CarnelianMyst's Journal

CarnelianMyst's Journal


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15 entries this month


00:56 Aug 30 2011
Times Read: 790

Um, dude, no, you can't come in at 10:30 a.m. with a suit and shirt and get it done by 11. I don't care if there IS a funeral you need to attend. "Can't you just toss it in and yank it back out, dip it?" you ask.

What. The. F uck. No, we are not an ice cream store, and your clothes are not a cone that you can dip. From inspection to tagging, to actual cleaning, drying, pressing and bagging, we need a minimum of an hour for normal clothes. No less. There is no 30 minute cycle.

If you have a suit or a dress or something and it just needs freshening, get yourself one of those Dryel home dry cleaning kits. I normally do not recommend those, but if you're in a bind, they will do in a pinch. They will get your clothes nice and fresh smelling till the next cleaning. One thing though. BE SURE and take them out of the dryer IMMEDIATELY before wrinkles can set in. That is the key. Leave them in there for awhile and you will have a wrinkled mess.

But a half hour before you need to wear something...geez. Get a damn grip.



20:22 Aug 30 2011

..and I thought you had a wand!!



02:12 Aug 28 2011
Times Read: 808

Had to run out and buy a few odds and ends today. Ended up in the makeup department, because I am always looking for something that will last through my work day. I don't care what it is, if it says waterproof, 18 hour wear or whatever, it will come off before my day is a couple hours old.

The other thing is, I have very light skin which tends to be oily. Every light/fair shade I tried looked orange on me. This is very frustrating, as I like to look professional at work, and can't do that with stuff that is the wrong shade and/or dripping off me.

If anyone has suggestions/ideas for me, I would love to hear them.



06:21 Aug 28 2011

I'm pale too, and I buy Avon because they sell products that match my skintone.

02:49 Aug 29 2011

Clinique might have something for you...check out their counter!

03:07 Aug 30 2011

I have oily and light skin too hun, I recommend Double Matte Oil Control Make-up by Estee Lauder, I LOVE it! Great coverage, I never have to reapply and no shiny face :)

13:23 Aug 30 2011

I have the same problem. Reason those around me say something along the lines of..."Hey- she has makeup on. Must be Fall." " Brrr... its cold outside. Bet she will be wearing makeup." I have not had makeup on my face at work, or play for that matter if I step outside of A/C, in 7 months.

A little powder, and that is it for me. I melt it off, wipe it off. No use... I just can't wear makeup in the heat.

You find something... please share. :)



03:04 Aug 27 2011
Times Read: 827

Was watching the news earlier, showing people on the east coast evacuating before Irene comes ashore.

Governor of North Carolina: "We would like at this time to advise residents to evacuate."

Governor of New Jersey: "Get your asses off the beach NOW. You're done. You have just maximized your tan."

THAT man needs to run for President.



09:02 Aug 27 2011

Great way with words. lol

18:29 Aug 27 2011

He has my vote. :)

02:38 Aug 30 2011




00:53 Aug 27 2011
Times Read: 846

Embarrassing moment of the day....having two customers with unusual names in the call office at the same time takes some concentration. Today I had Mr. Wettstein and Mr. Glasscock. Oh-kay. I managed to address them as Mr Glassstein and Mr WetCock.

I'm telling you, I wanted to drop through the floor. It was THAT embarrassing. I almost peed. Thank goodness they were good sports. Mr G remarked "Well, THAT's a variation I haven't heard before!"



01:23 Aug 27 2011

Wetcock is a great name!

02:12 Aug 27 2011

That ... is fabulous.

02:23 Aug 27 2011




16:57 Aug 21 2011
Times Read: 889

How is it possible for a whelp, level 1.46, to already be in a society?

*scratches head wondering*



17:00 Aug 21 2011

I messaged images about that the other day, I've seen two under level 20 in Societies this last week.

18:13 Aug 21 2011

Slightly under 20 is understandable. Someone can reach level 20 based on bonuses, like mentorship or friends bonuses - and then lose levels if they leave the mentorship, lose friends, have forum posts delete, get blocked by a bunch of people...

...once in a society, the system won't remove them for losing levels - it would be up to the society master to remove them.

But a whelp - that would be extreme. They would have to max out their block, overblock and friends penalties after reaching 20... and then some.

20:28 Aug 21 2011

More than likely they were caught using a page refresher or something of that sort and Cancer busted them down to a whelp (which he does when they are caught).

21:53 Aug 24 2011

Giggles at the busted remark. Well that's good craic!

22:27 Aug 24 2011

Yeap.. can't add anything. ;)


Well, That was Strange.

00:38 Aug 21 2011
Times Read: 908

I had to go around the block three times before I could really see what was happening. There was a line of cars going past this house, but the line was moving too quickly for me to see everything, so I needed to go back.

