you arrested if you don't GET OUT OF MY STORE!!" I leaned over the counter and just shouted at him. For emphasis I picked up the phone and started dialing.
Fucker couldn't get out fast enough. Didn't come back in the morning, either. Boss said if he ever comes in at closing time to get him right out. I said if he ever comes in he will wait a long damn time before I wait on him.
Cripes. What a day. Better now.
Isn't customer service a real pain in the ass to do sometimes?
Silk for his ass indeed...he deserves sackcloth for his butt cheeks!
I personally would have sewn in shit lined with broken glass.
But I'm just that way...
We now return you to my regular journal entries. Phew. That felt good!
I didn't realize you had a dick. LOL!!!
I think she's almost mad enough to sprout one, just to make them suck it.
Right dere wit ya, sugar- and yes, when the shit gets this deep, we can indeed sprout one just so we can vent and say shit like
::peeks:: I see no penis. DId they bite it off?
You ever see those commercials for Special K Chocolatey Delight cereal? Looks like there is a ton of chocolate bits in there, doesn't it? I bought a box to try, and damn if there weren't five total pieces of chocie in the whole box. FML.
I know...what a ripoff, huh?
Kinda' like potato chip bags that are only half full...
You must have missed the disclaimer that says 'chocolate not included'
Items found in clothing today....
can of snuff
baby pacifier
wad of kleenex
Susan Boyle cd
cat collar with bell
roll of Lifesavers wintergreen
HUGE ball of cat hair
grocery list with VASELINE written at the top
pair of panty hose
invitation to a Christmas party dated 2009
Sinex nasal spray
damn, it's almost a pharmacy day! :P
You should write a coffee table book about this... I'd love one.
With pictures, of course.
hell yes! I'd buy one.
As would I- we could compare
LOL! Looks like a list of valuables of a deranged homeless person.
Looks like Vaseline is a big hit these days lol, two days in a row..
Items found in clothing today....
pair of scissors
bag of weed
bag of crack
tickets to a local sporting event
two ostrich feathers
large tube of vaseline
money clip with $500 still in it
book of blank checks
corn (yeah, kernels)
cigarette butts (ugh)
wedding program from a wedding in 2007
drivers licenses (two of them)
fountain pen
Magnum ribbed condoms
and....last but not least....
a pair of handcuffs.
These were all from different people's orders, by the way. The ostrich feathers were a new wrinkle. :P
That's one great, big, sexy Party right there. ;)
LMAO @ Bane!
Wow girl you sure do have some amazing stories come out of where you work. When's this book coming out? And I want to know HOW someone could forget they have $500 in their pocket. Wow.
I have...interesting workdays, dat's for sho.
Do you get to keep the money?
For all you put up with, gosh, I sure hope so!
Nope. Any money goes right back to the customer. Believe me, they KNOW when they leave money in their clothes I toss stuff like kleenex and cig butts (and corn) but anything else goes in a little bag and right back to the customer with the clean clothes.
My logic fails me; it's like, they know they leave it but they leave it!
To heck, I say: You've got enough stuff there to throw a decent Party!
I didn't see the usual turd in that litany anywhere- people cleaning up all o the sudden?
I can't imagine them getting back the drugs. Those would have been immediately flushed down the toilet.
Contraband goes down the poop shute. They get back everything else, except for the trash like cig butts and food, which I wouldn't imagine anyone would want.
Damn...too bad I didn't find the bag of weed and the money clip!
When I first learned to drive, I was told to always have a man handy when dealing with car problems. A couple times they have come in very handy. When I went to buy the car I currently have, I toddled down to the car dealership and roamed around till I spotted the model I was interested in.
And no one came out to help me.
Not a soul. Not anyone. I walked around to make sure I was seen, I sang out loud, I scratched myself...anything to draw attention. I went to their front window and waved....nothing. Grr. Fuckers. Then I had an idea. I phoned a male friend, and he came out to the lot.
Instantly a salesman appeared. "Can I help you, sir?" he asked. My friend pointed to me. "No, but you can help HER...she's been here for a half hour."
BOY did I get my car quick after that. Heh.
Now yesterday, said car decided to poop out on me in the parking lot of my grocery store....the ignition column took a dump. My key wouldn't turn. Phoned my boss, he came right out, fiddled with it enough to get it started again and I was able to get it back to town. Our business is right next door to a car repair place which we use a lot, for our business and personal vehicles. They're a great bunch of guys. Fast, efficient.
Till now.
My boss recommended that I first phone a locksmith, as that might be cheaper and quicker. Do you think a locksmith, whose ad in the yellow pages specified "auto ignition repair specialist" would touch my car? HELL no. They acted like I pooped in their hat. "Walllllll....that might be difficult, I dunno," the locksmith said. Fuckit. I called our car repair guy. He said he would be right over to get my car.
