CarnelianMyst's Journal

CarnelianMyst's Journal


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4 entries this month

Knee Update

16:31 Jun 24 2012
Times Read: 665

Now the surgery is off. And I am fuming. I made an appointment to see the doctor to schedule the surgery, and when I got there, he acted like my previous appointment never happened. Oh no, he said, I won't do surgery just to remove a little piece of bone.. You need a total knee replacement.

Um, WTF? last time he said I DIDN'T need one at this time...maybe down the road some years. He categorized me as a "severe arthrititc" and when I asked what over the counter pain relievers he recommended (since he didn't even OFFER to write me a prescription for anything) he said offhandedly "Oh, any of them." And that was the end of that appointment.

I think he found out I was not insured, and was trying to scare me off. That's how they do, I've found out, to get you out of the way and on to the next patient who IS insured. I had to wait 45 minutes for my appointment, and was in and out of his office in less than 5. A couple days after I got home I got the bill in the mail for my last appointment....

Here's the breakdown. Office visit : $162. X Rays: $244. Cortisone injection: $360.

That clunking sound was me fainting from the bill.

So, apparently I am stuck. I am certainly NOT a severe arthritic, I've seen people like that, and I am not one of those. I will just have to do the best I can for as long as I can. Nothing else for it.

Oh, and please, no "go see another doctor" comments....their office visit prices have totally wiped out my little savings. I do not qualify for state aid, apparently I earn too much! (since when does $270 a week become "too much"?)

Sooo...lots of rest, ace bandages, and Aleve, which was what I was doing before.

American Health care system....PFFT. Oh, and how is President Obama going to make people pay for insurance who can barely get food on the table? Even with government help and things like that, people STILL won't be able to afford it. They won't be able to afford the penalty for being non-insured, either.



16:41 Jun 24 2012

It does seem cold and callous to put a price on getting people well again, something I'll never understand!

18:11 Jun 24 2012

That sucks, sorry dear :( And I'm with you on the Obama health care issue, can't see how that is supposed to pan out...

18:55 Jun 24 2012

Come to Australia. I'll adopt you, and your Cabana Boy too. >.>

I think Obama is trying to model it on our system, and he's failing, apparently. Gets points for trying, but still, failing.

Here you don't need health insurance. You walk into a hospital, and you're seen to, for free. You can make an appointment with nearly any doctor (as long as it's not private) and be seen in reasonable time, for free.

Our medication, no matter what it is, is $5.50 (or something similar - may even be lower).

The thought of getting injured in the US terrifies me. Travel insurance is a beautiful thing.

19:31 Jun 24 2012

I'm sorry... Jesus, the ENTIRE medical system is messed up. No one can afford hundreds of thousands in medical costs so why are officials even pretending that it isn't an issue?!?

22:42 Jun 24 2012

I'm sorry too, sugar- much as people like to think that Canada is so much better, it isn't- and the wait times for necessary surgery are getting longer and longer. I only hope nothing gives out in the near future, just like you.

17:17 Jul 01 2012

We are in the same boat, just add back pains.

01:58 Jul 02 2012

I know we dont know each other very well....but...I am so sorry to hear about this. It's sickens me that the health care system is SOOO BAD. It's like they don't care at all...and you are right (I've had similar things like this happen to me) they move on to the next patient who has insurance (and they seem to treat em' better too). I believe they do that just to jack up the patients bills. It's disgusting. I'm so very sorry. :(

As for the Obama care.....

Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez. Where do I begin...?

I truly feel that this is going to cause nothing but PROBLEMS! As you mentioned...most people now days can't even afford to put food on the table or even buy house hold items. *sigh*

It's a wreck. I'ts a damn shame. I am truly sorry about your knee. I wish I could help you. I wish I could make it all go away for you. I really do. I suppose all I can do is be positive for you and hope that it gets better........somehow. I'm sorry you are going through this. Can you switch to a different doctor, maybe? *shrugs*

You're in my thoughts and prayers...especially for this. I truly hope for the best for you! *hugs*

**wonders why the doc didn't even give you a perscription for some good ol' fashioned Vicodin while you're going through this**

Again....I am so sorry. :(

22:52 Jul 05 2012

My mother died at 67 because,by the time she was able to get help (and someone took her seriously) it was too late. I'm in no better a situation than she was because I also have no insurance and no way to pay for it. I hate the way people are seen as disposable in this country.

02:18 Jul 10 2012

An option for you is also Acupuncture. Community Acupuncture is in most areas of the US and the cost per treatment is 15-40 per treatment (you choose what you pay, first visit typically has 10-15 paperwork fee).

