CarnelianMyst's Journal

CarnelianMyst's Journal


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15 entries this month

Help Request

05:24 May 31 2009
Times Read: 844

Can someone who is familiar with making stamps please contact me? I am trying to make one for myself but am having no luck with it. I found an image I like on Photobucket, and have an account there, but that's as far as I got.

I'm an old fart, so please, 'splain it simple, ok? I have lots of questions also. Someon else made a stamp for me on here awhile back, then deleted the image, lol. So now I am starting from scratch.

Any help would be truly appreciated. Thank you.



10:43 May 31 2009

When you get the instructions...pass em on to me please...us old farts have to stick together lol


I Wonder

03:53 May 31 2009
Times Read: 850

I live next to the Stateline Pregnancy Helpline House. It's been there for several years now. I had a rare weekend off this weekend and I happened to be looking out the window, and I began to wonder about that place.

What goes on in there? You never see pregnant women going in and out, only matronly ladies carrying sheafs of paper and looking wound up too tightly. And, lots of men going in and out. What the hell men are doing in there I cannot fathom.

Maybe I should stop over there some day and see what they get up to.




Hobby Time

22:16 May 25 2009
Times Read: 868

Since people on here seem to write about anything and everything, here's my off beat topic for the day.

One of my hobbies is collecting Titanic memorabilia. Yes, the shipwreck. Now, I don't own deck chairs or pieces of the ship, nothing like that, that would be way out of my pocketbook league. Most of my collection is books, a couple of dolls, and three very nice photos which are autographed by the last survivor of the Titanic, Millvina Dean.

If anyone else shares this fascination, feel free to get in touch.





00:27 May 24 2009
Times Read: 874

Someone told me this quote today, I don't know where it originated but it made me laugh.

"Your body is your temple. It's also your dance hall and bowling alley."

That about sums it up!



22:24 May 25 2009

Should we add Amusement Park to the list?

03:05 May 31 2009

In my case, it would be House of Horrors!


Wrong Lyrics

00:50 May 23 2009
Times Read: 877

We had the oldies radio station on at work today. They played a block of Duran Duran songs, which I enjoyed as I used to be quite a fan of theirs back in the day.

My boss started to sing along with "Girls on Film" but he didn't know the words..so when he got to the chorus he warbled..."girls gone blue...girls gone blue."

I said hey, they aren't dead, they're just on film, sheesh.




Big Shirts!

00:41 May 20 2009
Times Read: 895

Today I broke my all-time record as to size of a shirt that I pressed. A 9X. Yes, people, a NINE X. And that is a big boy indeed. The trousers that went with the shirt measured 58 inches around the waist.

Those trousers are almost as wide as I am tall. Four more inches and the waist would be my height.

Guys, y'all need to lay off the chocolate..lol. Actually we get some very large ladies sizes too, and we are having to special order larger size hangers so they will look nice and fit well in the garment bag. The largest ladies size outfit I ever cleaned was a 28, although I have seen a size 30 in the alterations department.




New Title

22:47 May 16 2009
Times Read: 903

Thanks to the good graces of DarknessBound, and Bloodmother, I have been granted the title of Forum Master of LBO.

You may all now kiss my ring. Form an orderly line please!

Coolsies. Love it! Thanks.



23:44 May 16 2009

I can't kneel I got bad knees, could I just blow ya a kiss instead ? lol

00:52 May 20 2009

Now take the Acolyte test so we can expand those forum duties :P

00:56 May 20 2009

Your wish is my command, madame!

02:07 May 20 2009

Rock on, we need ya! :D


New Stuff

00:54 May 13 2009
Times Read: 909

I just got the Skype IM thingie on myspace, and talked to a friend of mine in Glasgow. My goodness, it is a fabulously clear connection. I could hear his cat purring in the room! I was really amazed at how good it is.

I was thinking it would take forever for me to download, but it only took a few minutes. Coolsies! New tech stuff rocks!





00:09 May 10 2009
Times Read: 914

Made it through another work-week, thank pete. It's been pretty dreary weather-wise the last few days, and my knees have been absolutely throbbing at the end of the day. I was thrilled to finally get done with work (early for once, thanks boss!) and head out to buy groceries, then come home.