He came and got it, and awhile later phoned to ask if I had a spare key. He thought it might just be the key, and my spare might work better. Uh uh. I'd already had two guys look at it (both my bosses are car guys...they can take apart a car and put it back together again), and they told me the tumblers in the ignition column had gone to hell, and I needed a new one. No new key would work. Besides, the spare key was at home, and I couldn't just leave work and go get a key. I told him I wanted a new column made, and a new key. All new. No refurbs, no messing around. I needed my car back.
The technician phoned back THREE more times, each time more befuddled as to why I didn't want to go get my spare key. "This will cost you more," he warned. I told him I didn't care WHAT it cost, I would pay it, I needed my car fixed.
I was getting so stressed over this, besides the heat and other customer business, I almost started to cry. My boss finally phoned the car place and in five minutes had set them right. I was told when the car would be ready and how much it would cost. Right on time, they phoned me to tell me to come get it.
SHIT, the things women have to put up with. Penises come in handy sometimes, eh? :P
It shouldn't have to come to that though. Reasons why I drag my husband with me everywhere now... *laughs* Without him nothing would get done. *facepalm*
Are you sure that's a woman thing or are you a little less assertive than you thought!! :-P
I feel very damned lucky. There is a car fixit place near where I live, and it was also near where I LIVED when with my parents.
I have been taking cars there since I was 17. They know my whole family. They also know I know sweet fuck all about cars.
They have a) never tried to cheat me b) never made me feel stupid when they tell me exactly what's wrong with my car .. and then dumb it down for me and c) give me a good run down on when I can expect other things to need to be done with the car.
They're good guys. I make them brownies. A lot.
Not only is it Mother's Day weekend, but the high school prom is Saturday. Add to that 5 full dress weddings to clean and press and alter, plus our usual full load of clothes, and you get one hell of a stressful Friday.
A lot of people had brain farts and left getting their clothes cleaned till the last minute. A few of them got caught short, and we referred them to a place in Rockford that we knew was still cleaning, till that place phoned us and said please don't send any more people down here, they are overwhelmed with their own orders and they had two employees call in sick!
Had 3 of my least favorite people to deal with all in a one hour span: Miss Thang, Bitchy/Crabby Mom, and Anal Retentive Guy. I call them Miss know the type. More attitude than brains. This one was a former Miss Teen Something or other a couple years ago, now she is graduating and this is her prom weekend. She came to pick up her dress and I greeted her with "Hello, Britnay." (That's her name, I pronounced it as I thought she prounounced it, as Brit-nee.)
She had a complete meltdown. "It's Brit-NAY! Brit-NAY!" she screeched. "You shouldn't wait on people if you can't pronounce their names right! Oh my God!" Well, I apologized, got her dress, and of course she kept right on rolling with this. "Don't you have to take some sort of classes for training? Or ASK people how to say their names before you try to say it yourself? It's just so RUDE! Oh my GAWD!"
An elderly black lady had come in during all this. She watched the whole thing. While Miss Thang was digging in her purse, the lady spoke up, looking at me with a little smile. "You know," she said,"when my daughter was young, she spoke to a clerk like that when I was with her. I took her home and blistered her behind. She was never rude again, believe me." Miss Thang turns around and was ALMOST going to say something. The lady held up her hand, "Don't you start anything with me, Miss Brit-NAY. My church donated a big sum to sponsor you in that Miss Teen pageant you were in. You'd better not ask us for another penny till you learn some grace and modesty."
DAMN did Miss Thang get her ass out of the shop in a big hurry. And the black lady just stood there beaming. "See, honey," she said to me, "you just gotta know how to handle them." I enjoyed that so much I gave her a big hug...and her clothing order was on me. I wished her a Happy Mother's Day and she wished me one. I said I wasn't a mother and she said "Oh honey, my pastor says it doesn't matter if you are a mother or not. You are your mother's precious child."
That almost made up for Mr Anal Retentive. This doorknob will count his items in his car in the parking lot, take them out of the car, lay them on the hood and count them again, then bring them in and count them AGAIN. Like a couple extra pants snuck in there somehow. I had a lady picking up her clothes when he came in, pushed past her and plopped his clothes on the counter, and started to count them. She turns around. "Excuse ME! I am not done here. You need to wait your turn. Don't shove me aside like that."
He ignored her and kept counting. He had done this before, and we had told him if he wanted to count till the cows come home, he was welcome to, but to do it on the side counter and not the one where people come in and pick up their orders. He just spread all his stuff out, pushing the lady aside, and was going thru them when my boss came round the corner. "Derek," he said, "you KNOW you're not supposed to count here. Do it on that counter, over there." Derek was in some funny mood, he spread his stuff all over the counter, blocking the area, and people were trying to come up to my desk and drop their orders off. My boss had to literally grab the guys clothes away from him, and take them to the other counter, and stand there and wait till he counted everything. (He ended up counting six times, and that was just in our call office.) I think he needs his meds adjusted.
Bitchy/Bossy Mom came right at closing time, with three prom dresses. Guess when she wanted them? In an hour. Yeah right. We had signs up for over a month reminding people to get their prom/mother's day clothing cleaned. But she was from out of town, and didn't know. We recommended another cleaner that we knew would be open and cleaning on Saturday, she could get her things done by noon. She chose instead to be bitchy. "Aren't you a cleaner? Here to serve the customer? Well, I am a customer. You should do what I want." Standing there with her hands on hips just tapping her toe. We are locking up and getting ready to leave.