I know for people who don't like needles Acupuncture can be a scary idea. However with knee pain it is often times has better results than surgery (40-60% of the time). Just something for you to research/consider.

01:11 Jul 12 2012

Saharia, I don't know where you get your information from, but those prices for Acupuncture are WAY off. They don't even come close to what is charged in this area. Not even remotely close. I am fine with needles, but the entire medical profession is frosty with me right now. I am broke, and cannot afford ANYTHING.


Knee News

01:44 Jun 20 2012
Times Read: 678

I haven't been on much, which is a little strange for me. I had to toddle off to the doctor last week because of recurring problems with my right knee. From years ago when a car struck me when I was riding my bicycle and I flew off landing on my knees, I've had problems with them. I can usually forecast a weather change quicker than the weatherman, and by the end of my twelve hour work days, they're just junk. Over the counter pain relievers didn't even begin to help.

Then a new wrinkle emerged. My right knee started to pop and crack, and it felt like it was going to collapse. I wrapped it up with two ace bandages and went to get an x ray. Turns out there is a chip of bone floating around in there that shouldn't be, and it catches on various portions and makes my knee pop and crack. This is my right knee. The doc looked at the x ray of my left knee and said, "does that bother you much?" I said no, just the right one. He said it's bone on bone in the left one, no cartilege at all. Funnily enough, that's my good knee. Doesn't bother me a fraction of the way the right one does.

So anyway, he gives me a cortisone shot--my first!--and says he can go in, get the bone chip out, and "clean things up in there". No problem. Well, save one..I have no insurance and will have to pay for this myself. I have no idea what this will entail, cost wise, how much work time I will lose, or other endless things I've been obsessing about.

I see the doc again Thursday to schedule the surgery. My boss had this done a couple years ago, it was done same day and they sent him home after. He's been incredibly supportive of me since I've had this diagnosis. He says he or his wife will take me to the hospital, wait for me to have the surgery, and take me back home. He's saved his crutches, so I can have those. He is practially waiting on my schedule so he can plan his vacation and other things in the shop.

I dunno..has anyone had this procedure? I've heard you can be off work from a week to six, depending on how you heal. This will be my summer vacation...oh goodie...so the notion of spending my one and only week off recovering from surgery isn't a good one. However, getting my knee fixed will be a relief.

As I was about to leave the doctor's office, I jokingly said I ought to just get a whole knee replacement. Without batting a lash, he said "Oh sure, that's down the line."

Hope not.



09:08 Jun 20 2012

I still don't understand how all the medical insurance stuff works as we don't have anything like that here but having a supportive boss is good news. I do wish you well with it and when it does happen that you are on your feet again in no time.


What is THIS shit?

01:50 Jun 05 2012
Times Read: 720

Nothing like someone sending you a message welcoming you to a website you've been a member of for almost 5 years now.

No, I'm not going to add or rate you. Get lost.



01:55 Jun 05 2012

Welcome to the darkness.

01:57 Jun 05 2012

Hey, Booya!

02:17 Jun 05 2012


06:51 Jun 05 2012


Btw,Ive added you,please return the favor.

09:52 Jun 05 2012

I thought it was just me!!!

02:01 Jul 02 2012



Well, That was Strange.

02:40 Jun 02 2012
Times Read: 740

One of those bizarre end of week days. You just cannot predict how the day will go on my job. Just when you think you've seen everything, something else will come walking in the door.

A lady came in shortly after noon and said she was organizing a funeral....we expected her to ask if she could get a suit or something cleaned at the last minute...but she shocked us by asking if we had any clothes she could buy to put on the deceased to bury him in.

Huh? Now I can see not having something presentable, and you take it to get cleaned...but not have anything at all? Turns out the guy lived in t-shirts and jeans and the family were determined to get him into a suit for the showing. I felt sorry for the poor guy, he couldn't go out the way he wanted.

Well, of course we do have abandoned clothes, but then she didn't know what size shirt he wore or what size pants...and I said look, do what they did with my dad, who had lost tons of weight during his cancer battle and the funeral people had to tuck his shirt back of the neck so it looked good. Same with the pants. The hands usually go right about at the waist. Honestly no one will be checking to see if the pants don't fit. They will be looking at the face, and wondering why the hell the guy isn't in a t-shirt and jeans.

We eventually got an outfit for her, but wow, that was a first for me. Guess that's another thing for my bucket list....get an outfit ready and tell people what I want to wear. Hope my CrotchFest t-shirt will still fit me then. :P



08:54 Jun 02 2012

Like you said, it was a shame he couldn't be remembered in the clothes he wore.

04:12 Jun 03 2012

Actually that was quite ingenious of her, wouldn't of thought of the cleaners.

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