First, there was the car. A nice late model car, darkish, a small sedan, with a whole lot of stuff painted on it. I finally read most of it: FUCK YEAH! BITCH I GRADUATED!!!! FTW!!!

Then, next to the car, sits an extremely sulky looking teenage girl holding a large sign. She kept ducking back behind the sign as people rolled by and read:

"This car was my graduation present. Because I and my friends put graffiti on it, my father took the car away from me. And I have to sit here with this sign for a whole week to show people what I did. Now I can't drive anywhere. If you want to buy my car, please call : XXX-XXXX. I will clean off the graffiti if you want to buy it."

I LOL'd so hard I almost wet myself.



01:30 Aug 21 2011

LMAO! Too good.

10:47 Aug 21 2011

...and problem sorted. lol

11:11 Aug 21 2011


00:44 Aug 23 2011

I sincerely hope you showed this to your boss....

02:26 Aug 27 2011

Ah...when kids do dumb shit...it's refereshing to see a parent take her to task for being a fucking idiot.

03:44 Aug 27 2011

I would have stopped and asked to shake the father's hand.

He's my new hero.



01:38 Aug 19 2011
Times Read: 920

I was reading journals, and I found Nicnic's entry about the big spider he recently dispatched at his house. I have total respect and awe for people down under who can calmly stomp on the giant spiders they grow down there. Moderately small ones up here give me the willies.

It reminded me of the story my uncle used to tell. He served almost 30 years in the air force, and was posted all over the world. He married an english lady, and between them they traveled to just about every corner of the globe. One country escaped them...Australia. One year they decided to go, so they plumped for a big vacation package at a luxury hotel.

The very first night, they were all snuggled in bed when they woke to what they thought was someone banging on their window. My uncle got up, pulled the blinds...and there on the other side, hanging from some sort of web, was the biggest spider he'd ever seen. He said the body was bigger than their housecat. And it was being buffeted by some winds, and whapping against their window.

My uncle just stood and watched this. My aunt sat up in bed, turned white, and vomited. Just at that moment, the wind picked up, and the spider dropped down below the window. My uncle is nothing if not brave/nosey, so he opened the window in time to see this spider drop down and down until it landed on some intrepid hotel guests out for a late stroll. My uncle said he'd never seen people run that fast in all his life.

My aunt always said that was the start of her insomnia. She could never get the sight of that spider out of her head, a huge thing hanging just outside the window. Gawd.



12:34 Aug 19 2011

Yeah. Gun, Spider. No problem. I'll pay for a new window. Thankxbai.



01:51 Aug 17 2011
Times Read: 929

Watching the finale of Master Chef, and then seeing a commercial for Olive Garden....I want pasta now, with cheese and marinara sauce...oh and some mushrooms, and hunks of crusty bread to drag through the sauce.

Though, as per usual, I have none of these. Dammit.



03:49 Aug 17 2011

I love me some Gordon Ramsey :)


Baby Bananas

01:18 Aug 11 2011
Times Read: 956

You can add "baby wrangler" to my resume now.

I think there is a real future in this, I might be able to work it into a part time job. Gotta take your child to the doctor, or someplace they just don't want to go? Kid have a meltdown? Mom can't handle it? Call the baby wrangler.

My boss #2 has an almost 5 year old, who starts school next week. His wife got the kid a doctor's appointment to get her vaccinated for school. The only thing is...this kid goes into FULL FREAK MODE when there is a shot imminent. When she was still wearing diapers, she had a total liquid-poop blowout in the doctor's office, and vomited besides.

My boss was saying his wife couldn't handle taking the kid to the doctor for the shots this time. Some wierd thing prompted me to say "I can handle her. Let me go with them." Faster than you can say Jack Robinson, I was bundled into the van and was riding along with mommy and kid on the way to the doctor.

As soon as we got there the kid knew what was going to happen. She just knew it wasn't a check up or something nice. Some evil man was going to stick a sharp thing into her leg! Ack! Well, thank goodness we got right in, and I took this kid's hand and marched her right into the office while mommy had a coniption fit out in the waiting room.

I said to the doctor "where does the shot go? Butt or thigh?" He said thigh. I said ok, you get that needle ready and on three, you do it, ok? He nodded, and the kid was bawling and screeching all over the place. I just said "Autumn, here we go....one two THREE!" and on three I bent down, yanked her up by her ankles, got her head between my legs, and her dress fell down so all the doctor had to do was lean over, wipe the spot with antiseptic and pop that needle right in. The kid was so astonished I had lifted her upside down that she didn't have time to worry about the needle, and when the doctor said "There! all done!" I just let her back down onto the floor.