I decided on my birthday that if this is what I am going to do for a good portion of my life, then I am going to take good care of myself, pamper when possible, and use my downtime to rest and relax. My splurges are mostly inexpensive things (note to men: I'm a cheap date!) such as nice soaps and bath lotions, soft pajamas, and the occasional extra splurge on good chocolates. Important to keep my feet feeling good, so I always have a really well-fitting pair of shoes. Off duty and at home, the shoes are the first things that come off. I go barefoot when at all possible, and am convinced that this is why I have never had a corn or bunion, or even a callus on my feet. Just the occasional ingrown toenail.

Now, barefoot and relaxed, it is dinner time. I am cooking a lovely steak and some potatoes, and will finish with a nice cup of tea and a movie later. Bliss!




Toy Time

01:57 May 06 2009
Times Read: 922

I had bought a little star shaped yellow sponge to put in the crabs' water dish, the reason for that is so that the little ones don't fall in and have no way of getting out and possibly drown. The sponge holds water so everyone can have a drink and still get in the dish without any problems.

The big crabs think it is a toy to play with. They turn it round, cartwheel it around the area where the water dish is, poke it, pull it, drag it here and there. I put it back in the dish and the fun starts all over again. The little ones love it..they grab hold of it and climb on top of it and play king of the hill.

It's funny, you'd never think little creatures like that could play with something. But they sure do.



16:23 May 08 2009

They're fantastic little dudes


New Crabs

02:12 May 05 2009
Times Read: 931

Went to the pet shop yesterday and came home with three new crabs. My big guy was kinda lonely and the little ones seemed to hang out together, so I thought some new crabs would be just the thing to get things stirred up in there. I got one teeny one (about the size of a dime, man can he scoot!) one medium sized, and one big one. He has a lovely shell, butterscotch colored. I brought a little carrier to the pet shop to take them home in, lined with paper towels so it would be soft in there for them. When I got them home I peeked in the carrier..and they had all snuggled down under the paper towels.

Adding the new guys to the tank was the equivalent of D-Day, on a smaller scale. They scurried everywhere, checking out the food and water dishes, the other crabs, and the climbing stuff. They made straight for the big guy in the corner, woke him up from his snooze, and proceeded to climb all over him in their excitement. The two big crabs checked each other out and apparently approved of each other. They each designated a corner of the tank as "theirs", and the littler crabs trundled all over looking for their hang out place.

They do enjoy being handled. They have to get used to the scent and feel of my hand, they don't bite or pinch in the least, they just stay still for a few moments then start climbing. We play "ladder"..they climb over my fingers and thumb for exercise.

There are several empty shells in the tank now. Apparently the little crabs are not ready to moult, but all the shells get examined most seriously on a daily basis. I have't figured out if the crabs are looking for more friends or just seeing what the shell is like inside. They seem to like really smooth shiny interiors, I suppose that feels the nicest to them.

I had Gordon, Micky and Tony, and to join them there are Jamie, Gary and Delia.

Ssh...the little ones are snuggled down and having a snooze.



03:50 May 05 2009

Heh awww they're such awesome little crabs.


Prom Mania!

22:22 May 02 2009
Times Read: 948

I just witnessed the wildest meltdown/shitfit I have EVER seen, and I've seen a lot.

Allow me to set the stage for you. It's prom season. Tonight is the prom for our local high school. For the past couple of months it's been a frantic time here, getting young ladies (and young men) fitted for their prom clothes. They have to book an appointment, bring in their clothes, get fitted, allow the seamstress time to do the alterations, come back for a final fitting, and, if all is well, then we press it and make it look fabulous for them.

99 % knew the prom was tonight and got their clothes all picked up by the middle of the week. That is, except for that one percent.

A young lady walked in this morning with her nose in the air carrying a formal dress on a hangar. "I need this alternated," she said. (Alternated? With what? The word is ALTERED.)

"Sorry hon," I told her. "We don't do alterations on Saturdays. Our seamstress works Monday through Friday. Any prom things needed to be booked and finished earlier in the week for tonight."

She threw the dress on the counter and made the worst face I've seen this side of a two year old with diarrhea." I WANT MY DRESS ALTERNATED!! I'M GOING TO PROM TONIGHT!"