My boss loves these ladies. He can usually shmooze and sweet talk them, but this bitch was having none of it. "I demand you clean my clothes, and I don't want to hear any crap! Whatever you have to do, MAKE IT HAPPEN!"
MY boss just smiled. "Using worn out movie cliches is not going to help in this situation," he said. "Now, you can take your things down to Jim Dandy Cleaners in the morning, and they will be done by noon. We ceased operations over four hours ago, and I'm sorry you didn't know this or didn't phone before you came up here. But unfortunately we can't help you. Sorry to disappoint you. Good evening."
Right on cue, up rolls a police squad car. The officer gets out and asks us if everything is ok, since the woman won't leave. She turns around and starts telling the officer that we have refused to clean her clothes and were rude to her and other bogus bullshit. She notices the officer isn't writing anything down. "Why aren't you doing your job? You should be arresting them! They are in business to serve, and I bring them work and they won't serve me!"
My boss was peeing himself trying not to laugh. I thought I would fart from holding back my giggles. The officer just said "Ma'am, these are nice people and they work very hard. Unfortunately it's time to leave. You got here too late and they aren't going to start everything up just for you, they'd be here for hours. I can direct you to another place if you like, but I am not going to arrest these people. They did nothing wrong." He escorted her out the door and to her car. We locked up quick like a bunny and got out to our cars, and in just that minute something had happened, cos when we looked back at the woman, her clothes were on the ground and she was in the back seat of the squad car.
My boss and I collapsed laughing. What the hell? As I walked to my car he called out "You glad you have the weekend off?" I shouted back "Fuck YES!!"
Phew. Holy crap. I need a martini.
Drink one or four for me too, please? Today sucked my asshole.
*makes a double dirty martini, straight up, with hors doevres*
Here ya go sugar- hope it helps.....
a) You seriously should be writing a column.
b) That dude is classic OCD.
c) Who ARE these people?!?!
I was thinking "That guy has OCD" too. I know, because I have OCD. But I would never do THAT. That's rude!
Holy shit! And I thought the students at the community college where I work were bad...well, actually they are pretty fucked up!
Isn't dealing with the psycho element of the public fun?
I shop on amazon quite a bit, and one thing has always made me wonder. I see an item I want, I note that it says "in stock" for immediate shipment, so I buy it. I opt for the usual 3 to 5 day delivery, but when I go to click "buy" I notice that now the item I want will not be delivered for 3 to 4 weeks? What's up with that?
Did a whole lot of other people decide to buy the same item I did, so now it's on backorder or something? If it's in stock they should be able to ship it out sooner than 3 weeks. Grr. The item doesn't say it's on backorder, no status change, you go back to amazon and the thing is still "in stock". Hmm.
I've always wondered about that.
Obama on TV just now....Osama Bin Laden is dead. NBC news just confirmed it.
All of this death... Horrible... No matter who it is. It is a crime that all of this violence and death happens.
Better him than us. Though I am sure there will be reprisals.
I was up early Friday to watch part of the wedding festivities before I had to leave for work. I kept switching channels because every channel I landed on, the commentators were saying some truly lame and embarrassing things. Katie Couric, who we pay millions to report the evening news, cracked that it was "just like Meet The Fockers" over a shot of Mrs Middleton greeting the Queen. When corrected on her pronounciation of Mall, she shot back"You guys say things differently over here."
It was THEIR occasion. WE merely reported on it. I thought we could have done better. One intrepid reporter, upon learning that the Abbey has no indoor toilets, announced brightly that "The outdoor toilets must be full".
Well, anyway. It was gorgeous. The Brits do pageantry better than anyone, and this was about as good as it gets. I know, there was a lot of bitching over how much it cost, but you don't do one of those every year. What impressed me most was the mounted police guards leading the masses of people to Buckingham Palace. There was no running, no pandemonium, just an orderly procession. Amazing.
The slip-up I had most anticipated didn't happen. I was thinking someone would announce live on the air something about the "Duck and Doochess"....but I didn't hear about it if they did. :P
I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I've learned something, I did'nt know the Abbey had no indoor toilets :)
I have to admit that I am one of those people who moan at the cost when our country is in a deep recession, though lol, it was a beautiful day, with a beautiful bride. I know that they knew the cameras were on them, I just so loved some of the things that they said to each other.
And driving off in the Aston Martin was really cool.
He is one lucky bloke!
What no toilets...I also didn't know.
16:08 May 30 2011
hmmm...people like that are just weird.
16:11 May 30 2011
I'll never understand the "Admins should know better." thing... Obviously we do know better than you, if we understand that the rating system goes from 1 to 10. Now quit being a sissy and take the damn rate you are given.
17:13 May 30 2011
Dont forget the big admin conspiracy.
19:18 May 30 2011
Of course this sage advice won't sink in...just sayin'.