The kid was giggling like mad, forgetting all about the shot, in fact she said to the doctor "That didn't even hurt!" The doctor cocked his head and said "I've tried distracting them, but never tried this."

Mommy came in, expecting a scene of total chaos, and found her child happy as hell. She wanted to know what I did and the doctor told her. Mommy just looked at me and said "I didn't know you could do that." I said "This was my first time. Heh."

Need baby wrangling? Give me a call.



01:44 Aug 11 2011

... That's beautiful. xD ♥

Do you do miracle babysitting too?!

10:25 Aug 11 2011

lol ... I too hate needles, I guess who doesn't. That was good thinking on your account ;-)

13:24 Aug 11 2011

o.o Will you wrangle me if I need a shot? I melt down, to. I mean, I don't POOP, but I do throw punches.

00:29 Aug 12 2011

Impressive :)


Dream Time

02:36 Aug 10 2011
Times Read: 970

I don't normally post my dreams here, but last night I had a doozy, one of those that hung over the whole day. I kept re-playing bits of it trying to make sense of it, then I figured there was no rhyme or reason to it, it must have just been one of those weird dreams.

It started out in a sort of airport terminal, where a flight was called and I was trying to get on it. I knew my mother had already gotten on board, so I stopped at this sort of service desk and told the lady there that my mother had already gotten aboard the flight and I needed to get on board too. She directed me into another area where there were lots of people coming and going. It was like a sort of house...there were rooms of all sorts, hallways, and people going here and there.

I saw Madonna in a bathroom, wearing a nice blouse and jeans and her hair pulled back into a ponytail, and she was brushing her teeth. I waved and asked her what was going on, but she just waved me on. I tried to find out how to get on the flight my mother was on, but eventually it dawned on me that I was in a sort of funny place and wasn't going to get on the plane at all.

One of the people I was with finally turned to me and said "Yes, you're dead. You won't be going on that flight." I was stunned, and I asked "But what about the light? What about the tunnel?" (that most people claim to see in near death experiences). The person said to me "It's not like that."

I remember sort of wandering after that, and I came to a room with some lovely blue carpeting. I asked someone what room was mine, or where I could sleep, and they said "Oh, just lie down anywhere!"

O.o. That was very unsettling. No wonder I couldn't get on the flight....and this may or may not be relevant, but my mother passed in 1997.



13:23 Aug 10 2011

The person was wrong. Your MOM got on the flight 'cause she went on. You just have to pick a comfy room in the waiting room here (earth) and wait for YOUR flight. Or, you know, make them drag you kicking and screaming to the terminal when it's your time. :)


More Food Stuff

01:18 Aug 09 2011
Times Read: 988

This month's issue of Food Network Magazine devotes a section to pizza. They went state by state and chose the best pizza in each one. As I read through the choices, I thought...who eats this stuff? I've eaten a ton of pizza in my time, and thought I'd seen and heard it all....but, wait...there's more. Has anyone had any of these pies.....

Wild nettle and pecorino pizza

White clam pizza

Alaskan salmon pizza

Lobster pizza

Mashed potato, bacon and scallion pizza

Crab rangoon pizza

Pancetta and soft cooked egg pizza

Gorgonzolla, rosemary and grape pizza

Lawsy. ONE state had a regular cheese and sausage pizza featured. And my state? Wisconsin's choice....Mac n' cheese pizza. Good gooby.



01:34 Aug 09 2011

... I thought I missed pizza ... but ... yeah, no, not now.

02:36 Aug 09 2011


17:42 Aug 09 2011

um, no. And I like pizza

23:40 Aug 31 2011

One of my friends thinks I'm weird because I sometimes eat pineapple on my pizza. Grapes? Salmon? What??



03:20 Aug 08 2011
Times Read: 1,000

I shouldn't read Food Network magazine before bedtime. The pullout insert this month is 50 bacon recipes. Plus about 20 other dishes that look yummy.



03:58 Aug 08 2011

I am just back from my jolly holidays and the local butcher has this amazing bacon that is locally cured my goodness and bless the pig its good.

12:53 Aug 08 2011

♥ Fifty. Bacon. Recipes.

I need to read that before bed time. I'll have dancing bacon strips in my head, and not nightmares cavorting!


What's In a Name....

00:59 Aug 06 2011
Times Read: 1,018

New customer....Mrs. Wilterdink.

That name sounds like baby talk..."coochie coo...oooh does oo wanna wilterdink?"

Well, anyway. More to report but I am strung out, wrung out and just plain tired. Toodles.



01:41 Aug 06 2011

Is that for real?




What is THIS shit?

00:58 Aug 04 2011
Times Read: 1,048

When dealing with customers' questions, it's best to be very specific with your replies, and ask lots of questions yourself. Otherwise you wind up with the situation I just got done with.