Not in that, I wanted to say. I could only shake my head and apologize again. Our seamstress had gone to Chicago for a wedding, and there was no way to summon her back. The girl pulls out her cell phone and calls her daddy, bawling and wailing.

"They won't do my dress", she tells him. "I don't know why! You need to come down here! Okay!" she hangs up and looks at me. "My dad will be here and he will make you do my dress."

Not likely. I don't sew and I'm not a seamstress.

Her dad shows up, and I try to explain to him the situation. These days, young people are so used to having everything immediately, it doesn't occur to them that somethings are not like McDonald's..you just don't order something then pull round to a window where it is given to you.

"Well," daddy says. " I think I know how to settle this. I will just call the police."

"Okay," I smiled, having been through this many times before. "You go right ahead and do that."

And by god if he doesn't phone 911 and tell them that his daughter is being refused service...BECAUSE SHE IS BLACK.

Yes. He played the race card.

A police officer came and soon realized that no one was being discriminated in any sort of way. He lectured the father (and the daughter who all but laid down on the floor and had a tantrum) about responsiblity and making false accusations about a business. After asking me if I wished to press charges (disorderly conduct and threatening) he escorted both of them out of the store and told them they would not be allowed back in our business, ever.

So that was my day. Anyone want my job?



23:08 May 02 2009

People are incredible. Do they not realize that the business you work for could sue them for slander?

Feh, prom, spoiled brats... Yep, seen it all.


Flu News

02:20 May 02 2009
Times Read: 952

This state is SO ready to go into full-scale flu war as soon as we get the word. There are five cases, none real close to my area yet. Schools in Milwaukee are closed down (the ones where the flu cases were found). Several articles in tonight's paper about it.

My boss is going anal. "Wash your hands!" every hour or so. We went through a half bottle of hand sanitizer in a day. I went to the grocery store today, and was amazed to see all the anti-bacterial stuff was placed into one section, and the section was damn near empty. I had to settle for a bottle of antibacterial hand soap.

Whatever the outcome, I am NOT getting a flu shot. I had such an extreme reaction the last time I got a flu shot, I would never go through that again. Horrible. After having the shot, within 24 hours I was vomiting, and an entire weekend was spent in the bathroom. I tore my stomach muscles from heaving continually long after there was noting left to heave.

So, let's just hope the big kahuna doesn't arrive down here.





03:30 May 01 2009
Times Read: 869

Cripes, the Governor just announced a public health emergency in this state. We now have 5 confirmed cases of swine flu. Ack!



09:27 May 01 2009

What does that mean for you all ? Schools closed ?


Got Insurance?

02:17 May 01 2009
Times Read: 873

This is for all VR members who have home or renters insurance. Please read, as this may save you a huge hassle later.

We deal with insurance companies on a regular basis. We do fire and water restoration, as when people have a house fire or water damage, we come to their home, and clean everything they wear, as well as towels, sheets, pillows, soft toys, shoes, and hats. Just about everything textile, we clean it.

We are APALLED by insurance companies' lack of compassion for the people they serve. Just this week we got called to a house fire for a family of 3, mom, dad and a little baby. When we arrived, the insurance company told us we needed to clean and return everything IMMEDIATELY as they were not going to give these people any money for new clothes, nor were they going to pay for any nights they might need to spend in a motel while their house is getting cleaned and repaired.

Can you believe that shit? We told the insurance guy it is IMPOSSIBLE to clean a whole houseful of clothes, sheets, bedding, etc. in one day. We have to take it back to our plant, inspect it, sort it, see what is cleanable, then start in. We always get something back to the people the next day, clothing, beddding etc. so they aren't completely out for something to wear and use.

Please, if you have homeowners/renters insurance, ask your agent if they will pay for new clothes if all yours are destroyed. Ask them also if they will pay for a motel for you to stay in if you can't find anyplace else. And if they say yes, GET IT IN WRITING. The poor people we were cleaning for were frantic. They pay all this money for insurance premiums and get squat.

Makes me wanna scream. And yes, I contacted my insurance agent. Luckily my policy specifies money for lodging and so much for esstentials. And they damn well better come through if it is needed, which I hope will never happen.



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