From our local shopping news, under the "For Sale" heading:
FOR SALE:...Mens Depends, by the case. All sizes. Also a canoe.
Wonder what the hell happened there?
My boss' wife and baby are gone for a week, so he brought his dog to work with him today. It's a rat terrier, bundle of energy, but very friendly and loves people. She's our "company greeter" and trots up to people as they come in.
It's amazing, some of the biggest guys that come in are scared to death of a teeny little dog. I see these guys walking pit bulls and boxers who have balls so big they clank, and now here's a little dog wagging his tail and sitting up and these guys go "DON'T LET THAT DOG BITE ME! GET THAT DOG AWAY FROM ME! IT'S GONNA BITE ME!"
No, she won't but I might. Sheesh.
I have been nipped by a high strung little dog. Bigger breeds are less skittish then small breeds. I can relate to the reservations your co-workers have.
It's usually one of those things where... The dog is not coming after you, chill the hell out.
The heat wave finally broke. I woke up in the night shivering, because the wind had shifted direction, and was now coming straight from the north. I had kicked all my covers off earlier and now had to go retrieve them.
The air conditioner got turned off and the windows were open all day. Kinda nice to finally get some fresh air in here after so long of having it all shut up.
I laid around and thoroughly enjoyed my day off. Worked my way through a few DVDs of All in The Family, which gave me flashbacks as Archie was a lot like my dad. The episode where Edith gets menopause made me howl.
It's been a day like that song by Breaking Benjamins:
Why give up, why give in?
It's not enough, it never is.
But I will go on until the end.
Some days I feel like wadding myself up in a ball and throwing myself away. This has been one of those days.
It's still hot. All you can do is keep drinking water or some other fluid, sports drinks or whatnot, and rest when you need to. I managed to get through the day just fine. My boss went out and got us ice cream this afternoon which helped!
What is NOT helping is his whiny 16 year old daughter who is "working" at the plant. I've never seen such a useless lump of flesh in all my born days. Even my boss is disgusted, and it's his kid!
First off, she won't put her cell phone down for anything. It's permanently attached to her left hand. I'm trying to show her how to mark clothes and make invoices and she's texting. Her dad yells at her "put the cell phone DOWN!" and she just says "yeah, yeah" and goes on with what she is doing. Finally my boss took the cell phone away and locked it in a cabinet in his office.
Next, her attire is not appropriate. Boss sent me out with some money to buy her a couple outfits to wear at work, since a teeny pink tube top embroidered with "pink princess" and shorts so short the bottom of her ass is hanging out...are not what people want to see at the front counter. Well, most people. Some guys might like it, lol. I came back with some polo shirts and shorts that were a bit longer, and her reaction was "Gross! I'm not wearing THOSE." Great. Her dad said "You'll wear them, if you want a paycheck." Heh.
And everything is either lame, gross, boring, or stupid. She's either bored, tired, hungry or hot. I told her dad, if I see one more eye roll I am gonna knock her sideways. Work ethic? I'm sure a gerbil has more. Whine whine whine. "Why do I haveta do THAT?" "This is stupid". "This is lame".
Summer fun, right?
With all that whining I bet she's on Vr .. lol
Nooo she isn't! I told her about VR...her comment: "Gross!"
She's on myspace. Of course.
*cringes* I'm so TIRED of STUPID girls like her. She is so LAME, it is just too BORING to be bothered with. Plus, that GROSS outfit just shows that even when you're not HOT, Daddy will make sure you're never HUNGRY...
It's 100 degrees outside right now. Today at the cleaners it was 135 at noon. Yes, dammit, that is hot.
Here are the stats:
6 bottles of water
2 large size bottles of gatorade
2 cans of pepsi
one large McDonalds' iced coffee
2 large bottles of Powerade
and one trip to the bathroom all day. I must have absorbed all that liquid!
On the plus side, I've lost a size. None of my shorts fit now and my shirts are too big. Sheesh. Time to go shopping again.
Forecast for the rest of the week: hot hot hot.
Oh my! Time to just get in the tub and soak while watching movies... You'll be a prune, but you can't say you're not hydrated.
Wow, that is hot, glad you had the sense to keep drinking.
aint that the truth. . .i did roofing in near 100 weather then its 30degrees hotter on the roof, and we were doing a hot tar job with tar heated 600degrees to a
That would just about kill me lol
Bah. Been sick for over a week now and it still feels like I'm living underwater. The usual cold stuff hasn't kicked this yet, and what with working so much and being sick I'm just completely shagged out. Come home at night and fall asleep in the chair.
I'm turning into my mother. Ack!
Wishing you well.