A guy phones up about 5:30 and says he has "a few shirts". Wants to know how much. We first have to ask what kind of shirts they are and he says business shirts. Okay, now we know what we are dealing with. So we tell him our price. He says he needs them by Saturday, since his new business is opening Monday and he needs the shirts for his staff this weekend.

I should have seen the warning flag right there. We told him to bring them before close of business tomorrow (Thursday) so we would be sure and have them done by the end of Friday. He says ok. My boss is about to leave but something tells me to ask him to stay for a few more minutes and I am damn glad he did.

The customer comes in...at about one minute to close, huffing and puffing and toting a big-ass carton FULL of shirts...all still in their plastic wrappers, full of pins and tags and carboard backs/collars. Holy mother of fuck. I about shit myself. Right away we tell him that he did not mention the shirts were STILL IN THE WRAPPERS IN A DAMN BOX and he says with a goofy grin "Well, you didn't ask." Mister, this is NOT something we should need to ask. This is also NOT "a few" shirts. This is a shitload.

We immediately told him, before he could open the box, that if we have to unwrap every goddamn shirt ourselves, take the pins out, take all the tags and wrappings off, that he would get charged a service charge. For not being honest with us over the phone, both with the condition of the shirts and the amount.

Right away he says "Well, I can see how you don't get much business. You have a real crappy attitude." I love it when people do this. We have so much incoming stuff that we are hiring extra staff (more on that later). We can't do it all in a day. And this jackass comes at closing with a shitload of shirts expecting us to take them all apart and back to him tomorrow (yep, he decided to change the day also).

My boss: "You want them or not? We are closing, and if you want them tomorrow, ALL OF US....INCLUDING YOU...are gonna stay here and unwrap all of these shirts." The guy about dropped his drawers. I shoved a cart at him and said "Let's go" and started grabbing shirts out of the box.

There turned out to be 60 shirts. We each did 20. Customer guy took a long time since he obviously had no experience doing this. Me and my boss were grabbing, unwrapping and tagging and had our 20 done and customer guy only had 6. Shit. Before we let him go we told him that in future we will need two full days if there will be this many shirts, and no bringing them in at the last minute.

He was decent enough to apologize. He thought people worked at our store all night and would have no trouble tagging his shirts. Uh, no. Fourteen hours is plenty, thank you, and in 100 degree heat too.

I got one ten minute break at lunch. Had to get up to wait on a customer, who proceeded to tell a long winded story about how the stain got on her suit (she was on a cruise, oh my, and had I ever been on one? did I know about all the food they had on cruises? I said no, but I do know about my lunch, which is going stale. Why the hell do people go on and on and on with a boring ass story? I've always been tempted to have a boat horn under the counter, and reach down and casually blast it when some yutz gets verbal diarrhea.) I'm about ready for bed right now.

Night night, VR.



01:50 Aug 04 2011

Wow. Just ..... wow.

Yeah. Wow.

02:20 Aug 04 2011

o.O Oh, oh my.

06:09 Aug 04 2011

I hear you can get a discount if you and me buy them horns in bulk...LMAO

08:33 Aug 04 2011

There has been many a time when I've unwrapped a new shirt and put it straight on my back ... with the odd pin still in, just to teach me a lesson in allowing myself more time.

Sweet dreams.


Nice Day

03:31 Aug 02 2011
Times Read: 1,082

It's a good day when you get to introduce two of your best customers to each other.

"Mr. Glasscock, I'd like you to meet Mr. Schittplank. Mr. Schittplank, meet Mr. Glasscock."

Now, what makes this really interesting is Mr. Glasscock has a daughter and Mr. Schittplank has a son. Imagine if they got married and the daughter hyphenated her new name: Debra Glasscock-Schittplank.

You have to be REALLY self-confident to go with a name like that. I don't know if I could.



03:55 Aug 02 2011


I have no words.

Except those words. So I guess I had some words, but not about this...

08:53 Aug 02 2011

Meh, what's in a name!! lol

12:45 Aug 02 2011

Gawd. Makes you wonder how names like that came about...I'm sticking with the name I have.

21:23 Aug 02 2011

A major name change would be in order if it was up to me...lol!

23:46 Aug 02 2011


I am snort giggling! You made me snork EGGS!

00:48 Aug 03 2011

I made Dee snork eggs? My work here is done. :)

01:23 Aug 03 2011

My dad, bless his heart, used to have a patient when he worked at Southwestern State Hospital, and every time he had to tell me about him, he giggled. I asked him once why he was giggling.

"I saw Mr. Sha-theed today...."


"He spells his name S H I T H E A D "

01:42 Aug 04 2011

I was SO sure you made this up. I just can't... gawd.

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