Hope you feel better soon. Perhaps seeing your doctor might be a good plan... you work with the public... it might be more than just a cold.
*shakes head*...why are you at work ?...they will survive without you for a week or two...I hope you feel better soon hon x
Bleah. I am NEVER sick, so when I get something, it knocks me over like a freight train. Woke up yesterday with a fever and sore throat, and I could tell the way it was all raw and scratchy that a vicious cold was on its way. I couldn't even make it through the day at work..lasted about 3 hours and was sent home. Got all hot and dizzy and felt horrible.
Boss asked me to phone him last night to see how I was, and it just got progressively worse from the time I left work, so when I phoned him I sounded pretty bad. He told me to stay home today also and not come back till Monday.
First night of a bad cold and your head is all stuffed up and you can't breathe, I started coughing and was just generally miserable. Even the Nyquil didn't help much.
Bleah. I hate being sick. At least the weather is crappy too, lol. I can lay around and watch movies. A rare Saturday off and I am sick..injustice! lol
Being single means you can eat whatever you want, when ever you want, and not have to worry about setting a good example for the kids. When you've had a crappy day and just want cereal for dinner, that's perfectly ok.
Tonight, I grilled a small steak, cooked some baked beans, and that was dinner. Fiber and protein...good eh? Then for dessert, root beer float. I hadn't had one in ages, and stopped off for a pint of frozen vanilla custard (WAY better than vanilla ice cream!) and some A&W root beer.
Ahhh. Now to pop in season 2 of The Tudors and watch a little British history. Perfect!
I got hit with a weird situation right off the bat this morning. A young lady at the drive up window with a very snotty attitude. She wouldn't return my greeting, and proceeded to hand the clothes to me
Well. After I got them all I asked when she wanted them back and she said tomorrow, so I told her they would all be ready after five pm. "Whut TAHHMMMM?" she asked with a thick southern drawl.
"After 5 pm" I repeated, a bit louder.
"WHUT TAHHHHHMMM!!!!" she yelled.
Well, turn your hearing aid up, grandma, I thought to myself. Leaning out the window I said very slowly and clearly "They will be ready tomorrow, Tuesday....after 5 pm."
I smiled. "I'll go get him for you, but once he finds out you just called me a bitch, his sympathies will not be with you."
Up comes my boss, and it turned out she was asking what our times (hours) were. "That's how we do it down home," she fumed.
"Well honey, you're not down home anymore, and we did not understand what you meant. You had no call to insult my employee and now I want you to apologize to her," my boss said and waited beside me.
She mumbled something about people "up here" not understanding english. My boss pointed to the little outside camera that records drive up transactions. "You're being recorded, just so you know," he said with a smile. She turned all red and burned rubber getting out of the drive up.
Some people need to come with instructions. Sheesh.
yes, yes they do!
People are brutal...
..yesterday I stopped at a KMart just to get a couple tomato plants and seed packets... the cashier said hi, I said "Hi, how are you today?" she said, "Better now... you're the nicest customer I've had all day..."
Why? What point is there in being that rude?
People suck.
I love the fact you had a camera recording at the time lol
i had a rather rude English lady come into my Subway once. i greeted as usual, "Hi there--can i help you?"
Maybe it was my deodorant. . . .
For those who believe spelling doesn't matter, here is a cautionary tale.
A salesman for a new business directory came to see us awhile back, and talked my boss into buying an ad in the directory. They planned it all out, what it would say, what size print, covering all the possible details. My boss wanted to make sure the ad listed all our professional services...shoe repair, wedding keepsakes, tailoring, and professional shirt service.
We got the directory yesterday and opened it to admire our new ad.
There, in big bold print at the top of our ad were the words:
The proofreader was evidently out to lunch when this typo slipped through. And now thousands of people in the stateline area will be seeing this. We already had one or two calls from people about it.
One little letter can make quite a difference.
ok, don't mean to make light of this, because I know it caused some embarrassment for the company , but it,s funny , would love to have heard some of the phone calls.
Huzzah for cautionary tales on the value of corret spelling!
This is what we should be putting in our fairy tales now. Who cares if you stray off the path on the woods? It's only if you spell things wrong that the big bad wolf will make you eat your own grandmother's flesh, drink her blood, then molest you.
Too much?
Hopefully it turns in your favor and your company gets some good public attention...
...they say all publicity is good publicity... we'll have to see if that holds true.
But.. *snickers*.. that's a horrible typo. They must have had the same proof-readers that did the menu for the Japanese restaurant Morri & I go to...
Omg...I can just imagine the look on your boss's face lmao.
02:32 Jun 30 2009
You really shouldn't have one without the other...